
The "chip war" has been seen! The situation between China and the United States is already clear

author:The erudite fourth brother


As the final "killer weapon" of the United States against China, the competition between China and the United States around the "semiconductor industry chain" in the chip war is no longer a unilateral "stronger the stronger", but has become a "catalyst" for China's core.

Through the chip war, the mainland has not only embarked on a path of "independent research and development", but also broken through the "chip" problem that has "plagued" the mainland's development for many years step by step, and is now narrowing the gap with the American core at an astonishing speed.

As the mainland gradually changes from a country that originally imported foreign chips to a country that has gathered emerging technology companies that have attracted worldwide attention, people can't help but sigh: the chip war between the two heroes has obviously been seen.

The chip industry has been greatly improved to strengthen the "independent core".

Since 2019, when the mainland launched the "chip independent and controllable" research action, the mainland's integrated circuit industry has actually gained a firm foothold on the international stage after years of development.

According to the data of 2021, the export volume of integrated circuits in the mainland has also grown steadily every year since 2014, and the statistics in the first five months of 2024 show that the year-on-year increase of 21.2%, which shows that the export of integrated circuits in the mainland has risen steadily and steadily.

Among them, the majority of the chips are above 14nm.

The 14nm core production line is one of the hottest production lines in the lead, but 14nm is only a part of the mainland chip production line.

At present, the mainland even has the technical strength to have its own cores, and even catches up with imported cores in terms of production capacity.

Among them, the most obvious are the 14nm core products and 16nm core products that are popular and high-frequency.

Chips above 14nm have begun to gradually replace import and export chips, the future development of new energy vehicles and the mobile phone market, domestic chips are replacing imported cores with substitutions, and also show their stable performance and price advantages.

It is foreseeable that in the future chip market, mainland chips will catch up with overseas chips and gradually penetrate into the user base.

The "chip war" has been seen! The situation between China and the United States is already clear

There is also a very strong evidence in the data to support this.

As the world's largest mobile phone chip manufacturer, Qualcomm was hit by the chip war in the mainland market, which directly led to a direct decline in its sales of 60 million pieces, and this is only the data in December 2020, according to statistics, the data in 2021 will quadruple compared with this, which makes its loss in 2021 have reached tens of billions.

The data of 2020 can only be regarded as a beginning, and it is foreseeable that the impact of the industrialization of chips in the mainland will become more and more obvious in the future, and after 2024, the sales and profitability of the mainland chip industry will gradually coexist with the strong coexistence of the United States.

The mainland concentrates on conquering 5nm cores.

Before 2019, a "mountain" that mainland semiconductor technology has been unable to overcome is the 5nm core, and before, for 5nm bending for 8 years, the mainland chip industry has an amazingly strong momentum.

It has not only attracted the attention of enterprises at home and abroad, but also proved the belief and confidence of mainland chip companies that are about to counterattack.

And this step is the product of years of accumulation.

It has been developing in the integrated circuit industry in mainland China for many years, and has gradually started from the initial stage to the current stage of steady growth.

At this stage, the new 16nm core production capacity has begun to dominate the chip industry in the mainland, the 14nm core is gradually maturing, and the 5nm core production line will also become the next flashpoint.

The smooth launch of 14nm cores and 16nm cores has also given the mainland chip industry greater confidence in technology and great confidence in the overcoming of 5nm cores.

With the steady progress of 25nm shipments, the research and development of 5nm cores is also advancing step by step, and many mainland chip companies have set their sights on 5nm cores.

Especially in semiconductors, the new rock core enterprises in large semiconductor companies are keeping up with the pace of the times.

Not only is it ready in terms of production capacity, but it has also begun to have an established direction and technology in terms of R&D on 5nm cores.

In this continuous progress, mainland core enterprises not only have more and more development opportunities, but also are in a good state of development in technology.

The "chip war" has been seen! The situation between China and the United States is already clear

The road ahead for both China and the United States.

From the explosion of production capacity in the first few years, to now not only ushered in qualitative changes in technology, mainland core enterprises have not only firmly embarked on the "road of independent research and development", but also continue to keep up with the mature team.

China's core is just like a drop of water, not only stopping at the mainland, but also pushing the mainland's technology and domestic core products to the world stage.

In this way, the core enterprises in the mainland are stepping into the "5nm era" step by step, and gradually catching up with the global giants in the chip field.

Among them, in addition to Continental's efforts in the commercial field, it is also in the field of research and development.

In terms of R&D, from the original technology monopoly to the current pace of global development, the actions of mainland core enterprises are getting bigger and bigger, and they are gradually jumping from the mainland R&D field to the world stage.

In this process, the core enterprises of the mainland not only shine a bright light on the road of growth, but also project this bright light to the corners of the world, so that people in the world can understand the light of the mainland chip, and promote the mainland to enter the world chip stage and walk out of a unique path.

Today, the mainland is standing on the world stage with a high-spirited attitude, expanding its vision to the corners of the world, and waiting for the arrival of a new era of chips.


On the basis of the late-mover advantage, mainland core enterprises are gradually catching up with the development of foreign countries in the field of chips, and are also entering new fields.

With the continuous development of mainland core enterprises, mainland core is ushering in a good opportunity, when the development of mainland in the field of chips reaches a mature level, or will usher in a new chip market, not only to make today's 5G a blowout outbreak in the past.

At the same time, it has also made the development of the mainland in the field of chips a new normal, and in this new normal, the position of the United States in the field of chips will also be affected to a certain extent, and even become a challenge.

The "chip war" has been seen! The situation between China and the United States is already clear

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