
My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

author:The Coco story

In the winter of Gada in our northeast, the cold wind is swishing, which can shave people's faces like knives. But no matter how cold it is, it can't be cold. Our old Li Tou'er's heart is like the ice blown by the north wind, pulling out the cold.

Our old Li Touer, a sincere person, married a daughter-in-law named Gui Fen. The two have been married for more than ten years, and although they are not living well, they can be regarded as harmonious and beautiful. Lao Li Touer usually has no major problems, but he likes to drink two sips of wine, and when he drinks too much, he likes to chat with Gui Fen and talk about his heart. But sometimes I have to listen to it with a discount.

No, Lao Li Tou'er recently did something that made Gui Fen angry. One night, Lao Li Tou'er drank too much again, and Gui Fen helped him back to the house and lay down, and he was about to clean up and go to bed. Suddenly, she saw that Lao Li'er's mobile phone lit up, showing a bank transfer message. Gui Fen was shocked, Lao Li Tou'er usually doesn't spend a lot of money, why did he suddenly make such a transfer? She picked up her phone and looked at it, and almost fainted - the transfer amount was as high as hundreds of thousands!

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

Gui Fen's heart tightened, and she hurriedly woke up Lao Li Tou'er to ask for an understanding. Lao Li Touer was hesitant at first and refused to tell the truth. But Gui Fen is so foolish, as soon as she asked, Lao Li finally told the truth. It turned out that these hundreds of thousands of dollars were secretly transferred by Lao Li Touer to his ex-wife's children. Before Lao Li Touer married Gui Fen, he had a marriage and a child. After the divorce, the child followed his ex-wife, and although Lao Li Touer paid child support on time every month, he always felt sorry for the child. This time, when I heard that the child was going to study abroad, I was short of money, so I hid it from Gui Fen and transferred all the savings that the family had saved for several years.

When Gui Fen heard this, he came up angrily. She usually saves money and is reluctant to eat and wear, just to save more money for this family. But Lao Li gave the money to his ex-wife's children without saying a word, how could she not be angry? "How can you do that? Our family is not very rich and expensive, don't you know how long we have saved this money? How can you give it to someone so easily? Gui Fen cried and questioned Lao Li. Lao Li'er's face was like eating bitter gourd, and it was not a taste in his heart. He knew that he was not doing this properly, and looking at Gui Fen's tears like beads with broken threads, he was also worried in his heart. He explained in a whisper: "I... I just look at that kid and want to help. I really didn't think about it that much...""Didn't think about it that much? Have you ever thought about me? Ever thought about our home? The more Gui Fen spoke, the more excited she became, and her tears seemed to have opened the floodgates, and she couldn't stop it.

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

Lao Li'er's face was like a frosted eggplant, he knew that he really couldn't do it well, but in his heart, he was also kind. He sighed and said to Gui Fen, "Gui Fen, I know that I am wrong. I'm not going to be so foolish anymore. The family's money is up to you. "But how can Gui Fen turn the page so easily? The taste in her heart was more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis. She felt that her years of hard work had been in vain, and her own man had given his family to outsiders so easily. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and finally stomped her feet, packed up her things, and went back to her parents' house.

Old Li Touer sat alone in the room, and his heart was called a mixed taste. He knew he had made a mistake, but he really didn't know how to remedy it. He thought back to the years he had walked with Gui Fen, and those sweet times seemed like just yesterday. He felt that he couldn't just give up, and he had to find a trick to get Gui Fen back. So, Lao Li Touer began to inquire about Gui Fen's whereabouts. He went to Gui Fen's mother's house, to the places she usually loved to go, and even to the factory where the two of them used to work together. But no matter how he looked for it, Gui Fen seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no shadow at all.

Just when Old Li Tou'er was about to be disheartened, he suddenly remembered a place - the grove that the two of them had planted together. It was a testimony of their love and a fond memory they shared. Lao Li Tou'er felt that if Gui Fen still remembered this love, she would definitely go there. So, Lao Li decided to try his luck in that grove. He rode his bicycle and braved the biting cold wind all the way to the woods. He prayed silently in his heart, hoping to see Gui Fen there.

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

Lao Li pedaled the bicycle all the way, and his heart was like riding a roller coaster. The wind blew on his face, like a knife, and it hurt to cut, but he ignored it completely, and his heart was full of Gui Fen's shadow. Oh, this is all right, the old Li Tou'er finally arrived at the grove, you see that the leaves of the tree are blown by the wind, and the remaining trunk is like shivering in winter. Lao Li threw away the broken bicycle and looked around, thinking that he could catch a glimpse of Gui Fen's figure. But after looking for a long time, I didn't see anything, and Lao Li Tou'er was panicked in his heart, like an ant on a hot pot.

He sat down under the tree, pulled out the cigarette pouch, lit the fire, and took a hard puff to calm himself down. But when I thought of Gui Fen, tears couldn't stop falling, and my heart said: The most unpleasant person in my life is Gui Fen, why am I not a thing?

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard footsteps getting closer and closer. Lao Li Tou'er raised his head, hey, hey, that's not who Gui Fen is! Gui Fen also saw Lao Li Tou'er, was stunned, and then walked over with faster steps. When Lao Li saw this posture, he quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Guifen, why are you here?" Old Li asked with a stammer. Gui Fen didn't speak, just stared at Lao Li Tou'er with red eyes. Lao Li's heart tightened, knowing that Gui Fen's anger had not disappeared. He hurriedly explained: "Gui Fen, I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong. I'm sure I'm not going to do that anymore, you can do it, forgive me, right? ”

When Gui Fen heard this, tears fell down her eyes again. She looked at Lao Li'er's wrinkled face, and she didn't feel good in her heart. She knows that Lao Li is a good person, but sometimes his heart is too soft. But this incident really made her heart panic, and she felt that all these years of work had been in vain.

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

"How can you do that? Do you know how sad I am? Gui Fen finally spoke, crying in her voice. When Lao Li heard this, his heart was even more uncomfortable. He hugged Gui Fen and cried, "I know I'm wrong, I'm really wrong." You can beat me and scold me, just don't leave me, I can't live without you! ”

Gui Fen was hugged by Lao Li Tou'er like this, and her heart softened. She actually didn't think about leaving Lao Li Tou'er, she just thought it was too infuriating. Now seeing that Lao Li Tou'er apologized so sincerely, she felt better.

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

"You...... Do you really know it's wrong? Gui Fen asked, sobbing. Oh mom, Lao Li Tou'er is really hard-hearted this time, his tone is as hard as a stone, "I really know it's wrong!" "I won't do that again, I swear!" he said categorically. Gui Fen listened, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, she wiped her tears, and said to Lao Li Tou'er: "Then you have to have a long memory, our family's money has to be discussed and spent together, and you can no longer secretly give money to others." "

"Uh-huh, I remember!" Lao Li nodded like a rattle, "In the future, everything at home will be up to you, and you will do whatever you say!" Gui Fen saw that Lao Li was so sincere, and the little anger in her heart slowly disappeared. She looked at the surrounding woods, sighed and said, "Actually, I know that the child is quite pitiful, but you also know what is going on in our family, we can't patronize others and forget ourselves." "

When Lao Li heard this, he also understood what Gui Fen meant. He took Gui Fen's hand and said, "Don't worry, Gui Fen, I will pay attention to it in the future." We still have to live our life together! When Gui Fen heard this, her heart warmed up. She looked at Lao Li Tou'er's familiar face, and suddenly felt that her anger had disappeared. She gently patted the back of Lao Li'er's hand and said, "Then let's go home." "

My husband secretly gave his ex-wife a huge amount of property to her children, and when I found out, I was furious

When Lao Li heard this, he was as happy as a child. He quickly picked up the bicycle and let Gui Fen sit on it, and then rode himself in the direction of home. Along the way, neither of them spoke, but they both understood each other's thoughts in their hearts. Gui Fen knew that Lao Li Tou'er was really wrong, and Lao Li Tou'er also understood that Gui Fen was really willing to live with him for the rest of his life.

After returning home, Lao Li took the initiative to discuss the family's expenses with Gui Fen. He told Gui Fen about his previous mistakes and said that he would definitely handle family affairs more cautiously in the future. After listening to Lao Li Tou'er's words, Gui Fen also expressed her understanding and forgave him. Together, they made a plan for their household expenses and decided to hold a monthly family meeting to discuss the family's affairs.

Since then, Lao Li Tou'er and Gui Fen's life has become more and more prosperous. They support each other, understand each other, and tolerate each other's shortcomings. Although it has experienced a turmoil, the relationship has become deeper because of it. We Northeast people speak straight, we have to understand this matter. Although sometimes the two of them will have a little bump and quarrel, but it is all a passing moment, and in a blink of an eye, the matter will be turned over. Why? Because the two of them are like mirrors in their hearts, they know that each other is the most precious in their hearts. As for that, the "big money" that made the two of them feel a little pimple in their hearts in the past, after a long time, that matter slowly faded away, and became a small episode in their memories, just like the peanuts in the tavern, not salty or light, just to drink.