
used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

author:Haha Academy
used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017
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used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

At the beginning of the Lunar New Year in 2017, a poignant scene unfolded in an ordinary nursing home in Guangzhou. A table tennis world champion who once won glory for the country passed away quietly on this day when the family should have been reunited.

She is Liang Lizhen, the woman who made the five-star red flag fly high in the international arena in the 60s.

From the glory of the past to the loneliness of her later years, Liang Lizhen's life trajectory is embarrassing. Why did the former sports hero choose to spend the rest of his life in a nursing home? What kind of bitterness and persistence are hidden behind her story? Let's uncover the little-known chapter of the legendary athlete's life and explore her journey from the top to the ordinary.

In 1945, Liang Lizhen was born in an ordinary family in Liwan District, Guangzhou. In her childhood, she was like a flower blooming in the sun, lively and lovely.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

However, the gears of fate quietly turned when she was 8 years old, opening an extraordinary journey for her life.

When she first entered the school, Liang Lizhen, like other children, was organized by the school to participate in swimming training. As a coastal city, swimming skills are regarded as essential survival skills.

Little Liang Lizhen sweats in the pool every day and strives to improve her swimming skills. However, no matter how hard she tried, the results were always not satisfactory.

In the pool, Liang Lizhen is always the first to jump into the water, but she is the last to climb ashore. This frustration left her devastating young and filled with self-doubt.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

She began to question whether she was really fit for the sport of swimming.

Just when Liang Lizhen was about to give up, a discerning coach noticed her potential. The coach was keenly aware that despite Leung's poor swimming performance, her reflexes were exceptionally remarkable.

"Liang Lizhen," the coach said earnestly, "I think your talent is more suitable for playing table tennis."

This sentence is like a ray of light, illuminating Liang Lizhen's confused future. Although she was apprehensive, she still mustered up the courage and resolutely switched from the pool to the table tennis table.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

Surprisingly, Liang Lizhen has shown amazing talent in table tennis. The racket seemed to come to life in her hands, and every shot was precise and powerful.

This decision became a turning point in Liang Lizhen's life. Since then, she has embarked on a road of table tennis full of glory and challenges. In the following days, Liang Lizhen devoted herself to table tennis training.

Her rate of improvement was impressive, and she quickly stood out from her peers.

The coach's insight not only changed the trajectory of Liang Lizhen's life, but also cultivated a future world champion for China's table tennis career. This experience made Liang Lizhen deeply realize that everyone has their own unique talents, and the key is to find a stage that suits them.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

From the pool to the table tennis table, Liang Lizhen completed the first gorgeous transformation of her life, and thus started her legendary sports career.

Liang Lizhen soon realized that talent alone could not succeed in competitive sports. She began to train hard, practicing two to three hours a day more than the rest of the team.

While the other children were still asleep, Liang Lizhen was already standing in front of the table and sweating. Her diligence and perseverance soon paid off.

At the age of 12, Liang Lizhen rose to prominence among her peers and attracted the attention of her coach. The speed of her progress is amazing, as if she were a rising star.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

In 1958, Liang Lizhen, who was only 13 years old, successfully entered the Guangdong Provincial Training Team with her outstanding performance. This was both a great encouragement and the beginning of an even greater challenge for her.

In the provincial training team, Liang Lizhen met more outstanding players, and the competition became more intense. However, these difficulties did not defeat her, but instead inspired her to fight more strongly.

She redoubles her training and constantly challenges herself to push her limits. Her efforts were not in vain and she quickly stood out in the team.

In 1960, 15-year-old Liang Lizhen ushered in another important moment in her life - she was selected for the national training team. Standing in front of the threshold of the national team, Liang Lizhen was both excited and apprehensive.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

She knows that this means she's going to be up against a higher level of opponents and will need to sweat more.

In the national team, Liang Lizhen encountered greater challenges, especially the experience in the training area of the five central and southern provinces gave her a profound lesson. In the face of many talented players, she once felt powerless, and even ranked low among the more than 50 team members.

But Liang Lizhen was not defeated, she secretly determined: since her talent is not as good as others, she must make up for it with extra efforts.

At this stage, Liang Lizhen met her "senior sister" Xu Ruiqin. Xu Ruiqin gave Liang Lizhen selfless guidance and encouragement to help her regain her confidence. "Your strength lies in your quick reflexes," Xu Ruiqin told Liang Lizhen, "you should make full use of this advantage, strengthen your confidence, continue to train hard, and I am convinced that it will not be long before you will be able to achieve more brilliant results."

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

These words gave Liang Lizhen great encouragement.

With the encouragement of her coach and teammates, Liang Lizhen returned to more strenuous training. She practiced for a few hours more every day than the rest of the team, even if her palms were blistered.

Finally, after unremitting efforts, Liang Lizhen's technology has made a qualitative leap. In just a few months, she went from being a junior in the team to being at the top of the list, even finishing in the top eight.

This experience not only honed Liang Lizhen's ball skills, but also honed her perseverance. She deeply understands that in competitive sports, talent is important, but what is more important is perseverance and the spirit of never giving up.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

From a novice to the national team's counterattack, Liang Lizhen used her own experience to interpret the true meaning of "diligence can make up for clumsiness", and also laid a solid foundation for her brilliant performance in the international arena in the future.

After years of hard training, Liang Lizhen finally ushered in the highlight of her sports career. In 1961, 16-year-old Liang Lizhen stepped on the international stage for the first time and participated in the 26th World Table Tennis Championships.

Despite being her debut, she showed amazing strength and composure. The "Shuangzhen" combination formed with partner Han Yuzhen won the third place in the women's doubles in one fell swoop, which made the people of the whole country excited.

However, success has not been without its challenges. In the 27th World Table Tennis Championships in 1963, the Chinese women's table tennis team suffered a setback and failed to reach the final. This defeat brought a heavy blow to Liang Lizhen and the entire team, but it also became the motivation for them to catch up.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

Liang Lizhen is secretly determined to win the championship in the competition in two years. To that end, she and her teammates put in even more strenuous training. The national team has adopted an innovative training model of "men helping women", inviting male players to compete against female players to improve the overall strength of the women's team.

What's even more exciting is that the world champion Rong Guotuan personally coached the women's team, injecting new vitality into their training.

In high-intensity training, Liang Lizhen is often so tired that her hands are stiff and unable to lift them. But she never thought of giving up, and the desire to win always burned in her eyes. This belief sustained her to her feet again and again and to continue swinging the racket.

Her persistence and hard work have infected the whole team, and everyone is striving for the same goal.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

Finally, at the 28th World Table Tennis Championships in 1965, 20-year-old Liang Lizhen led the Chinese women's team to make history. They won the first world table tennis women's team gold medal in Chinese history.

When the five-star red flag was raised on the field, Liang Lizhen burst into tears. At this moment, she not only realized her dream, but also won supreme glory for her motherland.

The glory of this world championship is not only the peak moment of Liang Lizhen's personal life, but also marks the center of Chinese table tennis on the world stage. It laid the foundation for the glory of the Chinese table tennis team in the future, and also inspired countless young athletes to pursue their dreams.

In 1973, Liang Lizhen, who was nearly 30 years old, officially announced her retirement. Although she left the competitive arena, her love for table tennis has never waned. Liang Lizhen chose to continue to shine in this field and contribute to the cause of Chinese table tennis.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

After retiring, Liang Lizhen did not choose a comfortable life, but put her experience and enthusiasm into the development of table tennis. In 1980, she became the Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Sports Commission, responsible for the development of table tennis.

In this position, Liang Lizhen has poured her rich experience into cultivating a new generation of table tennis players. She knows that the development of a sport is inseparable from the cultivation of reserve forces.

Under her guidance, many young players have grown rapidly, injecting new vitality into the future of Chinese table tennis.

In 2005, Liang Lizhen, who has been retired for many years, once again contributed to the table tennis career. She carefully planned and organized the 50th anniversary tour exhibition of Chinese table tennis.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

This event not only reviewed the glorious history of Chinese table tennis, but also made more people understand and fall in love with the sport. Leung Lai Chun personally participated in it, learning from ordinary citizens and using her influence to promote table tennis.

Her passion has infected countless people and made the sport of table tennis more widely popular in China.

Although she has been retired for many years, Leung's desire to compete has never faded. In 1985, she participated in the World Veterans Games held in Canada at her own expense.

In this competition, Liang Lizhen showed her former style and finally won the women's table tennis singles championship. This experience allowed her to fulfill her "Olympic dream" and proved that her love for table tennis will never fade.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

Liang Lizhen used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "retirement does not fade". Her perseverance and dedication have not only promoted the development of China's table tennis industry, but also inspired more people to devote themselves to this sport.

Her story has become a microcosm of China's sportsmanship, showing an outstanding athlete's lifelong dedication to the cause he loves.

In order to devote herself to the table tennis career, Liang Lizhen chose to remain unmarried for life. She dedicated her life to the sport she loved so much, leaving no heirs.

In her later years, Liang Lizhen made a surprising decision - to take the initiative to live in a nursing home. This choice stems from her reluctance to burden her non-existent children, and it also reflects her independent character.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

In the nursing home, Liang Lizhen still maintains her love for table tennis. She often competes with other elderly people and shares her table tennis experience. Even though she is old, she can still show her former style in front of the table, which makes people see the persistence and love of a veteran.

Her story inspires other seniors in the nursing home and attracts many young people to come and ask for advice.

However, fate is always full of drama. In the Spring Festival of 2017, it was supposed to be a day of family reunion, but Liang Lizhen passed away quietly in a nursing home. Her departure was so quiet, as if it was an interpretation of her low-key life.

Cleaners found her body during a routine morning check-up, putting an end to the one-time world champion.

used to be a world champion, and in his later years, he didn't let his children worry about going to a nursing home, and unfortunately passed away during the Spring Festival in 2017

Liang Lizhen's life, from glory to ordinary, from hustle and bustle to silence, interprets the persistence and dedication of an athlete. She used her life to interpret her infinite love for table tennis and the motherland, leaving a legendary and touching story.

Although her later years were lonely, her spirit lives forever in the history of Chinese table tennis, inspiring those who come after her to continue to move forward.

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