
Trump hinted at "uniting Russia to contain China" after winning the election. Netizen: Don't want Europe? The panda smiled.

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: The first debate of the U.S. election came to an end, and in the fierce confrontation between Trump and Biden, Trump once again made a surprising statement, not only pointing to the current situation and root causes of the war in Ukraine, but also hinting at a major foreign policy shift once he returns to power - from the current Biden administration's "Russia first, then China" strategy to "unite Russia to resist China". Netizen: United Russia to resist China, is this not Europe? European Lianhua, then China should be happy to accept it.

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Trump's debate is fierce, suggesting that the post-election strategy will shift to "uniting Russia to contain China"

At the end of the first debate of the U.S. election, former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden once again made surprising remarks, not only pointing to the current situation and root causes of the war in Ukraine, but also hinting at a major foreign policy shift once he returns to power - from the current Biden administration's "Russia first, then China" strategy to "unite Russia to resist China".

During the debate, Trump bluntly pointed out the bleak prospects for the war in Ukraine, blaming Biden's decision-making mistakes for running out of manpower and falling valuable cities, and bluntly revealed two core facts that the West is trying to avoid: the start of the war and the intractable status quo in Ukraine. To a certain extent, this statement shattered the long-held narrative framework of Western public opinion, that Russia is the initiator of the conflict and that Ukraine has the ability to win eventually.

Trump hinted at "uniting Russia to contain China" after winning the election. Netizen: Don't want Europe? The panda smiled.

Trump's outspokenness, while criticized as "lies mixed with truth," undoubtedly touched on the growing weary mood of the Western population as a result of the ongoing war. In the context of the protracted war, people's lives have been affected, and the sense of war weariness has spread, and Trump's remarks may resonate to a certain extent.

It is worth noting that Trump's concept of "uniting Russia to resist China" reflects a deep shift in his strategic intentions. Compared with the Democratic administration's ranking in dealing with Russia and China, Trump's preference for improving relations with Russia in order to concentrate resources and attention on containing China marks a new way of thinking about geopolitical layout. However, the motivation behind this strategy is not a desire for peace, but rather serves the interests of its conservative stance and the interests of the American conglomerate, suggesting that if elected, it could accelerate the global East-West divide and increase geopolitical tensions, rather than actually de-escalate international conflicts.

Trump hinted at "uniting Russia to contain China" after winning the election. Netizen: Don't want Europe? The panda smiled.

Although Trump's persona is often portrayed as opposing unnecessary wars, being good at negotiation, and pursuing the maximization of profits, in essence, his policy orientation has always revolved around consolidating America's hegemony in the world. The future Trump administration, if established, is very likely to promote a more aggressive geopolitical confrontation strategy, take advantage of the United States' geopolitical advantages, deepen cooperation with Russia, and jointly exert pressure on China, thereby bringing more uncertainty and volatility risks to the global order.

Trump hinted at "uniting Russia to contain China" after winning the election. Netizen: Don't want Europe? The panda smiled.

Netizen: United Russia to resist China, is this not Europe? European Lianhua, that panda is going to be happy and smile.

Trump's strategy of "uniting Russia to resist China" may indeed have a profound impact on Europe-US relations and the global geopolitical landscape. Here are a few key analytical takeaways that may be involved in this strategy:

1. Heightened tensions between Europe and the United States:

  • If the United States adopts a policy of "uniting Russia against China", it may mean that the United States has deviated from its European position on the Ukraine crisis, which could lead to a deepening rift in the transatlantic alliance. European countries, especially those in Eastern Europe, are wary of Russia, and a U.S. policy shift may make them feel isolated and betrayed.

2. Increased European autonomy:

  • In the face of a potential U.S. strategic realignment, Europe may be forced to strengthen internal solidarity and accelerate its defense and strategic autonomy agendas, such as strengthening the European Union's Defense Cooperation Mechanism (PESCO) and building European armies to reduce its reliance on the U.S. security umbrella.

3. Changes in Europe's interaction with China:

  • The U.S. shift to "uniting Russia to resist China" may prompt Europe to adopt a more independent line in its China policy. On the one hand, in order to balance the lost sense of US support, Europe may seek cooperation with China on economic, trade, and even certain political issues, and increase flexibility in its engagement with China. On the other hand, Europe is also likely to remain cautious, fearing that over-reliance on China could trigger new security and economic risks.
Trump hinted at "uniting Russia to contain China" after winning the election. Netizen: Don't want Europe? The panda smiled.

4. Global geopolitical realignment:

  • The implementation of this strategy could trigger a realignment of global geopolitical forces. The proximity of the United States to Russia could prompt other countries and regions, including those in the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of Asia, to consider adjusting their diplomatic positions and alliance structures, which in turn could affect the global balance of power.

5. Economic Impact:

  • Economically, policy changes in the United States may affect international trade flows and investment patterns. Greater cooperation between Europe and China could lead to bilateral economic integration and the creation of new areas of economic cooperation, with subtle implications for the dollar-dominated international financial system.

6. Security and Military Considerations:

  • The "United Russia Against China" strategy could also pose a challenge to NATO's future, especially if Russia turns to other regional affairs after reducing pressure from the West, and NATO's presence and role in Eastern Europe may need to be reassessed.

To sum up, the strategy of "uniting Russia to resist China" is not only related to the relations between the United States, Russia and China, but will also have a profound impact on the political and economic landscape of Europe and the world, prompting countries to reassess their own interests and strategic choices.

Trump hinted at "uniting Russia to contain China" after winning the election. Netizen: Don't want Europe? The panda smiled.

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • If you want to break each one, China has played it for thousands of years. In terms of strategy, China dares to say that it is the ancestor.
  • Russia is not stupid, the United States cannot be trusted, and sanctions will come again in four years.
  • United Russia against China? In today's situation, will Russia follow the United States to jointly resist China? Dream on!
  • If Russia unites against China, the United States will lose Europe.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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