
Guoyu teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister posted: I also shared dinner with my mother yesterday

author:Indifferent starry sky 3h7

There is bad news in the sports world, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie has passed away! It's really unexpected!

The Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association announced on July 1 that Chinese singles player Zhang Zhijie fainted on the court during a match in the evening and died at 23:20 local time yesterday after being taken to the hospital.

Guoyu teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister posted: I also shared dinner with my mother yesterday

It's so sad, it's a pity, he's only 17 years old, and he should have a great future......

The world of badminton has lost a talented player.

Some netizens said: I really don't know what to say now, I have watched football for so many years, and the departure I have experienced is really just a change to start a new life with a new identity. Last week's CCTV Yaqing report, Zhang Zhijie said in an interview that he must not be convinced, this time the preparation training is very solid, the younger brother who is very vigorous, this kind of suddenness is really, really still a child...

Guoyu teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister posted: I also shared dinner with my mother yesterday

Zhang Zhijie's sister posted in the early morning of July 1 that Zhang Zhijie shared dinner with his mother the night before, and he really couldn't accept such a result.

Guoyu teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister posted: I also shared dinner with my mother yesterday
Guoyu teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister posted: I also shared dinner with my mother yesterday

Zhang Zhijie has won the men's singles championship in the 15-year-old group of the U15-17 finals of the 2022 National U-Series Badminton Competition, the men's singles champion in Group B of the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships, the men's singles champion in the 2023 World Youth Badminton Championships, and the champion of the 2024 Dutch Youth Badminton International Grand Prix.

Finally, I wish Zhang Zhijie all the way!