
It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

author:Xiao Zhang shares interesting stories about life

In today's society, parenthood may seem like a natural change of role, but have we ever seriously thought about whether this role is really so easy to fill?

We see that some parents are busy with work, leaving their children to their grandparents, and the emotional communication between parents and children is as thin as a fragile piece of paper. There are also some parents who do not manage their emotions well, and vent the pressure and dissatisfaction in life on their children without reservation, leaving indelible wounds on their children's young hearts.

To say that in these work industries, the education and training industry is the most accessible to children and parents at the same time, and we can know the children's family situation and the personality of the family from getting along with them, and there are really big differences and gaps. Different visions are different than what they are exposed to.

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

Most ordinary people really have no future in the future, and they don't have as much money as anyone else to eat after working hard for a lifetime

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

That's right, those who have money in the family only care about the physical and mental health of their children, and will not force them to study, and this kind of children are relatively happy. And ordinary people will enroll their children in a lot of interest classes, at all: whether the child likes it or not, it is hard to stop

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

Empathy [tears]

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

Because they think that getting married and having children is something we have to go through, and they don't think about whether we are happy or not [covering their faces]

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

Self-confidence is directly proportional to family strength

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

People nowadays are really good and realistic [covering face]

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

They go to various places during the holidays and are not limited to their mobile phones

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

Perhaps, we should really reflect on how to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet for the happy growth of children in this "parent exam" without test papers. After all, a child only grows once, and if you miss it, you can't start again. Do you agree with that?

It's so realistic! If parents need to take exams, most of them are unqualified

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