
Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

Big S (Xu Xiyuan), who used to be a goddess in everyone's minds, has a beautiful marriage. However, a set of photos in the media makes people sigh at her change. In the photo, Da S is wearing pajamas, with bright red lips and a blurred look. This begs the question, who is this dress for? Are you showing off your lipstick?

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

Netizens had mixed reactions. Some netizens said, "She may just want to maintain her image at home, which is understandable." But some netizens questioned, "Is this state that doesn't seem to be in good spirits really good?" ”

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

Some experts pointed out that as a public figure, every move of Big S will be infinitely amplified and interpreted. This state of affairs may be due to work pressure or some problems in her personal life. However, some experts believe that public appearances in this state may have a negative impact on her image and public influence.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

Big S once married Wang Xiaofei with infinite glory, and this marriage was once regarded as a good story in the entertainment industry. However, now, she has chosen to get together with Korean artist Gu Junye, and this relationship has caused a lot of controversy. Some people are happy for her and think that she has found true happiness, but there are also many people who are confused about her choice.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

"People, how important it is to choose, one wrong step is a lifelong mistake." A netizen commented. Indeed, the choice of marriage and partner has a profound impact on a person's life. Whether Big S's choice is correct or not, only she knows, but the public's eyes have never left.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

Some psychology experts said that Da S's choice may be due to dissatisfaction with his previous marriage and his yearning for a new life. However, judging from her recent form, it will take time to verify whether she really gets her wish.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

The former goddess is now in the public eye with "dead fish eyes" and messy big red lips, which is inevitably disappointing. This is the marinated egg Gu Junye is leaving, is Big S starting to "go crazy"? Or is she re-examining her life and image?

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

A senior entertainment commentator pointed out, "This state of Big S may be a way to release pressure." But there are also comments that "as a public figure, she should pay more attention to her image management so as not to have a negative impact on fans." ”

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

In any case, the changes in Big S have attracted widespread attention and discussion. Every step of her choice invisibly affects her image and public perception.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

The changes in Big S make people sigh at the importance of life choices. From her glamorous marriage to her current state, she is showing the public the trajectory of her life every step of the way. Perhaps, she is going through a process of rediscovering herself. In any case, we hope that she can find her own happiness.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

What do you think about the current situation of Big S? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your views. Every comment you make is a sign of care and support for her. Let's follow this one-time goddess together and see how her future path will develop.

Big S is following Gu Junye now, I don't know if I have any regrets in my heart? How many people sighed!

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