
No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

author:Bijia Minami

In traditional Chinese culture, diligence and frugality are considered virtues.

Sometimes, however, excessive frugality can lead to a lot of items piling up in your home that are no longer in use or have aged.

Not only do these items take up valuable storage space, but they can also have a negative impact on the home environment and the physical and mental health of the occupants.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, we need to be wise about what should be kept and what should be discarded.

Next, we will discuss 8 things that should be thrown away at home as soon as possible, which are not superstitions but are based on practical considerations and scientific evidence.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

01. Mountains of cartons and plastic bottles

Many people leave cartons and plastic bottles at home after shopping, possibly out of concern for the environment or to sell scrap.

However, these cartons and plastic bottles tend to pile up and take up a lot of space, making the home seem cluttered.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

What's more, cartons that have been stacked for a long time are prone to moisture, mold, and even become a habitat for pests. Plastic bottles can also release harmful substances and pose a potential threat to your family's health.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, it is recommended to clean these cartons and plastic bottles regularly, or recycle them in time to keep the home environment clean and safe.

02. Non-stick pans with peeling coatings

Nonstick pans are loved by many families because of their ease of cooking.

However, when the coating of the nonstick pan comes off, harmful substances are released. These substances may decompose toxic gases at high temperatures, which can be harmful to human health.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, for non-stick pans with peeling coatings, we should replace them with new ones as soon as possible.

When choosing a new pot, consider using traditional pots and pans such as iron pots, which are not only safe and reliable, but also have a long lifespan.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

03. Expired or spoiled seasonings

Seasoning is an important auxiliary material for cooking food, but if the seasoning is not used for a long time or stored improperly, it is easy to get moisture, spoil and even breed bacteria.

Expired seasonings may be harmful to human health.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, we should regularly check the shelf life and quality of the seasoning, and once we find that it is expired or spoiled, we should immediately discard it and buy a new product.

At the same time, in order to prolong the life of the seasoning and maintain its quality, it is recommended to store it in a dry, cool place and away from direct sunlight.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

04. Moldy and deteriorated cutting board

The cutting board in the kitchen is an important tool for daily cooking, but after a long period of use, the cutting board is prone to bacteria and mold.

These molds not only affect the hygiene of food, but can also enter the human body through food, causing health hazards.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, as soon as you notice that your cutting board is moldy or deteriorated, you should replace it with a new one immediately.

At the same time, in order to prolong the life of the cutting board and maintain hygiene, it is recommended to clean and disinfect the cutting board regularly to avoid bacterial growth.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

05. Inferior and unsafe tableware

There are some low-quality tableware in the market, which may attract consumers with low prices, but often have safety hazards.

These tableware may contain harmful substances such as heavy metals and toxic chemicals, and long-term use may cause harm to human health.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, when choosing tableware, we should pay attention to quality and safety, and avoid buying and using inferior tableware. For inferior cutlery that has already been purchased, it is recommended to discard and replace it with safe, qualified cutlery as soon as possible.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

06. Expired medicines and health products

It's a good idea to keep some medicines and health products at home in case you need them.

However, once these drugs expire, they lose their original efficacy and may even produce harmful substances.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Therefore, we should regularly clean the medicine box at home and dispose of expired medicines and health products in a timely manner.

When disposing of expired medicines, it is recommended to take them to a designated drug collection point for proper disposal to avoid pollution to the environment.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

07. Long-used pillows and bedding

Pillows and bedding are things that we come into contact with every night.

However, pillows and bedding that are used for a long time are prone to accumulation of microorganisms such as sweat, dander and dust mites.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Not only can these microorganisms trigger allergic reactions and breathing problems, but they may also affect the quality of sleep.

Therefore, for pillows and bedding that have been used for a long time, we should change or wash them regularly to keep them clean and hygienic.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

At the same time, when choosing new pillows and bedding, consider buying products with antibacterial and anti-mite functions to improve sleep quality.

08. Worn-out shoes

Shoes are an essential item in our daily lives, but the shoes that are worn are prone to bacteria breeding and odors inside.

When shoes are worn or damaged, they should be disposed of in time, rather than stacked in the shoe cabinet to take up space.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Worn-out shoes not only affect the aesthetics of your home, but can also pose a potential threat to your family's health.

Therefore, for worn-out shoes, we should discard them as soon as possible and buy new ones. When shopping for new shoes, choose shoes that are breathable and soft to improve wearing comfort and reduce bacterial growth.

No matter how rich the family is, these 8 things should be thrown away as soon as possible, not superstition, but basis!

Summary at the end of the article:

By disposing of items that are no longer in use or have aged, we can create a more comfortable and safe living environment for families.

Only by throwing away the negative energy at home can life be smoother.

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