
From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

author:Xiao Literature Company
From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".
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From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

In the starry world of the entertainment industry, there is an actor named Gao Weiguang, whose story is legendary. , a big boy with a height of 1.91 meters, was once ruthlessly labeled as "the shame of Chinese opera" by netizens because of his jerky acting skills.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. is such an actor who has been questioned, but now with the role of "Emperor Donghua" played in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", he has become a male god in the hearts of thousands of girls.

How did Gao Weiguang complete such an amazing transformation? And what forces propelled him from obscurity to popularity? What are the untold stories behind his success? Let's unveil the mystery of Gao Weiguang's counterattack and explore the invisible "nobles" who paved the way for him.

Gao Weiguang's childhood is like a gorgeous picture, under the care of his parents, he is like a rising star. His unique appearance has made him unique since he was a child: his tall figure and handsome face all attract the attention of those around him.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Among his peers, Gao Weiguang is like a tall aspen tree, outstanding.

Teachers often admired his intelligence, and his classmates envied his innate self-confidence. Such an environment invisibly nourishes Gao Weiguang's dream of being an actor.

He began to fantasize about one day being able to stand in the spotlight and be the center of attention.

This setback was like a hammer, smashing Gao Weiguang from the cloud of dreams back to the ground of reality. For the first time, he tasted the bitterness of defeat, and his heart was full of unwillingness and confusion.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Why did you try to prepare or fail? Is he really not suitable to be an actor? These questions hung over him like a dark cloud.

To add insult to injury, the family's financial situation did not allow him to continue chasing his dreams. The burden of life suddenly weighed on the shoulders of this boy who had just come of age. He had to put aside his heart's cravings for a while and work as a laborer at a barbecue restaurant in his hometown to ease the financial pressure on his family.

In the dead of night, Gao Weiguang, who is standing in the back kitchen of the barbecue restaurant, always looks at the starry sky in a daze. The smell of oil smoke lingered on the tip of his nose, as if to silently remind him: this is not the life you want.

Under the pressure of reality and the cry of his heart, Gao Weiguang's heart began to fight fiercely.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

In the end, unwilling to be ordinary, he made a bold decision - he wanted to go alone and fight for his dream. This decision is not only a challenge to the self, but also a big gamble for the future.

Young Gao Weiguang didn't know what kind of arduous journey awaited him, but he was ready to meet the challenge.

In this way, with a longing for the future and a little uneasiness, Gao Weiguang embarked on the journey of chasing his dreams and opened a new chapter in his life.

With his love for acting and his vision for the future, Gao Weiguang resolutely left his hometown of Heilongjiang and went to Beijing, a metropolis with both opportunities and challenges.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond the imagination of this young man. When he stood on the bustling streets of Beijing, with only more than 1,000 yuan in his pocket, he really felt the pressure of survival for the first time.

In order to make a basic living, Gao Weiguang tried almost every job he could think of. He traveled from one fashion show to another and became a model; He even started working as a part-time model in a bridal shop.

The job, although far from his dream of being an actor, at least kept him from going hungry. Whenever he wears those gorgeous dresses, Gao Weiguang will secretly swear in his heart: One day, I will wear my own costume and stand in the spotlight.

The hardships of life have not eroded Gao Weiguang's love for acting. He took every opportunity possible and spared no effort to market himself to major companies. In the process, Gao Weiguang gradually realized that appearance alone is far from enough, and he needs more professional knowledge and skills to enrich himself.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Just when Gao Weiguang felt powerless and even began to doubt whether his choice was correct, the god of fate reached out to him. He was fortunate enough to meet the famous director Wang Hongmin, a discerning director who gave Gao Weiguang a valuable opportunity to skip many competitive competitions and quickly make his mark in the modeling industry.

This experience not only gave Gao Weiguang financial support, but also strengthened his determination to pursue an acting career.

With Director Wang's encouragement, Gao Weiguang made up his mind to return to school and lay a solid foundation for his acting dream. He knows that only by constantly enriching himself can he gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

So, he began to prepare for the art exam, training hard day after day.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

In 2008, after unremitting efforts, Gao Weiguang was finally admitted to the China Theatre Academy as he wished. When he learned of the admission notice, Gao Weiguang was so excited that he burst into tears.

He knew that this was not just a notice, but a golden key to his dreams.

Looking back on this difficult time, Gao Weiguang is full of emotion. From the initial confusion and helplessness, to the later firm belief; From his modeling career to being successfully admitted to his favorite school, he has experienced too many ups and downs along the way.

These experiences not only strengthened his determination to pursue an acting career, but also made him understand a truth: the road of dreams is never smooth, and only by withstanding setbacks and tests can he finally achieve his goals.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

With this hard-won opportunity and vision for the future, Gao Weiguang stepped into the door of the China Theatre Academy. Little did he know, however, that more challenges and tests awaited him.

But at this time, he is ready to meet all difficulties and is ready to write his own legend on the road of acting.

Stepping into the door of the China Theatre Academy, Gao Weiguang thought that his acting career would be smooth sailing. However, reality gave him a slap in the face. As a fledgling, he can only play inconspicuous small roles in various film and television dramas.

Every time he gets the script and looks at his few lines, Gao Weiguang is inevitably disappointed. But he knows that every successful actor starts from a supporting role, so he chooses to silently accumulate experience and wait patiently for his own stage.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

However, the lack of opportunities was only one of the challenges he faced. Because his acting skills are still jerky, Gao Weiguang's performance has attracted malicious attacks from some netizens. The piercing label of "the shame of Chinese opera", like a sharp dagger, deeply pierced Gao Weiguang's heart.

Whenever he saw those vitriolic comments, he felt a deep sense of frustration.

But Gao Weiguang was not defeated by these negative voices. Instead, he turned these doubts and ridicules into motivation to move forward, and worked harder on his acting skills. Every day, he repeatedly practices his expressions and movements in front of the mirror, striving to achieve the ultimate in every detail.

He secretly vowed that one day, he would use his strength to prove that he was not only not a "shame of Chinese opera", but also the pride of Chinese opera.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

During this difficult start-up period, Gao Wei Optics learned how to face criticism and doubts. He understands that in the highly competitive industry of the entertainment industry, only by constantly improving himself can he win the recognition of the audience and industry insiders.

Despite the difficult road, he never gave up the pursuit of his dream of being an actor.

Gao Weiguang's persistence and hard work laid the foundation for his future success. Although he has not yet made a name for himself in the entertainment industry at this time, he firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard, opportunities will eventually favor those who are prepared.

With this belief, he continued to move forward on the road of acting, waiting for his own highlight moment.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Just as Gao Weiguang was crawling in the entertainment industry, fate once again extended an olive branch to him. He was fortunate to work under a veteran mentor who not only taught him professional skills, but also pointed him in the direction of his acting career.

Under the careful guidance of his mentor, Gao Weiguang's acting skills have matured day by day, and he has gradually gotten rid of the early jerkiness. This mentoring relationship became an important turning point in his acting career, laying a solid foundation for his future success.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. With his constantly improving acting skills and unique temperament, Gao Weiguang finally ushered in a major breakthrough in his career - he was fortunate to cooperate with the popular actress Yang Mi.

This cooperation not only made Gao Weiguang's name begin to be known to more people, but also allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. The experience of cooperation with Yang Mi made Gao Weiguang deeply understand what professionalism is, and also made him understand that in this industry, opportunities and strength are equally important.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

However, what really made Gao Weiguang an instant hit was the role of "Emperor Donghua" played in the TV series "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms". This role seems to be tailor-made for Gao Weiguang, and his handsome appearance and increasingly superb acting skills perfectly interpret the mystery and charm of this role.

When this drama was broadcast, Gao Weiguang's performance won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders. The boy who was once labeled as the "shame of Chinese opera" has now transformed into an acclaimed actor.

Since then, Gao Weiguang's career has begun to enter the fast lane. He is frequently invited to participate in major variety shows, and has won the love of more audiences with his talent and charm.

Every appearance makes people see a new Gao Weiguang - confident, humorous, and talented. His success is not only the improvement of his acting skills, but also the transformation of his overall temperament.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Looking back, Gao Weiguang's heart is full of gratitude. He knows that his success is inseparable from the "nobles" who helped him at critical moments. Whether it is Director Wang, who introduced him into the industry, or the mentor who guided his acting skills, or Yang Mi, who gave him important opportunities, they all played a vital role in his acting career.

Gao Weiguang's story tells us that on the road to pursuing our dreams, personal efforts are important, but we cannot ignore the power of noble people to help each other. It is the appearance of these nobles, coupled with his own unremitting efforts, that has created today's Gao Weiguang.

His success is a perfect interweaving of opportunity and hard work, and a wonderful combination of perseverance and luck.

Despite the remarkable achievements, Gao Weiguang did not stop there. He knows that in the ever-changing entertainment industry, only continuous progress can be invincible.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Even though his work schedule is full, Gao Weiguang still insists on taking time out every day to study acting skills and read various scripts extensively. He often reminds himself: "Today's efforts are to make tomorrow's self better."

This tireless spirit of struggle is the key to his ability to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

From being ridiculed as the "shame of Chinese opera" to now being widely acclaimed as a powerful actor, Gao Weiguang used his own experience to interpret what is a real "gorgeous counterattack".

His story tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams, work hard, and grasp opportunities, we will eventually have a sky of our own.

From being scolded for "Chinese drama shame" to a gorgeous turn, Gao Weiguang's success is inseparable from the help of "nobles".

Today's Gao Weiguang still maintains his original enthusiasm and original intention, and continues to sweat and shine in the entertainment industry. His goal is not only to become a successful actor, but also to contribute to China's film and television industry through his own efforts.

We look forward to the fact that this former "shame of Chinese opera" can create more excitement in the future, become a real "light of Chinese opera", and bring more excellent works to the audience.

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