
My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

author:The Coco story

In our Northeast China, we pay attention to sincerity, but sometimes, this sincerity also has to pick a time and a person. Our old Li Tou'er has seen all the ups and downs in his life, but this time, his son Xiao Li gave him this whole thing, and almost wiped out half of his life savings. Lao Li Touer, that is an authentic Northeast man, has been crawling in the old streets all his life and saved a small family. This house, for him, is not just a pile of bricks and tiles, it is his life's work and pride.

But who would have thought that his son Xiao Li, who usually looks very clever, secretly mortgaged the house behind his back, saying that he wanted to invest in a big project and make a lot of money. As soon as Lao Li heard this, his head buzzed, and he said that this son is usually quite reliable, why did he suddenly make a mistake? The matter has come to this point, and Lao Li Touer can only bite the bullet and face this sudden change with his son.

Xiao Li is full of confidence, and assures Lao Li every day that this investment will definitely be successful, and when the time comes, he will not only be able to earn the house back, but also let the family live a good life. Lao Li Tou'er didn't know the bottom of his heart, but looking at his son's sworn appearance, he was embarrassed to say anything.

But this investment is like the weather in our northeast, and it will change. Within a few months, Xiao Li wilted, the investment project was yellow, and the money was lost. When Lao Li heard this, his heart felt like he had been cut by a knife, he had suffered all the hardships in his life, but he really hadn't experienced this kind of despair.

Xiao Li looked at his father's sad face, and he didn't feel good in his heart. He knew that he had caused a big disaster this time, but the matter had come to this point, and he could only face it head-on. He began to look for a job everywhere, wanting to pay back the money as soon as possible, but these days, how easy is it to find a job?

My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

Old Li Touer looked at his son's tired figure, and his heart was mixed. He knew that it was not easy for his son, but if this matter was spread out, how could their family still hold their heads up in the old street? He began to sleep all night long, wondering how to solve this problem.

One night, Lao Li Touer was sitting on the kang smoking a cigarette, when he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps outside the door, and his heart tightened, not knowing what was going to happen. Hey, this is a whole thing, Lao Li Tou'er's heart is really not a taste. His heart jumped, and he thought it was his own kid who was back, so he quickly threw away the cigarette butt and opened the door, okay, it was the neighbor Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang's face was as anxious as if she was something, and said to Lao Li: "Lao Li, have you heard of it?" Your Xiao Li mortgaged the house, and the investment lost a lot, and now our old street has spread the word! When Lao Li heard this, he screamed in his heart, thinking that why did this matter spread so quickly, and this little of his own family has become the talk of others after dinner. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I know this, we'll figure it out." Aunt Zhang sighed and said, "Lao Li, you have to think about it, if this house is gone, what will you two do?" Lao Li nodded, not to mention how uncomfortable it was in his heart. He regretted that he hadn't stopped his son from doing such a stupid thing.

As the days passed, the pressure on Lao Li Touer and Xiao Li became more and more intense. They began to borrow money from everywhere to redeem the house as soon as possible. But these days, who is short of money, how can anyone be willing to lend them money? Lao Li Tou'er looked at his son's increasingly thin figure, and the taste in his heart was really not a taste. He began to wonder if he had done something wrong in his life, why did he let his son come to this point? He began to sleep all night long, wondering how to solve this problem.

My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

Just when Lao Li Tou'er felt desperate, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of an idea. He decided to tell his wife about it and let her come up with an idea. He believes that as long as the family works together, they will be able to get through this difficult time. On a stormy night, Lao Li told his wife about it. When my wife heard this, tears fell, she didn't expect that she would experience such a change in her life, let alone that her son would come to this point. But she also knows that the most important thing now is to stand together and face this difficult time together.

So, Lao Li's family of three began to discuss countermeasures. They decided to borrow some money from relatives and friends for emergencies first, and then find a way to make money to pay off their debts. Although the road ahead is difficult, they believe that if they work together, they will be able to get through it. This matter, we Northeast people, we have to do this, and we have to be hard-headed, there is nothing that we can't get over! Oops, it's really hard to catch your breath these days. Lao Li's family, that is a busy, borrowing money everywhere, phone calls one after another, the bank debt collection ringing like a market. Lao Li Tou'er looked at the numbers he didn't know, and he was panicked in his heart, he knew that if he didn't pay back the money quickly, the family would really fall apart. At this time, Xiao Li suddenly received a phone call, saying that a big boss had taken a look at his project and was willing to pay for it. When Xiao Li heard this, he was excited, and thought, isn't this a life-saving straw. Hurriedly, he told the good news to Lao Li Touer and his wife. When the old couple heard it, they were also happy, and felt that this might be a good opportunity to turn the tables.

My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

Xiao Li hurriedly made an appointment with the big boss, saying that he wanted to talk about cooperation. Although Lao Li Touer and his wife were a little upset in their hearts, they could only support their son with their hopeful eyes. On the day of the meeting, the family went out early and went straight to the place designated by the big boss, a luxury club. Xiao Li nervously tugged at his clothes, for fear of leaving a bad impression. The old couple sat on the side, their hands clasped tightly, as if looking for some comfort.

But this meeting, it's really not like that. The big boss looked very kind, but he spoke so vigorously, revealing a sense of arrogance. He asked Xiao Li about the project vigorously, but listening to it, Xiao Li's heart became more and more bottomless. In the end, the big boss stopped and said to Xiao Li slowly: "Xiao Li, I have heard of your project, to be honest, I am not very optimistic." However, I see you as a piece of material, and I can show you the way if you want. When Xiao Li heard this, he was so excited in his heart that he hurriedly asked, "What way?" Big boss, give me some pointers! The big boss smiled and said, "I know a boss who wants to expand his business recently and is looking for a partner." "If you'd like to, I'll help you build a bridge." When Xiao Li heard this, he was happy in his heart, feeling that this might be a single-plank bridge that they turned over. He agreed without saying a word, and made a meeting point with the big boss. But it didn't go as he thought. The guy who called himself "the boss" was actually a liar, who saw Xiao Li's eagerness and simplicity and wanted to get some oil and water from him.

Xiao Li struggled with the liar for a long time, and finally came back to his senses and let people deceive him. He regretted it, and felt that not only did he not help the family, but he also let people play tricks. When Lao Li and his wife heard about this, their hearts were also full of emotions. They didn't expect things to turn out like this, let alone their son to be hit by this. But they also understand that the most important thing now is to cheer themselves together and face this difficult time together.

My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

So, they began to run from place to place, begging for help. They searched for relatives and friends, and even went to the bank to plead for mercy, but it was all in vain, and they didn't get any practical help. They begin to despair, thinking that their home may really be falling apart. But just when they were about to give up, an unexpected person appeared. He is Lao Li Tou'er's buddy when he was young, a brother who once roamed the rivers and lakes together. Hearing about the difficulties of Lao Li Tou'er's family, he decided to pull them along.

Lao Li got this money, and he was so grateful in his heart, he knew what this money meant to him, and he knew the weight of this affection. He planned to use the money to redeem the house first, and then slowly pay off the debt. As soon as the house was redeemed, Lao Li's family hugged each other tightly. They know that although this experience has caused them a lot of hardships, it has also made them cherish each other's feelings even more. They decided to start all over again and use their own hands to fight for their own happiness.

My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

After a long time, Lao Li's family slowly came out of the shadows. They began to work hard to earn money to pay off their debts, and their lives gradually got back on track.

Although they know in their hearts that the road ahead is still long, it is very difficult, but we Northeast people just don't believe in evil, as long as everyone thinks in one place and works hard in one place, no difficulties are a thing, and we will definitely be able to break into a new world. The investment project that they almost planted that time, in the end, turned out to be a big hole. Xiao Li made a big fall this time, but he also came out with an understanding: investment is a big risk, so you have to take it easy. He plans not to trust those who call themselves "big bosses" and those bells and whistles "investment opportunities" in the future, and he has to rely on his own ingenuity and hands to work hard and earn his own piece of the world.

Lao Li Touer and his wife also realized a truth: home, that is our most precious thing, no matter what wind and waves we encounter, we have to hold together and carry it together. They plan to cherish each other's feelings more in the future, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and contribute to our family together, so that our days will be more prosperous.

My husband secretly mortgaged the property investment and failed, and my marriage with him was in a desperate situation

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