
Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain did not spread the anger

author:Jingle Events
Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain did not spread the anger

In the final of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, Zhang Ziyu showed her basketball talent, however, the Chinese youth women's basketball team finally lost the championship, which is embarrassing.

In the first to second quarters of this tournament, the Australian team showed their dominance, and they were excellent both offensively and defensively, and they maintained their lead throughout. The Chinese team seemed to be a little passive and fell into a situation of great pressure. At the end of the first half, they were seven points behind and the tension on the pitch reached the fans off the pitch.

A heated discussion began on the Internet, and some fans said: "The performance of the Chinese team in the first half was indeed a little disappointing, especially on the defensive end, which was obviously suppressed by the opponent. Another netizen added: "However, the performance of the Chinese team in the second half was really unexpected, and Zhang Ziyu's inside performance was simply an irresistible force." ”

In the third quarter, the Chinese team showed amazing fighting spirit, especially Zhang Ziyu, who performed impressively on the inside, not only scoring points, but also playing a key role in rebounding, winning valuable offensive opportunities for the team. This uplifted many viewers, who took to social media to express their support and encouragement.

Someone wrote on Weibo: "Zhang Ziyu is really our national treasure, her persistence and fighting spirit are admirable." Another fan also sighed: "The rebound of the Chinese team is really unexpected, and the performance in the second half makes people hopeful." ”

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain did not spread the anger

However, at the crucial moment of the final, the Chinese team failed to hold on to the lead. In the fourth quarter, although they narrowed the gap to four points twice, when Wang Jiaxin's two solo attempts as the captain failed to work, the opponent took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and finally opened the score gap again. The scene left the fans sighing, who thought it might be a lost victory.

A fan wrote in the WeChat group: "Wang Jiaxin did perform well at the last critical moment, but unfortunately did not lead the whole team through this last hurdle." Others said: "This game ended up being lost on the defensive end, and the mistakes at the crucial moments made it impossible for us to recover the situation." ”

In this match, Zhang Ziyu showed unparalleled individual ability and significant contribution to the Chinese team. With an astonishing 42 points and 14 rebounds, she became the team's pillar. Zhang Ziyu's performance was not only impressive, but also showed fans her extraordinary ability on the field and her desire to win.

In stark contrast to Zhang Ziyu is the performance of captain Wang Jiaxin. At the critical moment of the match, Wang Jiaxin chose to play two singles, but unfortunately failed to score effectively, but instead provided the opponent with a chance to counterattack. Such a decision disappointed the fans and became one of the focal points of many discussions after the game. Fans questioned Wang's leadership and teamwork spirit, believing that she should rely more on the strength of the whole team at critical moments.

The post-match scene was moving. Zhang Ziyu was emotionally out of control, she couldn't stop crying off the court, and her teammates and coaches stepped forward to comfort her. This touching scene deeply touched everyone present, and let everyone see the real emotions and dedication of the athletes behind the competition.

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain did not spread the anger

The reaction of the commentators and fans to the whole game was also very intense. They have expressed their appreciation and support for Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance, believing that she is the absolute core of the Chinese team. At the same time, they criticized Wang Jiaxin's decision-making, arguing that she should consider the interests of the team more at critical moments, rather than choosing personal risks.

Overall, this game not only showed the strength of the Chinese team in terms of individual ability, but also exposed some shortcomings in teamwork and leadership. Zhang Ziyu's performance became a positive story, while Wang Jiaxin's decision became a negative story. This competition is not only a sports competition, but also a deep reflection on teamwork and individual struggle.

Some netizens expressed a strong opinion on social media: "Some people say that my personal opinion is that No. 8 Wang Jiaxin must be expelled from the national team, even the provincial team is not eligible to enter, in addition, the head coach can also leave class, and the coaching staff can also be disbanded." ”

The remark sparked a wide discussion. Some fans support this view, arguing that Wang Jiaxin's performance in the game is not representative of the national team's level and that other young players should be given more opportunities. One netizen commented: "Wang Jiaxin's performance was disappointing, and her two singles at key moments were clearly a display of individual heroism, and this mentality is not suitable for the team spirit of modern basketball." Another fan added: "If even the provincial team is eligible to participate, she may consider retiring." ”

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain did not spread the anger

However, there are also some netizens who have reservations about this. They believe that Wang Jiaxin, as an experienced captain, has also contributed a lot in the past matches and cannot make such a big decision based on just one game. One fan said on the forum: "Although Wang Jiaxin's performance in this match is regrettable, we must not forget her leadership role and contribution to the team in previous games. ”

There are also different voices about the situation of the manager and the coaching staff. Some fans believe that the manager should be responsible for the tactical arrangements and substitutions made during the game, saying: "The manager should be responsible for the overall tactics of the game, and if there is a tactical mistake, he should also be held accountable accordingly. "As for the disbandment of the coaching staff, some are on the fence, believing that more time and discussion may be needed to assess the performance of the coaching staff as a whole.

Although the Chinese youth women's basketball team failed to win the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, their fighting spirit and Zhang Ziyu's individual ability were impressive. In the future, the team will need to further improve in terms of tactical execution and teamwork, especially when it comes to key moments, and more calm and unity. I believe that in the future competitions, they will once again show strong competitive strength and strive for better results.

Too aggrieved! Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain did not spread the anger

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