
Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

I love the Premier League

2024-07-01 08:45Creators in the field of sports

On July 1, Beijing time, the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association issued an announcement saying that Zhang Zhijie, a rising star of Chinese badminton men's singles, fainted during the game and then died in the hospital at the age of 17.

Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

In the announcement of the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association, they specifically emphasized that the Indonesian event doctor and medical team rescued Zhang Zhijie. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than 2 minutes, which was refuted by Zhang Zhijie's sister.

Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

The sister who lost her brother posted 5 updates in a row on her personal social account, questioning the event organizers and the medical team: "He is only 17 years old You said that he was rescued as soon as possible, saying that the local medical conditions are too poor, but I still can't accept it, our children are handed over to you in order to play in a place where the rescue is not timely and the medical level is not up to par?" ”

Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

Sadly, according to Zhang Zhijie's sister, just before the accident, Zhang Zhijie sent home the certificate of escort to the university. My sister also said that Zhang Zhijie is a very sensible child, and all the bonuses he got for the first time in this year's competition were given to his sister, parents, and grandparents to buy gifts.

Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

Zhang Zhijie, born in 2007, is a very potential new star of national badminton, and together with Hu Zhean and Wang Zijun, he is known as the "three heroes of national youth" in Chinese badminton. Just this year, he also won the men's singles championship of the Dutch Badminton International Championships, unfortunately, such a person may be the future men's singles hope of Chinese badminton, but because the organizer's rescue is not timely, he regrets saying goodbye to his beloved family and badminton career.

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  • Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family
  • Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family
  • Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family
  • Sadly, Guoyu's 17-year-old star just received a college certificate before his death, and the first prize was all left to his family

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