
When leaving school before the college entrance examination, the boy strode up to a girl and said, "Can I hug you?"


Title: A special hug before leaving school


On the night before the college entrance examination, a mixed mood permeated the campus. The tense atmosphere of preparing for the exam and the sadness of parting are intertwined, which makes everyone's heart feel extra soft. That night, a guy strode up to a girl and made an unexpected request: "Can I hug you?" ”

When leaving school before the college entrance examination, the boy strode up to a girl and said, "Can I hug you?"

This boy's name is Xiao Li, and he has been silently liking the girl Xiao Wang sitting in front of him. The two of them have always been good friends, but Xiao Li has never had the courage to express his feelings to Xiao Wang. On the night before the college entrance examination, he felt that this was his last chance, so he mustered up the courage and decided to confess to Xiao Wang.

When leaving school before the college entrance examination, the boy strode up to a girl and said, "Can I hug you?"

Xiao Wang hesitated for a moment when he heard Xiao Li's request. She knew that the hug could mean a new start in their relationship, but she was also worried that it would affect their studies and future. However, seeing Xiao Li's determined eyes, Xiao Wang finally agreed to his request.

The moment the two embraced, it was as if time had stopped. This simple hug is full of their care and understanding for each other, and it also contains their efforts and persistence that they have been silently putting in. At this moment, they seem to have forgotten everything, and only wish that this moment could be eternal.

When leaving school before the college entrance examination, the boy strode up to a girl and said, "Can I hug you?"

This special farewell to school means a lot to them. They know that after the college entrance examination, they may go to a different city, or even a different country, to start a new life. And this hug is like their farewell to this period of youth, and it is also a kind of expectation for their future.

Although the pressure of the college entrance examination forced them to temporarily let go of their feelings, they both understood that this emotion would not fade with the passage of time. They believe that as long as there is love in their hearts, their hearts will be connected wherever they go.

This special hug before leaving school not only made them feel the warmth of each other, but also made their youth more beautiful. They know that this time will become the most precious memory of their lives, and this hug will also become an eternal mark in their hearts.

After the college entrance examination, they each went to different cities and started a new life. But they have always kept in touch and shared each other's joys and sorrows. Their relationship has become deeper in the baptism of time, and their lives have become more colorful.

This special hug on the occasion of leaving school before the college entrance examination not only changed their fate, but also made them understand the true meaning of love. They know that with love, it is possible to overcome all difficulties and achieve their dreams. And this love will also become the most solid backing in their lives, supporting them to move forward bravely.

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