
After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

Apricot mom parenting

2024-06-29 09:49Creator in the field of parenting

Learning is the key to unlocking freedom. The recent hit "The Story of Rose" has received unanimous praise since its launch, but what made me feel the most was the picture of Rose chatting with her daughter Xiaochu in the play, I have to say that her education method can be called textbook level.

Xiao Chu asked his mother: "I don't even have an airplane at home, why do you want to learn to fly an airplane?" ”

Mother Rose replied, "It's fun." "

Xiao Chu complained: "When they grow up, they still have to take classes and exams, which is too unfree." ”

"But learning can actually bring freedom," Rose explains. ”

Xiao Chu felt: "Learning is the most binding thing in the world. ”

Rose emphasized again: "Once you have mastered the learning method, you can learn whatever you want and what you need, and then you are truly free." ”

Xiao Chu was puzzled: "Is this a tongue twister?" I don't understand. ”

Rose comforted her: "It's okay, read more books, and slowly understand." ”

Rose never forced her daughter to learn a specific thing, but showed Xiao Chu through her own behavior of taking risks, trying and learning: as long as you master the method of learning, you are free to learn whatever you want.

After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

I won't ask for something you would, and I will, and I'll do something that I'm sure you will.

Xiao Chu said to her mother, "You are really different from other mothers in our class. ”

Rose asked curiously, "What's the difference?" ”

Xiao Chu replied: "It's just that you never yell at me." I always felt like you were guiding me in some way, but I couldn't say what it was. ”

Rose explains: "Actually, my method is very simple. You were born to me, I won't, I don't expect you to, but if I will, I'm sure you can do it too. Is it okay to understand it this way? ”

Xiao Chu asked excitedly: "Then can I also learn to fly an airplane in the future?" ”

Rose replied affirmatively: "Of course, as long as you can earn your own tuition." ”

That's the power of example. "I won't ask you for something you won", do not impose personal expectations on children. When Kochu came up with the idea of learning to fly an airplane, Rose supported her, but at the same time emphasized the importance of self-reliance, rather than thinking about it without doing anything. And it is this kind of interaction that allows Rose to complete parent-child education invisibly.

After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

Man must accept his imperfections. Life is too tiring if everything is perfect.

Fang Xiewen asked Xiao Chu: "Isn't it very difficult to go to school?" ”

Xiao Chu replied, "A little." ”

Xiao Chu's father, Fang Xiewen, wanted her to transfer to an international school, thinking that this would make her less stressed. But Xiao Chu refused, she felt that the current school was very good and did not want to leave her friends. Fang Xiewen said that in international schools, you can meet new friends, study much less pressure, and have more time to spend with your grandparents.

But Xiao Chu thinks that it doesn't matter if the pressure is now, and he will be free in the future, and he can learn whatever he wants. She also mentioned that her mom learned a lot of different things, including flying planes, and thought it was cool. In the end, Xiao Chu asked his father why his smart mother was not enterprising in cooking, and Fang Xiewen was also very curious.

After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

When Xiao Chu was chatting with his father Fang Xiewen, Xiao Chu said that people have to accept that they have some shortcomings, and they can't always be too themselves, otherwise life will be too tiring.

Fang Xiewen felt that this made sense, and he also joked that Xiaochu's mother was very good except for not cooking well.

From their conversation, I can feel that Xiao Chu respects her mother very much, and she is quite assertive.

When Fang Xiewen proposed that he wanted Xiao Chu to transfer to reduce the pressure, Xiao Chu told his father that it was okay to be a little stressed when studying, and once he learned it, he could freely choose a school to study in the future, which was obviously influenced by her mother.

In Fang Xiewen's view, Rose is engaged in art for a while, studies psychology for a while, and wants to learn to fly an airplane for a while, it seems that she has no plan, and she learns a variety of things. But he didn't know that Rose had decided to study psychology because of an exhibition of autistic children, and if it wasn't for studying in Shanghai, she might not have met him.

After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

Rose has recently become obsessed with learning to fly airplanes, and each decision is based on her mood at the time. She dares to try anything, is not afraid of failure, and accepts that she is not perfect. He is not himself and the people around him, and he lives quite freely. Under her influence, her daughter has also become independent and confident, and she is also bold.

So as a mother, do you agree with Rose's parenting style?

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  • After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!
  • After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!
  • After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!
  • After watching "The Story of Roses", come and learn the awesome parenting methods of roses!

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