
The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

author:Xiaozhu Literature
The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death
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The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

On a calm night, 79-year-old national first-class actor Du Yulu passed away quietly. There was an indescribably heavy atmosphere in his home. Long-term lung cancer torture has made the actor, who once radiated on stage, skinny and withered.

It is incomprehensible that at the end of his life, he was unable to go to the hospital for treatment.

Even more surprising was that only six people were present at his funeral, which was incredibly low-key. However, it is this unknown old man who has brought laughter and emotion to countless audiences.

At the end of his life, he still maintained amazing courage and open-mindedness, and said to his family: "The universe is so big, we will meet again." "The artist's life story may give us some profound inspiration.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

Du Yulu's artistic career began at the age of 18, and with his love for acting, he was successfully admitted to art school. Just a year later, at the age of 19, Du Yulu became an official drama actor.

The young man was burly, handsome in appearance, and more importantly, he showed amazing acting talent. Soon, Du Yulu won the love of the audience and became an indispensable protagonist on the stage.

However, with the change of the times, Du Yulu began to set his sights on the broader world of the screen. His first film was "The Spy", in which he played the role of "Ganquan".

Although his performance was appreciated by the audience, the transition from the drama stage to the film and television industry was not all smooth sailing. Approaching the age of forty, he found himself in an awkward position: he was not able to handle the role of a young person, and it was difficult to convince the audience to accept him as an older person.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

Faced with such a predicament, Du Yulu did not give up her artistic pursuit. He adheres to a rare and valuable professionalism: regardless of the size of the role, as long as there is an opportunity to play, he will devote himself to it and try to figure out the soul of the role.

He believes that as long as he perseveres, he will eventually wait for his own opportunity.

Du Yulu's persistence eventually paid off. At the age of 56, he received an invitation to "Kangxi Dynasty". This work became a turning point in his acting career, making his name deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and becoming a classic in his artistic career.

Since then, Du Yulu's acting career has ushered in a peak period. However, even after becoming famous, he maintained a pure pursuit of art. In the face of the influx of business invitations, Du Yulu always adhered to her principles, only focused on excellent scripts, and refused to be tempted by fame and fortune.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

It is this dedication to art that allowed Du Yulu to contribute an amazing performance in "Outstanding Encirclement". He won the Feitian Award for Best Actor with this work, which is not only an affirmation of his years of perseverance, but also a recognition of his superb acting skills.

Du Yulu's artistic path, from stage to screen, from obscurity to widespread acclaim, shows the growth and transformation of an actor. He used his own experience to tell us that as long as we have dreams, keep our love, and persevere, we will eventually shine on the road of art.

Just when Du Yulu's acting career was at its peak, fate brought him a heavy blow. During a routine filming trip, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

At first, because the symptoms were not obvious, only an occasional fever, Du Yulu and her family mistakenly thought that it was just overwork. No one could have imagined that this would be a serious illness that could take a life.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

However, even after learning that she had cancer, Du Yulu remained surprisingly optimistic. He firmly believes that his life is good enough to worry too much.

This open-minded mentality may stem from his interpretation and deep understanding of life on stage over the years. Du Yulu seems to regard life as a wonderful performance, and even the last scene is performed vividly.

However, the erosion of disease is relentless. As time passed, Du Yulu's physical condition deteriorated. Finally one day, he fainted on the set due to physical exhaustion and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

This incident made everyone realize that the artist, who had devoted all his passion to performing, was engaged in a final struggle with death.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

In the last stage of her life, Du Yulu chose to recuperate at home. Due to the circumstances of his home, his family did not dare to send him to the hospital easily. In the face of imminent death, Du Yulu showed admirable courage and open-mindedness.

He told his wife and daughter, "The universe is so big, we'll meet again." This sentence not only comforted the grieving family, but also showed his deep understanding of life and his bright expectations for the future.

Even in the last moments of her life, Du Yulu still maintained her love for acting. He often discusses the script with his family and looks back on his acting career, as if he is drawing a successful end to his life.

Eventually, the artist, who had once shined on stage, passed away peacefully in his own home. His death was so low-key that only six relatives and friends attended the funeral.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

However, this low-key is exactly in line with Du Yulu's consistent style of dealing with the world.

Although Du Yulu's funeral failed to alarm the public, many colleagues in the circle expressed their deep condolences for him through social media. These heartfelt condolences are enough to prove Du Yulu's influence and love in the industry.

He used his life to explain what is the dedication to art and what is the courage to face the trials of life. Du Yulu's departure is not only a great loss to the Chinese entertainment industry, but also leaves us with many deep thoughts about life, art and courage.

Behind Du Yulu's brilliant artistic career, there is one person who has been silently supporting him, and that is his wife Zhu Yongyu. Their love story began when they were in art school, and the two were both students studying in a foreign land, and they developed a relationship with each other day and night.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. Due to Du Yulu's poor financial situation at the time, Zhu Yongyu's family strongly opposed their relationship and even issued an ultimatum.

Faced with such a predicament, Du Yulu did not choose to give up, but deeply reflected on herself and made up her mind to win the approval of Zhu Yongyu's parents through hard work.

Du Yulu proved her determination with practical actions. He studied hard, climbed the peak, and achieved excellent results in just one year, and was favored by the senior management of the troupe.

Seeing Du Yulu's progress and potential, Zhu Yongyu's parents finally let go of their prejudices and agreed to the marriage of the two.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

After marriage, Zhu Yongyu became the strongest backing for Du Yulu's career. She took care of her family affairs in an orderly manner, so that Du Yulu could devote herself to her acting career.

Even in the difficult period when Du Yulu was unemployed, Zhu Yongyu always stood firmly by her husband's side and gave him selfless support and encouragement.

During Du Yulu's illness, Zhu Yongyu took care of her husband with all her heart. Her companionship and care have become an important spiritual pillar for Du Yulu to fight against the disease.

Even in the most difficult moments, they still support each other and face the trials of life together.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

The marriage of Du Yulu and Zhu Yongyu can be called a real soul mate. They have walked through the peaks and valleys of life hand in hand, achieved each other in art and life, and composed a moving hymn to love.

Their stories show us that genuine affection and mutual support are the greatest strength to overcome life's difficulties.

Looking back on Du Yulu's life, we see a soul full of love and perseverance for art. From entering art school at the age of 18 to still thinking about unfinished works on the sickbed at the age of 79, Du Yulu's life trajectory has always been closely linked to art.

His acting career has undergone a transformation from drama to film and television, and the process has not been smooth sailing. Approaching the age of forty, Du Yulu faced an awkward situation: he was neither qualified for the role of a young person, nor could he be accepted by the audience for an older role.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

However, Du Yulu did not give up on her artistic pursuits. He faces every role with a rare professionalism, no matter how big or small, as long as he has the opportunity to play, he will devote himself wholeheartedly and try to figure out the soul of the character.

Another notable feature of Du Yulu is his indifference to fame and fortune. Even at the peak of his career, he always maintained a pure pursuit of art in the face of a flood of business offers.

His only concern was whether there was a good script waiting for him, and he did not hesitate to reject anything outside of him. This insistence allowed him to create unforgettable roles in works such as "Kangxi Dynasty" and "Outstanding Encirclement", and also won him the Feitian Award for Best Actor.

In life, Du Yulu is a person who values love and righteousness. He and his wife Zhu Yongyu have been together and have spent the ups and downs of life together. Even in the face of death, he still thought about how to comfort his family, showing rare open-mindedness and courage.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

He said to his family, "The universe is so big, we will meet again", which not only reflects his deep understanding of life, but also shows his optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life.

Du Yulu's life interprets what is the dedication to art, what is the love of life, and what is the tenacity in the face of difficulties. He used his life to compose a moving artistic hymn, leaving a deep artistic imprint and life inspiration.

Even at the end of her life, Du Yulu continued to work and dedicate her passion to art. He insisted on filming in crews such as "The Dark War Before Dawn" until he fainted on the set due to physical exhaustion.

This spirit is admirable and reminds us to cherish life and live our own worth.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

Du Yulu's low-key death is consistent with the way he behaved in his life. This may give us a revelation: true greatness does not need to be publicized, and sincere art will eventually move people's hearts.

Although he is gone, he left behind an artistic achievement and life wisdom that will forever inspire future generations.

Du Yulu's death not only lost an excellent artist in the Chinese entertainment industry, but also left us with a lot of deep thoughts. His life experience tells us that success does not happen overnight, but requires perseverance and perseverance in dreams.

From entering art school at the age of 18 to being widely recognized in "Kangxi Dynasty" at the age of 56, Du Yulu used her own experience to interpret what persistence is and what patience is.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

In today's impetuous society, Du Yulu's dedication to art and indifference to fame and fortune are particularly valuable. He always puts artistic creation first and refuses to be swayed by commercial interests.

This spirit of pure artistic pursuit is undoubtedly worthy of deep thought by each of us.

Du Yulu's story also makes us rethink the meaning of life. Even at the end of his life, he continued to work and dedicate his passion to art.

This spirit is admirable and reminds us to cherish life and live our own worth.

The 79-year-old actor died at home and did not dare to go to the hospital, and he was tortured by cancer before his death

His low-key death is consistent with the way he behaved throughout his life. This may give us a revelation: true greatness does not need to be publicized, and sincere art will eventually move people's hearts.

Although Du Yulu has left, his artistic achievements and life wisdom will always inspire future generations. His story teaches us that the value of life lies not in fame and fortune, but in the cause we fight for and the impact we leave on the world.

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