
In the second year of marriage, I took 100,000 to marry my eldest sister for treatment, and my mother's family said I was too stupid

author:Five-year love said

In the second year of marriage, the days were originally like a soft-colored picture, warm and calm. However, the storm of fate swept in without warning, and the sudden serious illness of the eldest sister completely shattered this tranquility.

In the second year of marriage, I took 100,000 to marry my eldest sister for treatment, and my mother's family said I was too stupid

When I learned about my eldest sister's illness from my husband, I felt as if the whole world had darkened in an instant. That night, I tossed and turned, and I couldn't sleep.

The next day, I made a decision - to take out my 100,000 dowry and treat my eldest sister. When I told my mother's family about this idea, the other end of the phone exploded instantly.

The mother was so anxious that her voice changed: "Girl, don't be stupid! This dowry is your confidence in your in-law's family, you are now taking out all your brains, what will happen in the future, what can you do? ”

In the second year of marriage, I took 100,000 to marry my eldest sister for treatment, and my mother's family said I was too stupid

The father sighed again and again: "Child, we know that you have a good heart, but this is not a small amount, you have to think about your own small family." ”

I was silent, but my heart felt like a boulder. When I returned to my parents' house on the weekend, the seven aunts and eight aunts also came around.

"You've just been married for two years and haven't had any children, so you can give all the dowry, can your in-laws miss you?" Auntie said with a frown.

"That's right, if you and your husband have a conflict in the future, the money will be wasted." My uncle also chimed in.

I understand their concerns, after all, money does give people a sense of security in real life. But whenever I think of my eldest sister's kindness to me in the past, I can't sit idly by.

When I first married into this family, I didn't quite adapt to the new environment, and my eldest sister always took care of me carefully. I remember one time, I accidentally burned my hand in the kitchen, and my eldest sister didn't say a word, pulled me to the hospital, and kept comforting me along the way.

Another time, I had a setback at work, I was depressed, and I even had the idea of quitting. My eldest sister patiently listened to me, helped me analyze the pros and cons, and encouraged me to persevere.

In the second year of marriage, I took 100,000 to marry my eldest sister for treatment, and my mother's family said I was too stupid

Now that she is sick, how can I bear to watch her suffer?

My husband and I rushed to the hospital with 100,000 yuan, and my eldest sister was lying on the hospital bed, her face as pale as paper. When she saw us, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she was replaced by guilt.

"Brother-in-law, I can't ask for this money, you just got married, and there will be more places to use the money in the future." The eldest sister said weakly, with a hint of tremor in her voice.

I gently held her hand, held back tears and said, "Sister, don't think so much, cure the disease first, and let's face it together as a family." ”

In the following days, my husband and I took turns taking care of my eldest sister in the hospital. Every morning, I wake up early to prepare a nutritious breakfast for my eldest sister. When I accompanied her for various examinations, I held her hand tightly to give her strength and courage. In the evening, I would give her a massage to relieve her discomfort from being in bed for a long time.

However, the eldest sister's condition has never improved significantly, and the cost of treatment continues to be spent like water.

Friends around me also began to persuade me: "You don't know when this disease will be a head, you have put all your savings into it, how will you live in the future?" ”

I have also secretly wept in a no-man's corner, questioning whether my decision was the right one. But every time I saw the helpless eyes of my eldest sister, I strengthened my belief again.

Perhaps it was our persistence that moved the heavens, and after many expert consultations and adjustment of the treatment plan, my aunt's condition finally took a turn for the better.

On that day, the doctor took the latest examination report and told us with a smile: "The situation is improving, continue the treatment, and there is great hope for recovery." ”

At that moment, my husband and I cried with joy, and my eldest sister was also so excited that she burst into tears.

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, the sun was exceptionally warm. The eldest sister hugged me tightly, and her voice was choked: "Brother-in-law, it is your persistence and dedication that give me a second life." ”

And my husband also reciprocated me with deeper love and care.

After this incident, my mother's family no longer called me stupid. They saw my perseverance and dedication in this family, and they also saw how powerful the power of family affection is.

Life may be full of unknowns and challenges, but as long as there is love in your heart, and you have persistence and belief in family affection, you can overcome many difficulties and usher in a better future.