
"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

author:Xiaozhu Literature
"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender
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"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

On the field of the Qatar World Cup, a lightning-like figure caused an exclamation from fans around the world. The 24-year-old Kylian Mbappe, the French striker known as the "Turtle", successfully led the team to the knockout stage with his incredible speed and superb skills.

However, when the cheers on the field gradually subsided, people's eyes turned to the private life of the young star, who is worth a whopping 1.2 billion yuan.

Mbappe's emotional world seems to be more striking than his ball skills. Why does he have a sole love for older women? In just a few years, he has experienced many high-profile "sister and brother loves".

What's even more surprising is that one of his rumored girlfriends turned out to be transsexual. What secrets are hidden in the private world of this football rookie? Let's unravel the mystery of Mbappe's emotional life and explore the inner emotional world of this talented player.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

In 2018, the 19-year-old made his debut on the World Cup stage, showing extraordinary potential. In the audience, a woman wearing the jersey of the French national team caught the attention of the media.

She is the French actress Alice, eight months older than Mbappe. This scene became the beginning of Mbappe's first fall into the whirlpool of scandals, and also marked his gradual entry into the public eye.

As time went on, Mbappe's skills improved and his private life came under more scrutiny. In 2019, when Mbappe was 21 years old, rumors spread about his affair with actress Estelle Exposito.

Although Mbappe has never publicly acknowledged the relationship, the media speculation and attention has never stopped. Estelle is beautiful and loved by many fans, and this rumored relationship has sparked widespread discussion in the entertainment industry.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

In just a few years, Mbappe has grown rapidly from a rookie full of potential to a whopping 1. 600 million euros (about 1.2 billion yuan) of superstars.

His performances on the pitch were stunning, and he was called a "monster presence" by football journalists. At the 2024 World Cup in Qatar, Mbappe's wonderful performance once again proved his quality, successfully leading the French team to the knockout round.

However, as his fame and fortune have grown, Mbappe's private life has become more and more compelling. He seems to be beginning to show a different view of love, especially his preference for older women.

This tendency is especially evident in his many scandals.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

Despite Mbappe's brilliance on the pitch, he has kept a relatively low profile in his private life. He rarely shares his life on social platforms, and rarely acknowledges any of his relationships publicly.

This cautious attitude may stem from the importance he attaches to his own image, or it may be to protect the privacy of himself and those around him.

Mbappe's growth is not only about improving his skills, but also about gradually adapting to the public's attention. From a 19-year-old World Cup rookie to a 24-year-old football superstar, Mbappe has undergone a huge change on and off the pitch.

His story not only shows the rise of a talented player, but also reflects the challenges and pressures faced by modern sports stars.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

There is a striking feature in Mbappe's love life: he seems to have a soft spot for older women. This tendency is especially evident in his many scandals, adding a bit of mystery to his private life.

The most striking is Mbappe's relationship with De Valib. The then 20-year-old Mbappe was captured by the media as he watched the match with the beautiful and glamorous woman.

Although the age gap between the two is not large, De Valib's mature and elegant temperament contrasts sharply with Mbappe's youthfulness. In the picture, the interaction between the two is full of youthful vitality and shyness, like young people who have tasted love for the first time.

They sometimes strolled through the park, sometimes went out together, and these intimate interactions undoubtedly sparked public speculation and attention.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

Immediately afterwards, Mbappe had an affair with model Rose Bertram. Not only is Rose three years older than Mbappe, but what is even more surprising is that she is already a mother of two.

It is reported that Rose was in love with Dutch footballer Van der Wiel for eight years and had two children. Mbappe can spark love with a woman who has become a mother, which is really jaw-dropping.

The relationship once again confirms Mbappe's preference for mature women.

This unique love preference of Mbappe may stem from his personality traits. As a low-key and reserved person, he seems to be more inclined to look for an established partner who can understand and support him.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

Older women may be more emotionally stable and able to give him more understanding and tolerance. At the same time, their experience and wisdom may provide Mbappe with a different perspective on life, helping the young football star better cope with the challenges of Vanity Fair.

In addition, the open social atmosphere in France also provides the soil for this feeling. In France, romantic relationships with large age gaps are not uncommon and are even universally accepted.

The most famous example is French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte, who is 24 years older than Macron. In such a social context, Mbappe's "sibling love" seems to be less surprising.

However, Mbappe's love life has not been all smooth sailing. In the face of the continued media attention and the curious gaze of the public, he chose to remain silent. This low-key attitude not only protects his privacy, but also reflects the value he cherishes his feelings.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

Despite the scandals, Mbappe has never publicly admitted to any of his relationships, and this cautious attitude has also led to more speculation about his views on feelings.

Mbappe's "sibling love" tendency not only reflects his personal emotional choices, but also reflects the changes in the concept of love in contemporary society to a certain extent. In this era when age is no longer an obstacle, people pay more attention to emotional fit and spiritual resonance.

Mbappe's story may be a microcosm of this new view of feelings.

In September 2023, a set of photos that shocked the football world went viral. In the photo, 24-year-old Kylian Mbappe "princesses" a beautiful woman on the beach, and the two look intimate and full of happy smiles.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

This woman is the model Maria Luisa, who is 8 years older than Mbappe. However, it wasn't their age gap that really caused a stir, but Maria's special identity: she was transgender.

Maria Luisa's life story is legendary in its own right. She lived as a man until she was 16 years old. Then, she made a major decision that changed the trajectory of her life: to make a gender transition.

This decision not only requires great courage, but also faces prejudice and skepticism in society. However, with her strong belief and unremitting efforts, Maria managed to step into the highly competitive fashion industry.

What is even more admirable is that Maria never tried to hide her past. Instead, she chose to be honest with the public and voluntarily disclose her transgender experience. This honesty and courage not only did not hinder her career development, but won her more respect and opportunities.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

At the age of 26, Maria managed to appear on the cover of Playboy magazine, making a name for herself and becoming the new darling of the fashion industry.

Mbappe's relationship with Maria is undoubtedly the most controversial part of his love life. As a world-class football star, Mbappe's every move is in the spotlight.

And his choice to openly and intimately interact with a transgender model undoubtedly sparked a huge shock and discussion.

However, Mbappe doesn't seem to be out of the eyes of the world of surprise. On the beach, they relax and enjoy the world of two. Mbappe has a happy smile on his face and is not in the slightest bit influenced by the people around him.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

This calmness and confidence may be part of Mbappe's charm.

The relationship sparked a lot of discussion among fans and the public. Some have questioned Mbappe's choice, arguing that it could affect his career and public image. There were also those who expressed their support, praising Mbappe for his open-mindedness and courage.

But more people were surprised and curious about Mbappe's choice and what exactly made the young football superstar so obsessed with Maria.

In a society where sexism and prejudice still exist, Mbappe's choice undoubtedly shows his out-of-the-box thinking and open-mindedness. He showed through his actions that love should not be limited by gender, age, or past experiences.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

This attitude not only reflects his personal values, but also provides an opportunity for the public to rethink love and acceptance.

However, as with previous scandals, Mbappe has not made any public response to the relationship. He has kept a low profile and focused on his football career.

This approach not only protects her privacy and that of Maria, but also avoids unnecessary disputes affecting her career.

The story of Mbappe and Maria is not only a compelling love affair, but also a modern allegory of courage, authenticity and acceptance. It challenges traditional perceptions of love and offers hope for those who struggle with gender identity.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

Regardless of how the relationship ultimately develops, it has sparked an important conversation in society about love, inclusion, and equality.

While Kylian Mbappe's private life has been in the media spotlight, the young football superstar has kept an unusually low profile on social media. Unlike many sports stars of his age, Mbappe rarely shares his daily life or relationship status online.

His social media accounts are more about the highlights on the pitch and the big moments of his career than about the moments of his personal life.

In the face of complicated scandals, Mbappe has always remained silent. Whether it's an intimate interaction with De Valib, rumours with Rose Bertram, or beach photos with transgender model Maria Luisa, Mbappe has never publicly responded or admitted to any relationship.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

This cautious attitude may stem from the importance he attaches to his own image, or it may be to protect the privacy of himself and those around him.

Mbappe seems to know how to balance his private and professional lives. He doesn't let scandals affect his performance on the pitch and focuses on improving his game and achieving his professional goals.

At the same time, he does not let the identity of a football star constrain his emotional choices, and maintains an independent personality and judgment.

This low-key and confident way of doing things allows Mbappe to maintain a rare calmness in the chaotic Vanity Fair. He illustrates how a modern sports star can maintain his personal space in the spotlight without losing his authenticity and charm.

"Turtle" Mbappe: family fortune of 1.2 billion, three sibling relationships, and the rumored girlfriend is transgender

Kylian Mbappe's charisma is not only due to his outstanding performance on the pitch, but also to his unique personality. The 24-year-old football superstar seems to possess a magical appeal that has made him a popular model and actor alike.

Mbappe's handsome appearance combined with his amazing football talent has created a whole new image of a sports star. His story shows how the modern footballer can cross the fashion scene and become an all-round public figure.

However, perhaps Mbappe's real charm lies in his insistence on himself. Whether it's choosing an older partner or accepting a transgender girlfriend, he has shown maturity and open-mindedness beyond his years.

This willingness to break the mold has allowed Mbappe to shine on and off the football pitch and become a representative of a new generation of icons.

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