
When artificial intelligence encounters the problem of the rule of law, listen to what experts and scholars have to say

author:Casual lobbyist


"Artificial Intelligence + Law Accelerates the Development of New Productive Forces" one-day theme lecture.

The "Meditation Forum" activity of Yangpu District Library was officially launched, and the keynote speaker of this special lecture was Xu Wei, a member of the Yangpu District Leading Master Group and a professor of the Institute of Information Law of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.

The lecture officially began, and Professor Xu Wei professionally discussed the relationship between artificial intelligence and the development of the rule of law from a unique perspective, and also opened up new ideas between artificial intelligence and the rule of law for the citizen readers present.

With the continuous emergence of various achievements and technological innovations in the field of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has not only attracted a lot of attention as a new productive force, but also has begun to fall into the field of view of the law, so some people deduce that there may be some artificial intelligence-related legislation in the future.

At the event, Professor Xu Wei shared and explained the background of artificial intelligence technology, and then focused on the legal system that has yet to be improved in the current artificial intelligence technology, and looked forward to the future development.

Artificial intelligence technology path.

The professional name Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to appear in the 50s of the 20th century, and has since become one of the enduring research directions of scientific research institutes and researchers around the world.

The core of artificial intelligence technology lies in its use of biomimetic methods to integrate a large number of information processing units in a system, and after various input processing, it can finally generate an output that can be accepted by humans, so as to complete a certain task.

The reason why the research field of artificial intelligence is so popular is that it is found that in some special environments or scenarios, traditional computer systems and programs are no longer capable of performing tasks, but artificial intelligence systems can play a good role in such scenarios, so the development of artificial intelligence systems can greatly improve the flexibility and intelligence of the system.

However, at the same time of artificial intelligence research, people have also found that it is not easy to truly realize the research and development of an artificial intelligence system, and this huge challenge is that the field of artificial intelligence involves too much, and the technical path of artificial intelligence is not only very complex, but also has many related research fields.

To put it simply, the technical path of artificial intelligence can be roughly summarized into two categories, one is the symbolist path and the other is the connectionist path.

In the following explanation, Professor Xu Wei compared the two types of paths, interpreted the technical difficulties in the artificial intelligence system for the audience, and laid the foundation for further discussion of the direction of the legal system that needs to be improved in the current development of artificial intelligence.

The connectionism path is a kind of artificial intelligence development idea from the perspective of bionics, which starts from the neurons in the human brain, and uses it as the basis for research to build an artificial neural network, which simulates the working principle of the human brain by processing information in a large number of parallel processes and extracting features in the neural network.

When the AI system in the connectionist model works, most of them will select a variety of input elements, process and parse them, so as to obtain the final desired output result, which is the basic principle of the AI system in the connectionist model.

However, in the actual construction work, the researchers found that although the mechanism of the neural network is very similar to the working mechanism of the brain neurons, it is difficult for the neural network model to truly imitate the intelligent characteristics of the brain in the process of work, so it is difficult to fully meet people's requirements for artificial intelligence systems.

Therefore, in the practical application process of AI systems with the path, the results are often less than ideal, and there are even some major defects and deficiencies, which also continuously increases the difficulty of AI system research and development.

The rule of law dilemma in the development of artificial intelligence.

The basic problem of connectionism is that the structure and working mechanism of neurons in the human brain are far from being as simple as people originally thought, so it will be difficult to realize the intelligent ability of the human brain in an artificial intelligence system to build a perfect neural network.

Another type of AI technology path, the symbolism path, is more popular than the connectionist path, in which the working principle of the AI system gives priority to processing information through reasoning and logic from the perspective of abstract rationality, so as to finally arrive at the correct result.

Compared with connectionism, the symbolism path no longer relies on mathematical and probabilistic processing, but directly builds an artificial intelligence system that can directly process logical reasoning, symbolic operation and other information.

At the same time, symbolism is not perfect, and symbolist AI systems are not only more difficult to debug and maintain than connectionist AI systems, but may even crash due to an inadvertent operation.

Eventually, with the in-depth exploration of the two types of technical systems, people began to gradually realize that the development of artificial intelligence is not a controversial issue between the two technical routes of connectionism and symbolism, but a combination of the two technical routes.

The connectionist artificial intelligence system imitates the work of the human brain neural network, which undoubtedly gives it a powerful ability to process information, but because of this, the connectionist artificial intelligence system usually needs to rely on processing methods such as probability and guessing and reasoning from the information when processing information.

When artificial intelligence encounters the problem of the rule of law, listen to what experts and scholars have to say

This undoubtedly brings a very serious challenge to the connectionist AI system, and this challenge is that the connectionist AI system will use "guessing" methods such as probability in its work, and cannot ensure that the result will be correct, so it cannot ensure the accuracy of the output result.

This poses a problem for connectionist AI systems: even if people continue to invest resources in research and development, the results of connectionist AI systems may still be unsatisfactory, and there is a high risk that serious security risks will occur, or even cause irreparable damage.

Therefore, in order for the development of artificial intelligence systems not to stop between the two types of technical systems, connectionism and symbolism, more in-depth discussion has become the most urgent problem to be solved in the current development direction of artificial intelligence.

As a technology applied to the field of technology, artificial intelligence can not only bring great benefits, but also bring corresponding challenges and problems, which need to be solved and dealt with through the legal system.

Professor Xu Wei focused on the analysis of the legal difficulties faced in the development of artificial intelligence, and summarized the legal difficulties faced by him into three aspects according to the foundation of artificial intelligence technology system, namely: data acquisition and utilization problems, algorithm ethics and responsibility determination, and computing resource deployment.

The problem of data acquisition and utilization refers to the fact that the most substantive task of artificial intelligence is inseparable from a large amount of data support, and it is through a large amount of data support that the artificial intelligence system can process and analyze information, so as to obtain the final result.

However, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence systems, the data currently used by artificial intelligence systems is mainly obtained through user uploads through various Internet software and platforms, and this model is generally called the "data pool" model.

Professor Xu Wei believes that there are many problems in the data pool model, the most serious of which is that the user's privacy data is difficult to guarantee, although the data uploaded by the user may be private data, but the artificial intelligence system cannot identify the data content, so it is entirely possible to use the private data uploaded by the user as ordinary data for training and work.

At present, the legal norms for privacy protection are still imperfect, but with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the privacy data protection of users is gradually becoming prominent, so it is expected to become the focus of legislation in the future.

When artificial intelligence encounters the problem of the rule of law, listen to what experts and scholars have to say

Although a major problem in the work of artificial intelligence systems is that they cannot guarantee that the results will be correct, many people in modern society will still use the results of artificial intelligence systems as a guide for decision-making.

Therefore, as the artificial intelligence system is continuously applied to social life, the consequences of the algorithm will have a huge impact on the society, but in this process, the artificial intelligence system cannot be responsible for the results, nor can it be held accountable, which will bring great chaos to social governance.

The deployment of computing resources relies on computer technology, which mainly refers to the computing resources that artificial intelligence systems rely on in the process of work, which is another very important issue in the network.

The huge data processing needs of AI systems often put a lot of pressure on the server load and consume a lot of resources, which puts a lot of pressure on the deployment of resources in the computer system.

However, in reality, it is difficult for a general network such as the Internet to truly cope with the huge demand for artificial intelligence systems, so Professor Xu Wei believes that in the future, the deployment direction of computing resources of artificial intelligence systems is also expected to be more regulated and constrained in the law.

When artificial intelligence encounters the problem of the rule of law, listen to what experts and scholars have to say

Artificial intelligence develops the future needs of the rule of law.

As an emerging industry in the future, artificial intelligence will undoubtedly have a profound impact on people's work and life, so while the development of artificial intelligence, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction of artificial intelligence standardization.

Professor Xu Wei summarized some legal requirements in the future development direction of artificial intelligence, including the rights of developers and users, the construction of privacy protection facilities, the construction of computing infrastructure, and the application of artificial intelligence systems in the law.

In terms of the rights of developers and users, it mainly involves the intellectual property rights of artificial intelligence technology, and with the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence systems, the intellectual property rights of artificial intelligence systems have gradually attracted attention.

Among the intellectual property issues of artificial intelligence, there are not only the protection and use rights of technological achievements, but also the rights of users to use uploaded data, and Professor Xu Wei believes that these issues will be expected to be regulated in tomorrow's legal system.

In terms of computing infrastructure construction, it is mainly to provide technical support for the development of artificial intelligence technology, and the development of artificial intelligence technology systems is inseparable from computing resources such as servers, but in practice, people find that the current computing resources not only cannot meet the needs of the development of artificial intelligence systems, but even bring many troubles to the development of artificial intelligence systems.

In the development process of AI systems, the deployment of computing resources is not only extremely costly, but also leads to slow progress in the development of AI systems due to resource shortages, and may also lead to system crashes or other major problems due to insufficient server resources.

Therefore, Professor Xu Wei pointed out that in the future, it is expected that there will be support for computing infrastructure in the law, and there may be a lot of "cloud computing" to solve this problem, and the introduction of laws and regulations in this area will make the development of artificial intelligence technology smoother.


Yangpu District Library's "Meditation Forum" special lecture interactive exchange meeting, aimed at building a platform for the general public readers to interact with famous experts, in this "Meditation Forum" special lecture activity, Yangpu District has created a professional and human environment of the venue, which has been favored by every reader present.

For the development of the field of artificial intelligence, it is necessary for us to recognize and pay attention, and at the same time, we also hope that through interactive exchanges such as expert lectures, more information can be delivered to the public, so as to arouse more people's attention and thinking about the field of artificial intelligence.

The development of artificial intelligence is inseparable from the constraints and protection of the law, and the law itself needs to be continuously improved and updated to adapt to the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and solve new problems.

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