
Xiangxi high-speed network expansion: a new tourism artery or a new economic engine?

author:Handsome needle Yu fun

In China's fast-growing world, the expressway network has become an important link between urban and rural areas and promoting economic development. However, Huaihua, Xiangxi, Zhangjiajie and other regions west of Changsha, although they are blessed with unique natural and human resources, their highway construction is relatively lagging behind, and the density of the expressway network is low. This phenomenon not only restricts the economic development of these regions, but also affects the further prosperity of their tourism industry.

Xiangxi high-speed network expansion: a new tourism artery or a new economic engine?

In recent years, Xiangxi has insisted on taking cultural tourism as the "biggest way" for economic and social development, and tourism has become a pillar industry in the region. However, the lag in highway construction has become a bottleneck restricting the further development of tourism. To this end, Xiangxi is actively promoting a series of expressway projects, such as Yongxin Expressway and Chenglong Expressway, to improve the transportation network and enhance the competitiveness of the tourism industry.

Among these expressway projects, the Zhangjiajie Yuanling Luxi Tourist Expressway is particularly eye-catching. As an important part of the highway transportation connecting Zhangjiajie International Tourism and Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture to Huaihua International Inland Port, the project will not only greatly shorten the distance between Zhangjiajie and the surrounding areas, improve the convenience of transportation, but also strongly promote the prosperity and development of tourism in Xiangxi.

Xiangxi high-speed network expansion: a new tourism artery or a new economic engine?

It is reported that the starting point of Zhangjiajie Yuanling Luxi Tourist Expressway is located in Zhangjiajie City, Yongding District, Yinjiaxi Town, S10 Zhanghua Expressway Zhangjiajie West Interchange, the overall direction from north to south wiring, passing through a number of tourist hotspots, a total length of about 107 kilometers. The project is initially planned to adopt a two-way four-lane design, with a design speed of 100 km/h, and an estimated total investment of about 20.3 billion yuan.

From the perspective of economic data, Zhangjiajie City has developed rapidly in recent years, with continuous GDP growth and stable population growth. As one of the central cities in Xiangxi, Zhangjiajie is blessed with unique natural resources and rich cultural heritage, and tourism has become one of its pillar industries. However, the lag in the construction of the highway has limited the further development of its tourism industry.

Xiangxi high-speed network expansion: a new tourism artery or a new economic engine?

The construction of highways in Huaihua, Xiangxi, Zhangjiajie and other regions is lagging behind, which not only affects the economic development of these areas, but also restricts the prosperity of their tourism industry. However, with a series of highway projects advancing, the transportation network in these areas will gradually improve, injecting new impetus into economic development and tourism boom. In the future, these expressway projects are expected to become an important link connecting urban and rural areas, promoting coordinated regional development, and promoting a more comprehensive and balanced development in Xiangxi.

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