
The mother-in-law gave all the family property to the sister-in-law as a dowry, the son acquiesced, and the daughter-in-law asked a rhetorical question, and the whole family panicked


The mother-in-law gave all the family property to the sister-in-law as a dowry, the son acquiesced, and the daughter-in-law asked a rhetorical question, and the whole family panicked. At an ordinary family dinner, the topic exploded like thunder to the otherwise calm atmosphere.

Xiaoli has been married into this family for five years, and she has a deep relationship with her husband Daqiang, and she also tries to get along well with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. However, when her mother-in-law announced at the dinner table that she would give all the family property as the dowry of her sister-in-law Xiaohong, Xiaoli was shocked. Daqiang seemed to be mentally prepared for this, just bowed his head and ate silently, without expressing any opinion.

"Mom, have you really decided?" Xiaoli couldn't help but ask. She had many doubts in her mind, after all, the future of the whole family was at stake. The mother-in-law nodded, and her tone was firm: "This is the decision of your father and me, and we hope to give Xiaohong the best." ”

The mother-in-law gave all the family property to the sister-in-law as a dowry, the son acquiesced, and the daughter-in-law asked a rhetorical question, and the whole family panicked

Xiaoli took a deep breath and tried to keep herself calm: "Mom, I understand your intentions. But have you ever thought about it, these possessions are not just about money and things, they are also related to the security and future of our entire family. If we give all the family property to Xiaohong, what will we do if the family encounters difficulties in the future? ”

This question made the whole family fall silent. They never thought about it, just basked in the joy that was coming. The mother-in-law's face turned a little pale, she obviously didn't expect Xiaoli to ask the question so directly.

At this moment, Xiaohong suddenly stood up, her eyes red: "Sister-in-law, I know you are good for me." However, these family assets belong to their parents, and they have the right to decide how to distribute them. Moreover, I have decided that I want to get married, and I hope that my wedding will be beautiful. ”

Xiaoli looked at Xiaohong with mixed feelings in her heart. She understands Xiaohong's mood and respects her choice. However, she also cannot ignore the future of the entire family. Just when the atmosphere was at an impasse, Da Qiang finally spoke: "I think Xiaoli has a point. We can't just think about what's in front of us, we have to think about the future of the whole family. Mom, do you think we can renegotiate the dowry? ”

The mother-in-law gave all the family property to the sister-in-law as a dowry, the son acquiesced, and the daughter-in-law asked a rhetorical question, and the whole family panicked

Daqiang's words made the whole family breathe a sigh of relief. They know that what the family needs is a fair and reasonable solution, not impulsiveness and blindness.

Over the next few days, the whole family sat together and discussed the issue repeatedly. They try to consider the problem from all angles, hoping to find a solution that will both satisfy Xiaohong's wishes and guarantee the future of the family.

After some intense discussion and reflection, they finally reached a consensus: divide the family property into two parts, one part as Xiaohong's dowry to her and her husband as a wedding gift and blessing; The other part is set aside as a reserve fund for the family in case of emergency.

This solution is a delight for the whole family. Xiaohong understood her family's intentions and difficulties, and accepted this arrangement; Mother-in-law and Daqiang were also deeply pleased, and they felt that this decision was a wise choice that respected tradition and considered reality.

However, just when they thought the matter had been satisfactorily resolved, an unexpected news broke the peace - Xiaohong's fiancé suddenly made a request that he wanted to get more dowry as a guarantee for their future life.

The mother-in-law gave all the family property to the sister-in-law as a dowry, the son acquiesced, and the daughter-in-law asked a rhetorical question, and the whole family panicked

The news shocked and upset the whole family. They thought they had found a reasonable solution, but they didn't expect such a change to happen. Xiaoli looked at Xiaohong's anxious eyes, and she was also very anxious in her heart, but she knew that she needed to be calm and rational at this time.

"We can't let this affect our families and our future anymore." Xiaoli said firmly, "We can talk to them again and see if they can understand our difficulties and decisions." ”

At Xiaoli's suggestion, the whole family sat together again and communicated with Xiaohong's fiancé. They patiently explained their decisions and difficulties in the hope of gaining his understanding and support. After some sincere exchanges and communication, Xiaohong's fiancé finally understood their hardships and difficulties, and expressed his willingness to respect their decision.

The mother-in-law gave all the family property to the sister-in-law as a dowry, the son acquiesced, and the daughter-in-law asked a rhetorical question, and the whole family panicked

In the end, with Xiaoli's wisdom and efforts, the dowry turmoil was calmed down. The whole family has also learned a profound lesson from this, and they understand the need to be more calm, rational and fair in dealing with family affairs, and not to consider only the interests and aspirations of the individual at the expense of the future and happiness of the whole family.

After this incident, the relationship between the whole family became closer and more harmonious, and they also cherished each other's affection and support more. Xiaoli also deeply felt the strength and warmth of the family, and she understood that a harmonious family requires everyone's efforts and dedication, as well as mutual understanding and tolerance. In the days to come, she will continue to work hard to contribute to the happiness and fulfillment of her family.