
Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

author:Fishing Moon Entertainment

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Text: Fishing Moon Entertainment

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Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".


Life is like a play, and drama is like life.

How many loves, hatreds, joys and sorrows will a person encounter in his life?

Who can predict the future and control their own destiny?

The life experience of the famous Hong Kong actor Yu Anan is like a film and television drama with ups and downs, full of drama and legend.

Let's walk into Yu An'an's world together and uncover the little-known story behind this beauty.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Mixed-race beauty Starry beginning

She has a rather complicated family background, and her great-grandfather was British, which allowed her to inherit the delicate face of an East-meets-West.

The Yu family has six brothers and sisters, and Yu Anan is the youngest.

When she was a teenager, her parents divorced, and she chose to live with her mother.

Her childhood experiences made her yearn for a complete and warm family, and this desire became an important factor in her later life.

The hand of fate soon pushed Yu Anan to the road of acting.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

When she was in middle school, her beauty was already beginning to appear.

Soon after graduating, the famous photographer Zong Weigeng had a discerning eye and invited Yu Anan to shoot a beer advertisement at a price of 400 yuan.

This chance became the starting point for her to step into the entertainment industry.

Zong Weigeng admires Yu Anan's unique temperament and believes that she will definitely be able to shine in the film and television industry.

Soon, Hong Kong TV industry boss Zhou Liang Shuyi also discovered Yu Anan's potential and invited him to join TVB.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Yu An'an, who was only 14 years old, played the heroine in "Everyone's Music", cooperating with the popular "Wenna Band", and her youthful and agile image left a deep impression on the audience.

The success of this drama has established Yu Anan's status in the film and television industry, and has also allowed more people to see her unlimited potential.

The first love on the screen is no longer sweet

Yu An'an, who became famous at a young age, has a rapid rise in her acting career, and her love life is also beginning to take shape.

She and Er Dongsheng, who is also a TVB actor, have been in love since they were in middle school, and they have become everyone's envied first love on the screen.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

At that time, one was sunny and handsome, the other was beautiful and moving, like a natural pair, envious of others.

Er Dongsheng was born into a famous family, and there are many artists in his family.

He took sweet care of Yu An'an, loved the house and Wu, and resolutely gave up the opportunity to study abroad for his girlfriend.

The two joined hands in Shaw Brothers and starred in many well-known films such as "The Sword of the Third Young Master" and "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", with a tacit understanding and high popularity.

On screen, they are heartwarming on-screen couples; In life, they are also lovers who support each other.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

For a time, the reputation of the golden boy and the girl spread far and wide.

However, a beautiful love story can't beat the harsh reality after all.

While Er Dongsheng's career is thriving, there are constantly warblers and swallows around him.

Yu An'an, who lacks a sense of security, can't get the promise of love, and gradually feels alienated.

Around 1982, the two who had been in love for eight years finally parted ways, ending this young and innocent first love.

The shadow of the breakup loomed over Yu An'an, and she began to question the meaning of love and also developed a sense of distrust of men.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

The moment of remarriage, it is difficult to recover

Yu An'an, who lost her first love, did not close her heart.

The appearance of Chow Yun-fat rekindled her hope for love.

As early as 1979, the two had collaborated in "Silkworm Transformation".

The reunion in 1983 allowed this pair of talents to renew their relationship.

At that time, Chow Yun-fat was in the limelight, and filming a popular film was like a box office guarantee in the Hong Kong film industry.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

In the face of Chow Yun-fat's affectionate confession and sudden marriage proposal, Yu An'an, who was in the window period, was heartbroken and readily agreed.

However, this marriage, which was evaluated by the media as "both frustrated guests in love, impulsively concluded a marriage alliance together", broke down after only 9 months.

The short married life is like a dream bubble, fleeting.

People are talking a lot and are curious about the truth of this marriage.

Why? Some people say that Yu Anan is too emotional, and some people point out that Chow Yun-fat is trying to stimulate his ex-girlfriend Chen Yulian.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

But the root cause is the extreme incompatibility of the two personalities.

Chow Yun-fat, whose career is in full swing, has a flamboyant style of life, and it is difficult to get rid of the shadow of a playboy.

But Yu Anan is a delicate and sensitive woman, the two have a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days, and trivial things can also become the fuse.

Yu Anan felt that he could not fit into Chow Yun-fat's world, and the two had a huge conflict of lifestyles and values.

In the end, Yu Anan was kicked out of the house twice by Chow Yun-fat in just 9 months.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

There was no hope of getting back together, so the two had to break up and end this hasty marriage.

Many years later, Chow Yun-fat also publicly admitted that he had failed Yu Anan.

People feel that love is sometimes like water in the palm of your hand, which flows away quietly without paying attention.

And those promises that were once made are as broken as a mirror.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Set sail again Phoenix Nirvana

Yu An'an, who was abandoned by Chow Yun-fat, did not sink, she made a comeback and went further in her career.

In 1984, she won the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actress for "Flying Sand and Wind Transit", which became the focus of attention.

Subsequently, she starred in "Shanghai Tang", "The Grace of the Earth" and other acclaimed and popular film and television works one after another, and her popularity has been soaring.

Public opinion was in an uproar, praising Yu Anan as a tenacious woman, and no blow could break her.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

In terms of love life, the identity of Kuotai's daughter has also added many suitors to Yu An'an.

In 1987, 28-year-old Yu Anan once again joined hands with Li Wanqi, the son of Hong Kong's "car king" and racing driver, into the marriage hall.

This time, she is determined to create a complete and warm family for herself.

After marriage, Yu Anan gave birth to two daughters successively, which gave her a taste of the joy of motherhood.

With a child, she decided to fade out of the film industry and concentrate on her husband and children.

However, the happy life did not last long.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

In 2002, Li Wanqi's business failed, he was heavily in debt, and was forced to declare bankruptcy.

The seemingly considerate husband was surrounded by flowers all day long when his wife came back to filming and worked hard to help her husband pay off his debts, and his debts were piling up while Yu Anan was under heavy mental pressure.

Li Wanqi's various misdeeds were like a big stone pressing on Yu Anxin's head, making her feel suffocated.

Marriages are in jeopardy and families are on the verge of breakdown.

In 2003, Yu Anan, who couldn't bear it, resolutely chose to divorce and ended his 15-year marriage.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Since then, she has shouldered the responsibility of raising her two daughters by herself.

But Li Wanqi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said triumphantly: "I'm bankrupt, I'm happy!" This sentence became the best commentary on the breakdown of their marriage.

Everyone in the world sighed for Yu An'an and lamented her bumpy fate.

But Yu Anan was not defeated, she chose to continue to move forward and hold up a piece of heaven for the children.

Create brilliance again and regain yourself

The overturning of people's life did not defeat Yu An'an, but made her more and more frustrated.

As a single mother, she raised two daughters single-handedly, and at the same time achieved frequent successes in her career.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

In 2006, she was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards for "I Want to Be Famous"; In 2010, she was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards again for "Flying Sand Wind Transit", becoming an out-and-out "actress".

On the set, Yu An'an's dedicated and dedicated work attitude is admirable, and she has proved her extraordinary with her strength.

Now, Yu An'an, who has passed the age of sixtieth year, has not changed her face as she was back then, and her charm still exists, and she is known as "the sexiest grandmother".

has a successful career, a happy family, and her daughters are also employed and successful, which gives her the greatest gratification.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Although she has long faded out of the entertainment industry, whenever she occasionally comes back to filming, she still attracts widespread attention and has become the idol and role model of many young actors.

In the eyes of everyone, Yu Anan is not only an actor, but also a respectable female role model.

Her life experience has inspired countless dreamers.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Conclusion: Life is like a play, live in the present

Throughout Yu An'an's life, her story is legendary.

From a young and ignorant girl, to a popular movie star, to a single mother who has failed in her marriage twice, she has experienced the ups and downs of life, and has also tasted the sweetness and bitterness of love.

But no matter how fate plays tricks, she always faces it bravely and lives a wonderful life in her own way.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

Life is like a play, and drama is like life.

On this big stage, everyone is playing their part.

Joys and sorrows, love and hatred, are just to set off the meaning of life.

Perhaps, the most valuable thing is to be like Yu An'an, no matter what stage of life you are in, you can truly face yourself and strive to live in the present.

Yu Anan~ is Er Dongsheng's first love, Chow Yun-fat's ex-wife, and played Fang Zhixin in "Chen Zhen".

This may be the best appearance of a person.

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