
"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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In one corner of the city, Mr. Lin is an ordinary taxi driver, who runs through the streets of the city every day, carrying all kinds of passengers, witnessing their joys and sorrows.

However, in recent months, Mr. Lim has felt something strange about his body. He began to feel tired frequently, with occasional dull aches in the liver area, and sometimes even nausea and loss of appetite.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

As a family-oriented person, he didn't pay much attention to it, believing that it was just the result of work fatigue.

One day, when Mr. Lin's wife saw him frowning again due to pain in the liver area, she resolutely said, "You have to go to the hospital for a check-up, this is not the way to go." ”

At the urging of his wife, Mr. Lin went to a large general hospital in the city, where people came and went, and there was a long queue in front of each department.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

After Mr. Lin registered, he was triaged to the Department of Gastroenterology for further examination.

The doctor in the Department of Gastroenterology is a middle-aged man who wears glasses and speaks softly and firmly.

He carefully inquired about Mr. Lim's symptoms and then recommended a series of tests, including blood tests, ultrasound and CT scans.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

On the day the test results came out, Mr. Lin was particularly nervous. The doctor told him with a serious face: "Your blood test shows a significant increase in alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels, which could be a sign of a liver problem.

Ultrasound and CT scans show that you have a lump of about 3 cm in your liver, and we need to do a liver biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. ”

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

The news came like a bolt from the blue, plunging Mr. Lin and his family into deep anxiety, and after a liver biopsy, the results confirmed the doctor's suspicion: Mr. Lin was suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma, commonly known as liver cancer.

Mr. Lin's doctor patiently explained, "Liver cancer is a rather cunning cancer, and the early symptoms are not obvious, and many patients are diagnosed with the disease in the middle and advanced stages.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

You will be actively cooperating with the treatment, and we will develop a detailed treatment plan for you. ”

The doctor further explained that the "cunning" of liver cancer lies in its insidious and aggressive nature, and that the liver, as an organ with a strong compensatory function, can maintain normal function for a long time even if it is damaged.

Therefore, many patients with liver cancer do not have obvious symptoms in the early stage, and are often discovered incidentally during physical examination or medical treatment for other diseases.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

Mr. Lim recalled his symptoms over the past few months and did feel fatigue, pain in the liver area and loss of appetite, but he always thought that these were just due to work exertion or gastrointestinal problems.

It is this neglect of symptoms that makes liver cancer quietly develop in his body.

In order to cope with liver cancer, the doctor prescribed a comprehensive treatment plan for Mr. Lim, including surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

At the same time, the doctor also emphasized the importance of lifestyle, and advised Mr. Lin to quit smoking and drinking, maintain good eating habits, have regular check-ups, and pay close attention to changes in his condition.

After the surgery, Mr. Lim needed regular follow-up liver check-ups and the doctor recommended that he have alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) testing and imaging tests every three months.

Mr. Lim gradually adapted to this new rhythm of life, and despite his physical discomfort, he continued to face it positively.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

Mr. Lim's story is not unique, as according to available medical data, liver cancer is a high-incidence cancer worldwide, especially in Asia, where both morbidity and mortality rates are high.

Risk factors for liver cancer include hepatitis virus infections (such as hepatitis B and C), long-term alcohol abuse, cirrhosis, fatty liver, etc.

The doctor reminds everyone that if you have the following symptoms, you should be highly alert to the possibility of liver cancer and seek medical attention in time:

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

Persistent fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, unexplained pain or discomfort in the liver area, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), ascites (swelling of the abdomen), etc.

To prevent liver cancer, the most important thing is to control the risk factors, for example, hepatitis B vaccination is an important measure to prevent hepatitis B;

Patients who have been infected with hepatitis B or C should be treated with standardized treatment under the guidance of a doctor to prevent the disease from progressing to cirrhosis or liver cancer.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

In addition, avoiding long-term heavy alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are also effective ways to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Mr. Lim's experience made him realize the importance of health, and he began to actively participate in health talks, sharing his own stories, hoping that more people can pay attention to the body's signals, detect and treat them early.

He said: "Although liver cancer is cunning, as long as we are vigilant against it and detect it early, there is still a chance to defeat it." ”

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

Through Mr. Lin's story, we can see the insidious and harmful effects of liver cancer.

As ordinary people, we can't ignore the abnormal signals of the body, especially when we feel symptoms such as fatigue, pain in the liver area, loss of appetite, etc., we should seek medical attention in time and carry out necessary examinations.

"Cunning" liver cancer! Doctors remind: If the body frequently appears these symptoms, be alert to tumor invasion

Only in this way can liver cancer be detected at an early stage, so as to improve the success rate of treatment and defeat this "cunning" enemy.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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