
A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

author:Xiao Literature Company
A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?
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A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

In 1993, a seemingly mundane interview suddenly became tense. Sitting in the audience was a reporter from Taiwan, and standing on the stage was Gu Yue, an actor known for playing Mao Zedong.

There is a subtle atmosphere in the air, as if everyone is waiting for an important moment.

"Mr. Gu Yue, when can you go to Taiwan?" As soon as the reporter's question came out, the scene was silent. Behind this seemingly simple question, there is a complex historical background and political implications.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

All eyes were on Gu Yue, and people waited with bated breath as they wondered how he would respond to this sensitive topic.

Gu Yue's expression was calm and her gaze was firm. He spoke slowly, his voice clear and powerful. The following answer not only resolved this thorny issue, but also triggered thunderous applause from the audience, expressing the common aspirations of the people on both sides of the strait.

How will this answer affect cross-strait relations? What kind of inspiration will it bring to the audience? Let's step into this special moment in history and listen to the wise answer of an actor.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

In 1978, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew across the land of China. In this hopeful new era, all walks of life are showing vigorous vitality. Not far behind, the TV station began to prepare for a major film and television project: a TV series with Mao Zedong as the protagonist.

As an iconic figure in modern Chinese history, Mao Zedong's image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Through television, radio and newspapers, the audience is extremely familiar with the voice and smile of this great man.

This kind of national recognition has undoubtedly brought unprecedented pressure to the casting work. If the casting is not done properly, it will not only cause dissatisfaction among the audience, but may even lead to the failure of the entire project.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Faced with this dilemma, the TV station decided to adopt a bold plan: to launch a nationwide special actor audition. In order to ensure the fairness and authority of the selection, they specially invited the highly respected Marshal Ye Jianying to serve as a judge.

The auditions are in full swing, and actors from all over the country are gearing up and eager to try. However, after Marshal Ye Jianying's strict screening, he was never able to find the ideal candidate.

Seeing the time pass day by day, the anxiety of the crew is also increasing day by day.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Just when everyone was about to give up hope, a special resume caught the attention of the judges. The owner of this resume is Gu Yue, who later became a household name.

When Gu Yue stood in front of the judges, everyone was surprised to find that his appearance and temperament were strikingly similar to Mao Zedong, as if he had come out of a historical photo.

A glimmer of light flashed in Marshal Ye Jianying's eyes. After careful consideration and repeated comparisons, Gu Yue finally stood out and got the precious opportunity to play Mao Zedong.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

This decision not only changed the trajectory of Gu Yue's life, but also laid the foundation for the most representative screen image of Mao Zedong in the history of Chinese film and television.

However, getting this role is just the beginning. Gu Yue knows that in order to truly become the "Mao Zedong" in the eyes of the audience, it takes more effort and sweat.

The challenge he faces is far more daunting than he imagined.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

After getting the opportunity to play Mao Zedong, Gu Yue felt a great responsibility. He knows that it is not enough to be similar in appearance, and it takes a lot of effort to truly become the "Mao Zedong" in the eyes of the audience.

With a sense of reverence for the character, Gu Yue began the arduous preparations. He purchased a large number of books related to Mao Zedong Thought and life, and studied them without sleep or food.

Every day, he spends hours watching video footage of Mao Zedong, mimicking his tone, demeanor and movements in such detail. Gu Yue's decision was admirable, and he often stood alone in front of the mirror, repeatedly practicing every subtle expression of Mao Zedong.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Sometimes, he would wake up in the middle of the night because of a sudden thought of a certain detail, and immediately get up to record.

This kind of almost obsessive devotion made Gu Yue gradually integrate with the character. On the set, as long as he put on that iconic Mao suit, it seems that he really incarnates Mao Zedong.

The director and other actors are often so blown away by his performances that they sometimes forget in a trance that they are just filming.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Gu Yue's efforts soon paid off. The image of Mao Zedong he created not only has the majesty of a leader, but also the warmth of human nature. This unique interpretation quickly won wide recognition from the audience.

People were amazed by his accurate grasp of Mao Zedong's demeanor and tone, and they were even more impressed by the charisma of the leader he displayed.

With the continuous increase in the number of participating works, Gu Yue's reputation has become increasingly popular. From "Four Crossings of the Red Water" to "The Founding Ceremony", each work has further cemented his status as the "best Mao Zedong actor".

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

The audience often sighs that watching Gu Yue's performance, it seems that they have really traveled back to that era of burning passion.

Gu Yue's success lies not only in the similarity of appearance, but also in his deep understanding and accurate grasp of the role. He is not simply imitating Mao Zedong, but through his own understanding and interpretation, he shows a flesh-and-blood, plump and three-dimensional Mao Zedong in front of the audience.

From an unknown ordinary actor to a well-known "screen Mao Zedong", Gu Yue used her talent and sweat to write a legend of her own.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

His success is not only the pinnacle of his artistic career, but also sets an insurmountable benchmark for the most representative screen image of Mao Zedong in the history of Chinese film and television.

Gu Yue's persistent pursuit of the role shows an actor's extreme dedication to art. During the filming of "Four Crossings of Chishui", in order to restore the thin image of Mao Zedong during the Long March, Gu Yue made a surprising decision - to take the initiative to lose 20 pounds.

To achieve this goal, Furutsuki developed a strict diet plan. He only eats a small amount of vegetables and steamed buns every day, while insisting on high-intensity exercise. This self-disciplined lifestyle has made his figure gradually close to the requirements of the play, but it has also put a huge burden on his body.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Despite her weak health, Gu Yue still insisted on working more than ten hours a day. His professionalism deeply touched all the members of the crew. The director once said with emotion: "Gu Yue is not playing Chairman Mao, he is Chairman Mao."

This sentence is not only an affirmation of Gu Yue's acting skills, but also a praise for his professionalism.

However, the challenge doesn't end there. In the filming of "The Founding Ceremony" a few years later, in order to present the high-spirited image of Mao Zedong in 1949, Gu Yue faced a diametrically opposite task - weight gain.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

In order to make his figure more burly, he forced himself to eat a few more steamed buns every day and worked hard to gain weight.

This repeated change in body shape undoubtedly brought a great burden to Gu Yue's body. But he never complained, but often said: "It is my honor to be able to interpret Chairman Mao's life."

What is this suffering? This attitude not only won the respect of peers, but also deeply touched the audience.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Gu Yue's efforts were not in vain. The image of Mao Zedong he created is meticulous, whether it is his demeanor, tone or gestures, it is all lifelike. The audience often sighs that watching Gu Yue's performance, it seems that they have really traveled back to that era of burning passion.

Gu Yue's professionalism is not only reflected in his accurate grasp of the role, but also in his respect for the entire industry. He often said to young actors: "Acting is not pretending, but feeling with your heart and interpreting with your life."

This spirit has become a valuable asset he left to the Chinese entertainment industry.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Gu Yue used practical actions to interpret what true dedication is. His dedication not only created a classic screen image, but also set an example for later actors.

His story has become a microcosm of professionalism in China's entertainment industry, inspiring generations of actors to continue to pursue the ultimate in art.

Gu Yue's performance was so realistic that it sparked a series of unexpected social reactions. Whenever he appears in public in costume, it always causes a sensation.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Passers-by stopped to watch, whispering, and some even thought they had seen the "real" Mao Zedong reappear in the world.

This situation initially confused and uneasy Furutsuki. He knew that he was just an actor, not the real Mao Zedong. However, the audience's reaction blurred the line.

After seeing Gu Yue, some people actually led the whole family to kneel on the ground, and the scene was both touching and laughable.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Faced with this situation, Gu Yue chose a humble and low-key attitude. He always politely declined overly enthusiastic fans and patiently explained that he was just an actor.

In his daily life, he tries to avoid wearing that iconic costume to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings.

However, this misunderstanding also reflects the success of Gu Yue's performance from the side. His image of Mao Zedong is so real that it blurs the line between art and reality.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

This is not only an affirmation of Gu Yue's acting skills, but also reflects people's deep feelings for Mao Zedong.

Gu Yue has her own understanding of this phenomenon. He once said: "My duty is to create a good image of Chairman Mao, but more importantly, to convey his spirit." If my performance allows the audience to relive that history and feel that spirit, that's the biggest success.

This unique phenomenon also provokes people to think about the relationship between art and reality. Gu Yue's experience tells us that excellent artistic creation can transcend time and space and arouse strong emotional resonance.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

At the same time, it also reminds us that we need to maintain a certain amount of rationality and distance when appreciating works of art.

The story of Gu Yue has become a unique footnote in the history of Chinese performing arts, demonstrating the charm and influence of art, and also reflecting people's complex emotions about history and heroes.

In 2005, at the age of 69, Gu Yue passed away due to illness, drawing an end to his brilliant artistic career. However, his departure has not made his contribution forgotten.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

More than 300 Guangzhou citizens spontaneously attended his memorial service, paying tribute to the artist with a 6-meter-long couplet. This spontaneous behavior shows Gu Yue's special status in the hearts of the audience.

Gu Yue's death is not only a loss for the entertainment industry, but also a regret for the entire society. However, his artistic legacy remains forever in people's hearts. Even today, many years after his death, people are still revisiting his work and feeling the image of Mao Zedong he created.

This enduring influence proves the eternal value of Gu Yue's artistic creation.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

Gu Yue's success lies in the fact that he is not just "imitating" Mao Zedong, but truly understanding and interpreting this role. His performance goes beyond simple resemblance and presents a flesh-and-blood Mao Zedong in front of the audience.

This deep understanding and superb acting skills make his performance stand the test of time.

Gu Yue's artistic career has left us with a valuable enlightenment: true art requires not only talent, but also dedication and perseverance. He has spent his life interpreting a role, and also interpreting what dedication and focus are.

A Taiwanese reporter asked Gu Yue when he would go to Taiwan, and what did he answer to get a full house?

This spirit has become a model for future generations of art workers to learn from.

Nowadays, whenever people talk about Mao Zedong's screen image, Gu Yue's name is always mentioned first. His performance has become the collective memory of an era and an eternal artistic monument.

Gu Yue used his talent and hard work to not only create a classic role, but also left a valuable spiritual wealth in the history of Chinese films. His story will continue to inspire a new generation of artists to pursue the true meaning of art and create more classic works.

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