
It is only in middle age that people understand that living "selfish" is the right way to live


Where do you have to stand with others to get true friendship and love without harming yourself? Is it true that only by constantly giving can we get each other's sincerity and returns?

In life, we often laugh at those who are called "good old people". These people are always willing to help others in any situation, even at a great cost to them. But we don't think we're going to be happy if we live like this.

The elder often says that there is a blessing in suffering, so even if the good old man is often bullied and cuts the loss, there are still people who comfort him, saying that the damage is a blessing. But in fact, the good man is an extremely sad character in life, and he will definitely not get a happy and comfortable life.

In our daily lives, we sometimes meet people who are usually good-tempered, but suddenly they get emotional because of something and start to behave violently. But often the response they get is not understanding, but questioning: Why did they suddenly become so irritable?

It is only in middle age that people understand that living "selfish" is the right way to live

No one is born without a personality, it's just that many people choose to hide their true personality and thoughts, and choose to cater to others, so they seem to have a good personality.

There are often stories in the news about men who seem to be very honest, but because they have been insulted and bullied for a long time, they finally make extremely irrational decisions. Not only will these decisions fail to bring them justice, but they will also destroy their lives.

Blindly following others and giving selflessly may not be understood and appreciated by everyone. Instead, you will suppress your emotions for too long, and when you suddenly erupt, you may be alienated and blamed, saying that you have changed.

Many people endure it all their lives, and eventually live a depressed life, unwilling and remorseful. If you had been selfish and selfish when you were younger, you wouldn't have been so distressed.

Some people may be accommodating at first, but by middle age they realize that they can only enjoy happiness and ease if they think more about themselves, after all, some things are not necessarily in line with other people's wishes.

It is only in middle age that people understand that living "selfish" is the right way to live

Living more for yourself is a more personal lifestyle choice, and I would like to share this with you today.

Not everyone is worth it

Some friends borrow money from you and don't pay it back the first time, and you will forgive him because of friendship. The second or even the third time he still hasn't repaid, you will make excuses for him. But what will you get in return for doing so? Will he really see you as a good brother?

Some people tend not to be grateful, but when you are a good brother, they think that you are too weak and think that if you push him, you may be able to pay back. This kind of thinking will lead to them never paying you back.

In life, we can give, but distinguish between true friends and false friends who approach you only for their own benefit. If you give generously to everyone, you will only make your life more difficult, and those selfish friends will not lend a helping hand when you need it, but will just stand by and stand by. So, always pay attention and choose those trustworthy friends to avoid regrets.

It is only in middle age that people understand that living "selfish" is the right way to live

Selfishness turns oneself into a principled person with a bottom line

Being a little selfish will make you more personality and easier to make friends. Because then you will be seen by others as an independent thinker, not a puppet who listens to the wind and rain.

The existence of self-preservation consciousness represents our own adherence to principles and bottom lines, and we know what is not to be violated and what is acceptable. This sense of protection allows us to know ourselves better and live more freely.

People who know how to protect themselves are more trustworthy and more likely to gain respect from others than those who completely listen to the opinions of others and put their own thoughts on others.

Only by having your own life can you have your own mind and personality

Kind people give people the feeling that they have made a lot of friends, so some people feel that kindness is also a way of life that can bring joy and happiness, but this is only the appearance.

It is only in middle age that people understand that living "selfish" is the right way to live

If a person is too kind, then when encountering ups and downs in life, he will find that he has no real friends around him. All friends seem to be only superficial and unwilling to really listen and care about their hearts.

Only by having your own life can you shape your unique thoughts and personalities. Even if you're single, these are things you can't ignore. After all, if you have a family of your own, do you want them to have no life of their own like you?

Emotional Interpretation:

People usually don't understand many things until middle age, but by this time life is basically stable, so it is not easy to change. Many people will regret it, but as long as they are willing to change, life will definitely get better.

There are many such people in life, and if you are one of them, you can consider adjusting your attitude towards life appropriately. It's not impossible to seek some benefits for yourself once in a while, after all, life is short, and living happily is the most important thing.

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