
From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

author:Linlin said entertainment


Pei Wenxuan's pure love challenge

Pei Wenxuan, this name is like the brightest star in the night sky on the flower boat tonight, which is eye-catching. His heart, like a pearl in the deep sea, is precious and untouchable. His lover is like an erratic wind, unpredictable. Again and again, again and again, his heart, like the shore constantly beaten by the waves, tired and powerless.

From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

Tonight, he was pressed on the switch of "harmony", and this switch, like a joke of fate, made him feel desperate again. However, in this moment of despair, he chose to explode. On the flower boat, his pure love emotions instantly exploded into forced pure love. His kiss, like a raging storm, was fierce and irresistible.

From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

Apology and catharsis after the kiss


After kissing, he apologized again, this kiss was actually a catharsis of the pain he hid in his heart. His pure love, to the extreme, will also become a crazy criticism. However, even when he was crazy, he remembered to protect the back of his beloved's head. His kiss was like a fire, burning his pain as well as his love.

From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

His kiss, pure and lustful, is like the brightest star in the night sky, attracting everyone's attention. His kiss is his insistence on love and his catharsis of love. His kiss is the highest embodiment of his pure love, and it is also the lowest point of his crazy criticism. His kiss is all his love, and it is all his pain.

From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

The heated discussion and expectation of netizens


Pei Wenxuan's kiss not only caused a sensation on the flower boat, but also sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens left messages one after another, expressing their love and appreciation for Pei Wenxuan. Some people praise his kisses for being pure and passionate, some marvel at his kisses being crazy and irresistible, some praise his kisses for being pure and lustful, and some praise him for being able to protect the back of his beloved's head after kissing.

From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

However, there are also people who question his kiss, thinking that his kiss is too crazy and does it hurt the beloved? Was his kiss too passionate and lost its original sense of pure love? Is his kiss too flamboyant and not natural enough? Was his kiss too revealing and inappropriate?

From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!
From pure love to crazy criticism: Pei Wenxuan's kiss on the flower boat sparked crazy discussions among netizens!

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