
Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a major statement at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Federal Security Council that in view of the United States' violation of its commitment not to deploy short- and medium-range missiles, Russia will take corresponding measures to resume production and deploy the previously banned short- and medium-range missiles to safeguard its national security interests. Netizen: Americans can also believe their words, defend what is beneficial, and oppose what is not profitable.

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Putin announced the resumption of the production of short- and medium-range missiles in response to the default deployment of the United States

According to RIA Novosti, Russian Satellite News Agency and other media reported on June 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a major statement at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Federal Security Council that in view of the United States' violation of its commitment not to deploy short- and medium-range missiles, Russia will take corresponding measures to resume production and deploy the previously banned short- and medium-range missiles to safeguard national security interests.

Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

Short- and medium-range missiles of the Russian army

Putin stressed that Russia had publicly pledged in 2019 not to produce and deploy such missiles, provided that the United States did not deploy short- and medium-range missiles in any region of the world. However, instead of abiding by the relevant provisions of the "INF Treaty," the United States has frequently held military exercises involving medium- and shorter-range missiles in Europe and other places, which is a flagrant violation of the spirit of the agreement. In particular, Putin pointed out that the recent US official revelation that such missiles have been deployed to the Philippines, although it is not clear whether these missiles have been withdrawn, this move has undoubtedly increased regional tensions.

Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

Short- and medium-range missiles of the Russian army

Putin's remarks marked Russia's official response to the United States' breach of contract and heralded new challenges to the global arms control system. The Russian side has made it clear that the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles is for defensive purposes, aimed at countering the growing missile threat from the United States and ensuring that Russia's strategic balance is not undermined.

The news quickly aroused widespread attention from the international community, especially the Western media, who generally believed that this might start a new round of the arms race and have a far-reaching impact on global security and stability. International observers call on the two sides to return to the negotiating table, resolve differences through dialogue, jointly safeguard the international security order, and avoid a recurrence of the confrontation of the Cold War.

Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

In summary, Putin's decision not only reflects Russia's firm defense of national security, but also reflects the severe test facing the current international arms control mechanism, and the world's attention is focused on the subsequent interaction between the United States and Russia, as well as the long-term impact of this decision on the global strategic balance.

Russian short- and medium-range missiles have a huge impact on Europe and Japan

The impact of Russian short- and medium-range missiles on Europe and Japan is far-reaching and complex, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Implications for Europe:

  1. Change in strategic balance: Russia's resumption of production and deployment of short- and medium-range missiles, especially in the European segment, will directly challenge the European security landscape, especially if these missiles are able to cover major European cities and military installations. This could lead European countries to strengthen their own missile defense systems, increase military spending, and seek closer NATO cooperation.
  2. Political tensions: Russia's move could exacerbate political tensions with European countries, leading to a deterioration in diplomatic relations. European countries are likely to impose more economic sanctions or other forms of countermeasures against Russia, which will further divide Europe's relationship with Russia.
  3. Coordination within NATO: Russia's missile deployment will test the ability to unite and coordinate among NATO member states. The U.S. missile deployment in Europe could prompt some European countries to demand more security assurances from the U.S., and it could also spark internal discussions about how to balance military deterrence with diplomatic dialogue.
Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

Impact on Japan:

  1. Escalating security threats: Russia's missile deployment around Japan, particularly in the South Kuril Islands (known in Japan as the Four Northern Islands), directly threatens Japan's territorial security. This will not only increase Japan's military pressure, but may also lead to an increase in regional tensions and trigger an arms race. Japan's geographical proximity and sensitivity to Russian missile activity may prompt Japan to strengthen its own defense capabilities, such as adding missile defense systems and upgrading island defense capabilities.
  2. Political and Diplomatic Implications: Russia's missile deployment could deepen the sense of insecurity among the Japanese population, undermine political trust between the two countries, and hinder progress toward resolving territorial disputes and other cooperation. In addition, Japan may seek to strengthen its military alliance with the United States in response to the Russian threat, which could further exacerbate regional tensions.
Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

Overall, the deployment of Russian short- and medium-range missiles is not only a military challenge for Japan and Europe, but also has a profound impact on the regional security architecture, diplomatic relations, and the international order.

Tactical characteristics of short- and medium-range missiles

As an important part of modern military equipment, medium and short-range missiles have a wide range of tactical characteristics and applications, and the following are some of their main characteristics and application scenarios:

Tactical features:

1. Flexibility and rapid response: Medium and short-range missiles usually have high mobility and rapid deployment capabilities, and can be ready and launched in a relatively short time, which is suitable for rapid response and emergency combat needs.

  • Moderate Range:
  • Short-range missiles: generally with a range of less than 1,000 kilometers, they are suitable for tactical-level strikes, such as battlefield support, suppression of enemy front-line forces and infrastructure.

2. Medium-range missiles: With a range of about 1,000 to 3,000 kilometers, they can cover a wider area and are used to strike at important strategic targets such as command centers, communication nodes, and logistics bases in the enemy's rear.

3. Precision strike capability: Most modern medium and short-range missiles are equipped with advanced guidance systems, such as GPS, inertial navigation, terrain matching and terminal homing, etc., which can achieve high-precision strikes and reduce collateral damage.

4. Multiple payload options: It can carry conventional warheads, submunitions, armor-piercing bombs, and even chemical or nuclear warheads (depending on international treaties and national policies), providing a variety of strike options.

5. Strong concealment: the launch preparation time is short, and it can be quickly launched and evacuated to improve survivability.

6. Networked combat capability: It can form a network with unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance satellites, ground radars, etc., to achieve information sharing and improve strike efficiency and accuracy.

Putin announced the resumption of production of short- and medium-range missiles. Netizen: Europe and Japan are starting to panic now.

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • Europe and Japan are starting to panic.
  • The Americans' words can also be believed, and those who are favorable will be defended, and those who are not profitable will be opposed.
  • Therefore, we cannot sign any agreement with the United States, because they do not keep their promises at all, and they are all fooling others......
  • Russia: If you withdraw from the group, I will also withdraw from the group, and see who will "retreat" the missiles to the other party's doorstep first!
  • Russia: "If you don't follow the rules, you're welcome".


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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