
Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

Apricot mom parenting

2024-06-30 09:50Creators in the field of parenting

Written by: Xiao Ru

After the baby is 2 years old, he still likes to touch his mother's breasts, is it lustful? Does Bao Ma know the reason?

Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

In the process of baby growth, many mothers will encounter an embarrassing problem: after the child is weaned, he will still often touch the mother's breast, and even cry non-stop.

This makes many mothers feel confused and helpless. So, why is that? What we need to know is the feeding position. After giving birth, many mothers will feed in a more comfortable way due to lack of qi and blood.

This posture makes it easier for the little ones to reach their mother's breasts, and over time, it becomes a habit. Therefore, after the end of the lactation period, the mother should adopt a reasonable way to stop the baby's behavior in time.

Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

The baby has a natural dependence on the mother's breast, which is built up from the moment of birth. For babies, mom's breasts are not only a source of food, but also a source of security.

When weaned suddenly, the child may often want to touch the mother's breast because he does not feel secure.

Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

When the baby is able to touch the mother's breast, he will feel very happy, because it gives him a feeling of affection. So even after weaning, the baby will still want to touch the mother's breast.

We also need to note that children between the ages of two and three have already begun to have a rudimentary understanding of gender. At this age, children are very curious and have a strong interest in their own bodies and the bodies of others.

Therefore, mothers need to pay more attention to their children's sex education at this stage and guide him to correctly understand his body and gender differences.

Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

In the face of this situation, how should Bao Ma deal with it? Here are some suggestions:

Adjust the feeding position appropriately, try to avoid lying down to feed, and let the child develop good breastfeeding habits. Hug and kiss the child more often, so that he can feel the love and care of his mother and enhance his sense of security.

When the child wants to touch the mother's breasts, try to meet his needs in other ways, such as hugging, kissing, etc.

Through reading picture books and watching animations, we can popularize gender knowledge to children and help them establish correct gender concepts.

In the face of these behaviors of children, mothers should maintain enough patience and understanding, and do not stop too harshly, so as not to hurt the child's self-esteem.

Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

Just because babies still like to touch their mother's breasts after weaning doesn't mean they're a little "pervert". Rather, it is a normal physical and psychological need.

Mothers need to treat this problem correctly and take appropriate methods to guide and help their children through this stage, have you learned?

[The above content is for reference and learning, please carry out under the guidance of professionals, on the road of parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can follow me, and discuss those things on the road of parenting with me. 】

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  • Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!
  • Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!
  • Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!
  • Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!
  • Is it normal for a 2-year-old baby to always touch his mother's chest? Mom has to be educated in advance!

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