
China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: Recently, a jaw-dropping proposal appeared at the annual National Defense Authorization Act discussion meeting of the United States Congress, focusing on whether the Chinese military will arm a large number of robot dogs. The congressman stressed that the transformation of "man's best friend" into a military tool, against American servicemen, is unacceptable. In the end, the proposal passed the deliberations of the House of Representatives. Netizen: What the enemy opposes shows that we are right.

Watch the video: How strong is China's robot dog? Can carry a bazooka anti-tank


Video source: Military Warriors

The U.S. House of Representatives' bizarre proposal has sparked controversy, requiring the Department of Defense to investigate the arming of the Chinese military's mechanical dogs

Recently, a jaw-dropping proposal appeared at the annual National Defense Authorization Act discussion meeting of the US Congress, a member of the House of Representatives proposed that the US Department of Defense conduct a special investigation into the Chinese military, the focus of which is actually whether the Chinese military has armed a large number of robot dogs, which has been described as a double challenge to human emotions and US national security. The congressman stressed that it is unacceptable to turn "man's best friend" into a military tool against US military personnel, and demanded that the secretary of defense must intervene in the investigation to assess the potential threat it poses to the United States.

China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

U.S. House of Representatives

It is worth noting that this seemingly absurd proposal did not encounter any substantive opposition and successfully passed the deliberation of the House of Representatives, and then entered the stage of discussion in the Senate. This process has not only exposed some of the peculiar workings of the U.S. legislative process, but has also raised widespread questions about the seriousness and legitimacy of U.S. defense policy discussions.

Some commentators have pointed out that despite the complexity and perfection of the US legal system, the passage of this proposal reflects more the extreme tendencies in its political ecology and the performative nature that lacks substance. There are even some criticisms that if such proposals become law and require their implementation, they will undoubtedly push the executive branch into an impossible task, and at the same time expose the basic ignorance of the proponents of international relations and military realities.

China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

In addition, the incident is not an isolated phenomenon, and a series of proposals recently passed by the US Congress have shown irrational and radical tendencies, such as the arrest and exile of protesters to Gaza for forced labor on the grounds of anti-Israel stance, and the proposal to drastically reduce the salaries of the top US military to a symbolic level.

Analysts believe that the current distortion of the US political ecology is partly due to the combination of the "draft politics" model and populism, in which people who lack basic political literacy are easily attracted by simple, direct, and even sensationalist proposals, while politicians gain attention and support by making such proposals, and the practical feasibility and consequences of the proposals are often put on the back burner. This phenomenon not only undermines the credibility of the US political system, but also creates instability for the international community.

China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

To sum up, the recent proposal and passage of a series of bizarre proposals by the US Congress reflect the deep-seated problems and contradictions in the US political system, indicating that there may be more proposals based on political performance rather than rational decision-making in the future, which deserve the continued attention of the international community.

A new mode of warfare: the air is full of drones, and the land is full of robot dogs. Such a mode of warfare requires a complex support system.

The new mode of warfare, in which a large number of drones are deployed in the air and an unmanned combat unit composed of robot dogs on land, marks a major change in military technology, and this model relies on the following key supporting conditions:

China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

Flamethrower robot dog

  1. Highly automated and intelligent technology: Drones and robot dogs need to have advanced artificial intelligence that can achieve autonomous navigation, target recognition, decision-making, and execution of tasks, reducing reliance on human intervention.
  2. Powerful communication network: Build a stable, high-speed, and low-latency communication system to ensure real-time data transmission between the command center and the unmanned combat unit, including order issuance, battlefield situational awareness, and feedback.
  3. Accurate positioning and navigation system: Relying on GPS, Beidou and other satellite navigation systems, as well as possible terrain matching, visual navigation and other auxiliary means, to ensure that drones and robot dogs can accurately move in complex environments.
  4. Energy and endurance: Unmanned combat platforms require efficient energy supply and long endurance, such as advances in battery technology, solar power, and even in-flight refueling or long-range wireless charging technology, to support long-term independent operations.
  5. Flexible logistics support: The maintenance, repair, rapid deployment and recovery mechanism of unmanned systems requires an efficient and adaptable logistics support system.
China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

Through-the-wall perspective robot dog

  1. Integrated command and control system: The highly integrated C4ISR system (command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) realizes cross-platform and cross-domain information fusion and combat coordination.
  2. Cybersecurity & Electronic Warfare Capabilities: Ensure the information security of unmanned systems to prevent hacking or interference, while developing electronic warfare capabilities to counter enemy counterparts.
  3. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Learning Capabilities: Continuously optimized AI algorithms enable machines to learn and adapt to battlefield changes, improving mission completion efficiency and survivability.
  4. Modular and customizable design: Unmanned systems should have a modular structure that allows for quick job load replacement, maintenance upgrades, and functional adjustments to specific mission requirements.

To sum up, the realization of this new mode of warfare requires interdisciplinary technological breakthroughs, the improvement of policies and regulations, and the in-depth exploration and practice of operational theory.

China's mechanical dog is too advanced, the United States can't accept it, and the House of Representatives passed the bill

Bazooka robot dog

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • What the enemy opposes shows that we are right.
  • Make a variety of animals and let them propose materials.
  • We are not only equipped with mechanical dogs, but also mechanical cats, mechanical tigers, and mechanical lions!
  • This can only show an important point: Americans are really scared! Afraid of this in China! The one in China!
  • The most bizarre group of people in the United States are in Congress, how can this country not go downhill.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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