
57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

author:Laurel muffins


It is said that the years are unforgiving, but some people do not accept old age, and Wen Bixia is one of them. When she was young, Wen Bixia was also a great beauty from all over the world, and she had an era of amazing beauties such as Chen Derong and Guan Zhilin. It's just that now Wen Bixia is 57 years old, and she is still unwilling to accept the change in age, and often forcibly pretends to be tender, making netizens complain.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!
57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

Recently, some netizens watched an art exhibition in Central, Hong Kong, and met Wen Bixia at the door of the art exhibition. Wen Bixia sat on the railing outside the exhibition and let people take pictures, and was captured by netizens in her true state without filters, which set off heated discussions among netizens.

After that, Wen Bixia changed the location to take pictures, and she was lying on the window outside the exhibition. Take a closer look at Wen Bixia's outfit, as always, she is very few women. Not only is she wearing a loose halterneck dress, but she also has a white cloth on her head, and her dressing style is still in the early 20s.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

It's just that Wen Bixia's state and outfit obviously don't match, take a closer look at the recent photos of 57-year-old Wen Bixia, although the makeup is very heavy, and the upper and lower eyeliner have been painted, it is still difficult to hide the vicissitudes of life. Wen Bixia's skin darkened, her eye lines and nasolabial folds were very heavy, and she pulled down her face, making her skin look very loose and revealing her age.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

The years are ruthless, not only Wen Bixia's face betrays her age, but even the palms of her hands can see the traces of time. But she doesn't seem to think there is any problem, the outfits and accessories are all girly, and the huge gold bead necklace and snowflake earrings on her chest can see Wen Bixia's disobedience.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

It's just that Wen Bixia was immersed in it, but netizens didn't buy it, and some people even thought that Wen Bixia was a little scary to take pictures on the window.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

Of course, although Wen Bixia's state is not as good as before, her figure is maintained very well. Netizens took a photo of Wen Bixia's back, not only her back is very thin, but her arms are not goodbye to meat, netizens bluntly said that it is rare at this age, which is enough to see Wen Bixia's self-discipline.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!
57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

Wen Bixia's concave shape outside the exhibition quickly attracted the attention of passers-by, and many passers-by stepped forward to ask for a group photo. Wen Bixia is not only very cooperative, but also has a lot of idol baggage, and when she takes a group photo, she also leans sideways and concaves, lest the angle of the shooting be not good.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

Just zooming in, Wen Bixia's sense of age still jumps out, although Wen Bixia's skin is quite smooth on the face, but the smile is very stiff, like a swollen rubber skin. Instead of hiding her age, the heavy makeup made her look a little dirty.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

Many netizens complained that Wen Bixia forcibly pretended to be tender, and it was better to age naturally and elegantly.

Interestingly, Wen Bixia herself also posted this set of travel photos, but the retouched pictures are very different from the raw pictures posted by netizens.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!
57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!
57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

In fact, Wen Bixia has been met by chance over the years, and every time she appears in a girl's skirt, even in the hot summer, her long hair is scattered, making her face a little smaller.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!
57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

In this regard, some netizens feel that Wen Bixia is so obsessed with pretending to be tender, which is an excessive nostalgia for youth and is not worthy of praise. However, everyone has the right to choose their lifestyle and style of dressing. Maybe she just wants to keep her heart young in this way. We should also respect her choice. Today's Wen Bixia family of 3 often travels, which is very chic and comfortable, and it is also a kind of happiness.

57-year-old Wen Bixia's recent photos were exposed, her skin was like a tree pattern, and she scared netizens by taking pictures at the window!

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