
My husband secretly bought a house for my in-laws, and I was moved by my in-laws' approach when I learned about the divorce

author:The Coco story

In the winter of the Northeast, the north wind blew like a knife, and the heavy snow was sprinkled like salt, freezing the entire Northeast like an ice cellar. I, Li Cuihua, sat on the kang head of our house, the kang head was as hot as a stove, and I was holding a bowl of bud rice batter in my hand, steaming, but in my heart, it was colder than ice. A few days ago, I accidentally bumped into an incident, which made my heart turn over and overturned, and it made me uneasy.

Our family, my man Zhang Dashan, he secretly bought a suite for our parents without telling me. If this matter had been put aside, I might have been able to understand it, after all, the old man is old, and it is comfortable to have a nest of his own. But what's going on with our family now? The two babies go to school, the big high school, the small junior high school, they have to spend money everywhere, he is good, he doesn't say a word, and the money is spent. I was furious when I thought about it, why did this man care about his family like this? I've worked so hard to run this house, and he's good, like a nobody.

I had a showdown with him on the spot and asked him why he did this. He hesitated for a long time, and finally held back a sentence: "It's not easy for my parents, we have to be filial." "As soon as I heard this, the fire became even bigger, filial piety? Filial piety has to be honored with our family's money? I put down the cruel words on the spot: "I can't live this day, divorce!" As soon as the words of divorce came out, I also chuckled in my heart. We Northeast people have a straight personality and speak straight, but divorce is not a joke. I am angry, but I still hope that he can change his mind and give our family an explanation.

My husband secretly bought a house for my in-laws, and I was moved by my in-laws' approach when I learned about the divorce

But where can I hide this? The in-laws soon found out. Their old people are also anxious, they are a lot old, how can they withstand such a toss. Early the next morning, my in-laws braved the heavy snow to come to our house. As soon as I entered the door, my mother-in-law took my hand and said with tears in her eyes: "Cuihua, it's our old couple who has dragged you down." Dashan, this child, has been filial since he was a child, and he also wants us to have a place to settle down. If you really can't live because of this house, then we will sell the house and return the money to you. When I heard this, my heart felt as if I had been grabbed by something, and it was strange that it was not a taste. My mother-in-law said this sincerely, and I could feel that she really thought about us. Oh, it's not easy, it's like playing a drum. I sighed, I really didn't know what to say. My father-in-law also accosted him on the side, with a bit of northeastern straightforwardness in his voice: "Cuihua, we are all people in the same boat, what can't we talk about well?" Dashan, this kid is a little inconsiderate, but he still thinks about our family in his heart. If you have a bad time because of this house, then our old couple will not stay in this new house, and we will go back to our hometown. ”

When I heard this, my heart was even more uncomfortable. My in-laws are a lot older, and I have to worry about this little about us, how can I feel good about this? I wiped my tears, looked at them and said, "Mom and Dad, I don't blame you for this, it's Dashan and him...... He ...... "Before he finished speaking, the tears couldn't stop falling."

My husband secretly bought a house for my in-laws, and I was moved by my in-laws' approach when I learned about the divorce

Seeing this, my mother-in-law quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe my tears: "Cuihua, don't cry, our family has to live this day." If Dashan does something wrong, you should take care of it a little more, and our family will not have a hurdle that cannot be overcome. The father-in-law also nodded: "Yes, Cuihua, this day has to go on." Dashan boy, we will educate him well so that he will not be so impulsive in the future. ”

I listened to my in-laws' words, and the feeling in my heart was really angry and loving. I wiped my tears, took a deep breath, and said, "Mom and Dad, I won't worry about you for now. But Dashan, he has to give me an explanation, this money is not blown by the wind, he has to understand our family's difficulties. ”

When my in-laws heard this, they all smiled with satisfaction. My mother-in-law took my hand and said, "Cuihua, it's great that you can think so." Dashan, he will definitely give you an explanation. In this way, a family turmoil temporarily subsided. But I know it's not over yet. Zhang Dashan, he has to give me a clear answer, our family has to continue to live this life. And I have to think about how to deal with the things in this marriage.

My in-laws' words flowed into my heart like a warm current. I sniffed, resisted the grievances in my heart, and looked up at them. My parents-in-law are already old, their hair is gray, and they are also worried about this matter, and I really don't want to go. Oh, this is a whole thing, my father-in-law saw this scene, so he patted me on the shoulder and said to us: "Cuihua, you and the mountains are good, and we will settle our family's affairs by ourselves." If Dashan dares to come nonsense again, my old man will be the first to refuse! I nodded, the stone in my heart a little lighter. My mother-in-law took my hand again and persuaded softly: "Cuihua, you have been married to Dashan for so many years, what storms have you not experienced?" How can you say that it is scattered? We have to think about the children and give them a complete home. "Mother-in-law's words, like a needle, pierced my heart, yes, how can I be so selfish, just because of a momentary anger, ruined the home? The children are still young, and what they need is a warm home, not a broken haven. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I know I can't just leave it at that, but I can't just let it go so easily.

I raised my head, looked at my in-laws, and said, "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I won't give up this family easily." But Dashan, he has to give me an explanation, and we have to have an explanation for this money. "My in-laws were relieved when they saw me, and their faces bloomed with joy. The mother-in-law said, "Cuihua, don't worry, Dashan will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." "That night, I had a good talk with Dashan. I poured all my heart out to him, and his eyes turned red as he listened. He held my hand, choked up and said, "Cuihua, I'm sorry, I'm too impulsive." I didn't expect this to hurt you so much. I promise that I will not make such a mistake again in the future. "I looked at him, and the taste in my heart was really mixed. I know he's genuinely remorseful, but I can't just forgive him so easily.

I sighed and said, "Dashan, do you know how important this money is to our family?" Children's schooling, food and clothing, which one is inseparable from money? It's better for you to spend the money without saying a word. Dashan listened to my words, lowered his head and was silent for a long time. Then he said, "Cuihua, I know it's wrong. I promise it won't be like this again in the future. I'll find a way to make up for it. I looked at his determined eyes, and the stone in my heart was a little lighter. Oh, that's heartwarming. I saw that he was truly repentant this time, and our hearts softened, so let's give him another chance. I nodded and said to him, "Okay, we believe you this time, but we have to remember this lesson, and don't be stupid in the future." Dashan held my hand tightly and said, "Cuihua, if you give us this opportunity, we will not let you down." "After this incident, our relationship has become stronger, and I have better understood the importance of home, and I can't be hot-headed and break up the family. Our in-laws' approach is really touching, they can give up everything for our family, this family affection is really heartwarming.

In the following days, Dashan began to work hard, found a part-time job, and got up early every day to make more money and make up for his mistakes. I looked at his busy back, and my heart hurt and was happy, knowing that he was working hard for our family. Our in-laws are not idle, helping us take care of the children, so that we can concentrate more on work. They also often cook food for us, so that we can feel the warmth of home. I know that they are supporting us in their own way, so that we can face life's challenges stronger.

Slowly, our family's financial situation has also improved. Dashan is making more and more money, and our life is getting better and better. I thought to myself, this is all the result of our family working together, and I am proud and proud of it. But at this moment, Dashan suddenly received a phone call, it was a friend of his, saying that he had won the jackpot, and the prize money was enough for us to buy a big house. When Dashan heard the news, he jumped up with excitement and immediately told me the good news. I looked at his excitement and was very happy. But I know it's coming so quickly that we can't just spend it so easily. I said to Dashan: "Dashan, we can't just spend this money so easily, we have to plan it well and use it to improve our lives." Dashan listened to my words, nodded and said, "You're right, Cuihua, we have to make good use of this money and make it a new starting point for our family." ”

My husband secretly bought a house for my in-laws, and I was moved by my in-laws' approach when I learned about the divorce

So we started planning how to use the money. We first bought a big house so that the children can have a better living environment. We have added a small shop to our family for our parents to help take care of, so that they can not only enjoy the joy of family, but also help us share some financial burden. Let's all work together, and our family's days are getting more and more prosperous. The family is also more harmonious and full of happiness. I understand that this good life is all due to the strong support of our family, the support and understanding of our parents, and the concerted efforts of me and Dashan to work together.