
The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

author:An An said gossip

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was one of the most arduous periods in the history of the Chinese nation, and it was also an important theme of film and television creation. However, in recent years, some anti-Japanese film and television works have shown a ridiculous phenomenon of alienation, turning serious historical themes into an absurd farce.

The TV series "Youth on Fire" released in 2013 is a typical example. There is an unbelievable scene in the play: a squad of women and four men go after the enemy, but their costumes surprise the audience.

All the members were dressed in black, and they also covered half of their faces with blindfolds, and they looked like "domestic Batman". This kind of outfit can't help but make people wonder: did the director mistake the eye patch for a night vision device, thinking that if he wore it, he could see things at night as if it were day? What's even more unbelievable is that the female number one in the play actually put a layer of lipstick on herself at the critical moment of ambushing the enemy.

This kind of behavior is simply incredible, can lipstick still bless snipers and improve shooting accuracy? The performance of the female number two is also jaw-dropping. When she faced the enemy alone, she wore not only a red lace blindfold, but also a flaming red lip.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

Dressed up like this, it's like going to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but like going to some kind of masquerade ball. These plot designs are completely detached from historical reality, not only disrespecting those arduous years, but also seriously underestimating the audience's IQ.

They turned the solemn theme of the Anti-Japanese War into a comical farce, which aroused strong dissatisfaction and criticism from the audience. This kind of practice of ignoring historical truth for the sake of attracting attention not only did not attract the audience, but made people feel deeply disappointed and angry.

It seriously affected the seriousness and educational significance of anti-Japanese works, and also desecrated that period of history that is worth remembering. We can't help but ask: what is the purpose of such a creation? Is there really respect for the audience, respect for history? In some anti-Japanese dramas, the design and manufacturing process of weapons can be called imaginative, completely beyond the boundaries of history, and even stepped into the field of science fiction.

The appearance of these "magical" weapons not only challenges the imagination of the audience, but also seriously distorts the truth of history. In one anti-Japanese drama, a confident man introduces his "latest invention" to his teammates - the bamboo barrel pursuit cannon.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

The "inventor" half-squatted on the ground and explained with a serious expression: "Comrades, this is my newly developed weapon, called the bamboo cannon. Amid the exclamations of his teammates, he gushed about the weapon's lethality and portability.

However, when the audience saw this scene, they probably couldn't help but sigh: Could it be that digging a hole in bamboo and adding a few sticks can become a powerful weapon? This design is simply a great challenge to the audience's IQ.

Even more jaw-dropping is that in another anti-Japanese drama, a man claims that he can assemble two guns into a brand new one. If you think that he will go to a professional arsenal for a transformation, you are very wrong.

The "skilled craftsman" took the materials directly from the place and began his "transformation" work with the tools at his fingertips. However, the most incredible thing is that this man actually entered a magical space in the process of building a gun.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

In this space, he could take a hard look at the parts of the gun suspended in mid-air. This kind of scene is like the holographic projection technology in science fiction movies, which is completely beyond the level of science and technology during the Anti-Japanese War.

In addition to these incredible gun modification techniques, the character also displays amazing inventive talents. He is able to create all kinds of strange weapons at any time according to the actual situation on the battlefield.

Among them, the most representative is the invention of the "voice-activated bomb", which is ahead of its time. The design and manufacturing process of these bizarre weapons is completely detached from the historical background and scientific and technological reality.

Not only do they not add to the realism and appeal of the plot, but instead plunge the whole work into an absurd situation. The audience can't help but ask: Is this filming an anti-Japanese drama, or is it making some kind of alternative science fiction film? This practice of distorting history and challenging common sense in order to attract people's attention has seriously affected the credibility and educational significance of anti-Japanese works.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

It is not only disrespectful to that arduous history, but also a great insult to the intelligence of the audience. We hope that the creators can return to rationality and create works on the theme of the Anti-Japanese War with a more rigorous and respectful attitude towards history.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it was an indisputable historical fact that materials were extremely scarce. However, in some anti-Japanese dramas, the behavior of the characters is incompatible with this background, even to the point of jaw-dropping.

These plots are not only detached from historical reality, but also a serious misinterpretation of the difficult years at that time. In an anti-Japanese drama, there is an incredible scene: a woman is practicing marksmanship with a watermelon.

In those days of scarcity, fruit was extremely precious, and yet this character squandered it so much. What is even more shocking is that another woman came up, and instead of stopping this wasteful behavior, she criticized: "This target is too big, it should be replaced with eggs."

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

"This disregard for precious food, completely ignoring the harsh conditions of the Anti-Japanese War, is simply a mockery of history. A similar plot also appears in "Codename Thirteen Hairpins".

The soldiers in the play are accustomed to practicing marksmanship with eggs. As you can see from their skillful movements, this is not the first time they have done this. This behavior was not only a great waste of food, but also a serious misinterpretation of the difficult life of the time.

What's even more laughable is that in another drama, a group of female soldiers showed disgusted expressions when they faced the biscuits sprinkled with sesame seeds issued by the regiment. This kind of plot design is simply incredible, as if these female soldiers are all dressed and fed on weekdays.

A female soldier had to angrily remind them: "This is what you often have to eat in the future, do you want to go to the battlefield hungry to kill the enemy in the future?" This kind of pickiness about basic food is completely inconsistent with the historical background of the time, and it is a distortion of the real life of the Anti-Japanese War.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

The absurdity of the plot doesn't stop there. In a certain drama, when a chief was dining, he was not grateful for the braised pork and haggis specially prepared for him by the cooking soldiers, but said with disgust: "I am a vegetarian, and those who eat meat are all fools."

"This contemptuous attitude towards rare food is simply jaw-dropping. In the war years, when supplies were extremely scarce, it was a great luxury to be able to eat meat, and the commander's behavior was not only impersonal, but also a serious distortion of history.

These plots are seriously detached from historical reality, which not only disrespects history, but also is a great insult to the audience's intelligence. They portray the arduous years of the War of Resistance as an absurd world with abundant materials that can be squandered at will.

This practice of ignoring historical truth for the sake of attracting attention not only did not attract the audience, but instead aroused strong disgust and criticism. As a creator, you should study history deeply and truly restore the social environment and living conditions at that time.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

Only in this way can we create excellent works that can not only attract the audience, but also convey a correct view of history. We call on creators to return to rationality and create works on the theme of the War of Resistance with a more rigorous and respectful attitude towards history.

In some anti-Japanese dramas, the behavior of some characters not only does not conform to the image of soldiers, but also has no reverence for the seriousness of war. One of the most shocking is the absurd behavior of the chief in one of the plays, which seriously undermines the credibility of the work and desecrates the arduous history.

In this jaw-dropping anti-Japanese drama, while the soldiers are fighting bravely on the front line, their commanders are drinking liquor in unsafe places in the rear. This behavior was already despicable in itself, but what was even more infuriating was that the chief complained with disgust: "Drinking here is simply a waste of my burning knife."

Such words and deeds not only show his indifference to the war, but also a great irresponsibility for the lives of his soldiers. However, this is not the most outrageous. When the wine in his hand was finished, the commander not only did not think that he should go to the battlefield to direct the battle, but ordered his soldiers to bring him wine in the face of enemy fire.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

This kind of behavior of putting personal desires above the overall situation of war is simply outrageous. When a brave warrior went through a thousand dangers to deliver the wine, the commander's first reaction turned out to be: "The wine is there, and the wine is dead!" "This distorted value of valuing alcohol above human life is chilling.

It is not only a serious violation of the proper character of soldiers, but also a great disrespect to those soldiers who are fighting bloody battles on the front line. What's even more infuriating is that when the commander found that some wine had been spilled, he not only did not express his gratitude to the soldiers who risked his life to send the wine, but severely criticized: "The wine is about to be spilled, next time you do this, you will be punished!" "This kind of vexatious behavior completely loses the quality and responsibility that a military commander should have.

It not only shows the selfishness of this character, but also a great desecration of the image of those heroic and dedicated officers in real history. These plots not only seriously deviate from the historical truth, but also greatly disrespect the heroic soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War.

They turn solemn war scenes into an absurd farce, seriously hurting the feelings of the audience and desecrating that difficult history. This practice of distorting history and scandalizing the image of military personnel in order to attract attention not only did not attract the audience, but instead aroused strong disgust and criticism.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

As creators, we should deeply reflect on the harmfulness of this practice and return to the respect for history and the profound exploration of human nature. Only in this way can we create excellent works that can not only move the audience, but also convey the right values.

In recent years, some anti-Japanese film and television works have not hesitated to use various bizarre and absurd plot designs in order to attract the attention of the audience. From lipstick snipers to artificial intelligence fighting enemies, these plots are not only seriously detached from historical reality, but also a great challenge to the audience's IQ.

The creators seem to have forgotten that the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is a history full of blood and tears, and it is a magnificent song composed by countless martyrs with their lives. Downplaying this period of history, or even adding science fiction elements, is not only disrespectful to history, but also seriously misleading to the audience.

For example, in "Youth on Fire", the heroine's act of applying lipstick at a critical moment completely goes against the tense atmosphere and harsh reality of war. This absurd design to highlight the "femininity" of the characters not only does not add to the charm of the characters, but makes the whole scene seem ridiculous.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

Some of the high-tech weapons that appear in the play, such as "voice-activated bombs", completely exceeded the level of science and technology at the time, and this practice of ignoring historical truth in order to attract attention seriously affected the credibility of the work.

At the same time, the words and deeds of some characters are extremely inconsistent with the social background and living conditions of the time, such as disliking baked cakes and practicing marksmanship with rare food, which is not only unreasonable, but also a serious misinterpretation of the difficult conditions at that time.

What's more, the absurd behaviors that appear in some plots, such as the commander drinking too much and punishing the soldier for spilling wine, not only desecrate the image of the soldier, but also greatly disrespect those difficult years.

These plots completely deviate from historical reality and turn the serious theme of the Anti-Japanese War into an absurd farce. These creative techniques that are distorted for the sake of attracting attention are actually a manifestation of the creator's laziness, a manifestation of the lack of in-depth historical research and a lack of sense of responsibility for creation.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

Not only did they fail to attract the audience, but instead caused strong dissatisfaction and criticism from the audience. As creators, we should deeply reflect on this creative misunderstanding and return to the respect for history and the profound exploration of human nature.

Only in this way can we create excellent works that will not only attract the audience, but also convey the right values. In the face of various problems in the current anti-Japanese film and television works, we can't help but ask: What does the audience really need? There is no doubt that what the audience is eager to see is high-quality works that can truly reflect history and promote the national spirit, rather than these "strange dramas" full of absurd plots and insulting IQ.

Creators should understand that it is not the imagination that attracts the audience, but the respect for history and the profound exploration of human nature. We call on creators to return to rationality, delve into history, and truly restore the social environment and living conditions at that time.

Only in this way can we create excellent works that will not only attract the audience, but also convey the right values. For example, there should be no wasted food such as practicing marksmanship with watermelons or eggs, and there should be no absurd plots such as the commander drinking too much and punishing a soldier for spilling wine.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

At the same time, we also hope that the relevant departments can strengthen the review and control of such works, so as to prevent serious inaccuracies and distorted historical plots from appearing on the screen. Weapon designs that are too bizarre should be scrutinized, such as "bamboo cannons" or "voice-activated bombs" that are ahead of their time, as well as the actions of characters that do not fit the historical context.

Finally, as audiences, we should also improve our own appreciation and historical literacy, look at and judge these works with a rational attitude, and use our choices to guide creators back to the right path.

We should not be fooled by absurd plots designed to attract attention, but should support excellent works that truly reflect history and convey correct values. Only with the joint efforts of creators, regulators and audiences can we see more excellent anti-Japanese works that can inherit history and promote the national spirit.

Let us look forward to the fact that in the near future, more excellent works on the screen that are thought-provoking and inspire patriotic feelings will be presented on the screen.

The plot of lipstick sniping, artificial intelligence fighting devils, and insulting the audience's IQ is simply outrageous

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