
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!


The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!

The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!
The transparent old lady makes people laugh, humorous jokes, and hilarious debut!

"Grandma, why did you run out for a walk again? Such a cold day! "As soon as I entered, I saw my grandmother tidying up her little garden in good spirits.

Grandma raised her head and said with a smile: "Oh, Xiao Ming, it's nothing cold, I'm in a good mood." ”

"Grandma, you're so transparent." I shook my head helplessly, "Do you know that the community is talking about you today, saying that you laugh every day, there must be some secret." ”

"The secret? What's the secret. Grandma smiled even more happily, "I'm a person, I don't have any big skills, so I like to have fun." ”

"Then you can teach me some secrets, too." I said jokingly.

"Okay, the secret is to have a good attitude." My grandmother patted me on the shoulder, "People live for a lifetime, don't get along with yourself, think about everything." ”

I was moved by my grandmother's optimism, and I felt that the troubles in my life were not worth mentioning.

"Grandma, I have to study hard with your mentality." I said with a smile.

"Of course, you're still young, don't always be sad." Grandma nodded, "You know, I ran into Lao Li this morning, and he was complaining about his back pain again. ”

"Really? Old Grandpa Li has back pain again? I asked.

"Yes, he said that taking medicine every day doesn't get better, so I persuaded him, put his mind at ease, don't always think about illness, the more you think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes." Grandma said with a serious face.

"And then?" I asked curiously.

"Then Lao Li asked me why I was so happy, and I told him, 'Look, I talk to the little flowers and grass every day, how happy they are, and I am also happy.'" Grandma said, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, grandma, you're so humorous." I laughed, "No wonder everyone likes to talk to you." ”

"It's nothing, you see I went to the market to buy vegetables a few days ago, and I met a vendor, and he was sad. I asked him what was wrong, and he said that business was not good. So I told him, 'Look how fresh your food is, if it doesn't sell out today, someone will buy it tomorrow.' Grandma recalled.

"What's the hawker's reaction?" I couldn't help but ask.

"The peddler laughed and said that my old lady was really transparent, and after chatting with me for a long time, I was in a much better mood." Grandma looked proud.

"Grandma, you are really our family's pistachio." I say it from the bottom of my heart.

"People, the most important thing is to live happily." Grandma said earnestly, "You young people, don't always worry about work, there are many beautiful things in life, you must learn to discover." ”

I nodded, my heart filled with gratitude. Grandma used her optimism and humor to make our whole family feel the beauty and warmth of life.

"Thank you, grandma, I will remember your words." I said it seriously.

"Good boy, as long as you are happy, grandma will be happy." Grandma smiled kindly.

The conversation that day made me feel extremely warm. Grandma's humor and transparency not only made us laugh, but also made us understand the true meaning of life. Her optimism and wisdom allow us to keep smiling and find the source of happiness even in the face of difficulties.

"The transparent old lady is really hilarious." I thought to myself that my grandmother's wisdom and humor would always be with me and become a precious treasure in my life.

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