
Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

author:Old flowers talk about popular science


According to the Ministry of Education, the mainland's fertility rate has dropped to 1.63 in 2017, which is quite low in the world, but it has also become a model for many countries to learn from.

India's fertility rate, which was 6.0 30 years ago, has now fallen to 2.0.

As we all know, Indians have always been proud of reproduction and have always been known for the hospitality of their extended families, so how did Indians refuse to have children step by step?

What is the impact of fertility on the development of a country?

In fact, every country has a fertility rate that is most suitable for their development, some countries need more people to develop their economies, and some countries need high-quality populations, so the fertility rate is multifaceted.

But in either case, the fertility rate will have a huge impact on the country for a period of time, from a few years to decades.

For example, in China, because the mainland now has a very high population base and has implemented a one-child policy in recent years, the aging problem of the mainland will come around 2040, and by that time, the population distribution of our country alone will bring a lot of economic problems to the mainland.

However, whether it is pension or development, fertility is one of the most basic problems, but some people believe that fertility does not cause much social problems, because in the past, the fertility rate has been at a high level, and the population is of course growing rapidly, but the economy has not caused huge problems.

But the problem is that most countries built their economies at a time when fertility was high, so there is no need to worry about this problem, but some of these countries have been inspired by other countries to develop now.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

For them, if they missed the most suitable time before, it may take dozens of times longer to develop to the current level, and the effect may not even be good.

At the same time, countries with high fertility rates will face another problem, that is, the demographic dividend will be deprived.

The so-called demographic dividend means that countries with large populations have an advantage in the total population, which also accelerates the economic development of their countries.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

With the decline of the fertility rate, the demographic dividend will be gradually deprived, and there will be the problem of population burden, because the low fertility rate must be at the same frequency as the increase in the burden of old-age care.

In order to solve this problem, the state must either increase the fertility rate or increase the inflow of people, and the most direct way is of course to increase the inflow of people, but this will bring many social problems, so this cannot be done.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

Therefore, it can only be solved by the development of the national economy, in the period of high fertility, the demographic dividend is higher than the mortality rate, and the population will naturally increase, but in order to make the demographic dividend can have a smooth transition between the population growth period and the population burden period, the fertility rate is lower than the mortality rate at the beginning, and then gradually exceeds the mortality rate during the population growth period.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

Fertility rate in India.

There is a research institute called the "World Population Institute", and they release a data on the population of various countries in the world at different times at certain intervals, which can be traced back to 1950, when there were already many countries in the world, and they not only had the world's population, but also their own country's population in this data.

Others divide the fertility rate of each country into different levels according to the population and economic development of various countries in the world, with the first level being up to 7 or more, the second level being 6-6.9, the third level being 5-5.9, and so on, and the fifth level being below 3.

Based on this data, we can clearly see that the fertility rate in the mainland reached 6.00 in 1950, which belongs to the second level, and then the data is constantly updated every five years.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

By 1985, the mainland's fertility rate had dropped to 2.9, half of which was lower than the original fertility rate, and at the same time, the mainland's fertility rate had dropped from the second level to the fourth level, and then in the past five years, the mainland's fertility rate had dropped to 1.89, and in the past five years, the mainland's fertility rate had even dropped to 1.63, which had crossed from the fourth level to the lowest fifth level.

At the same time, we can also see that India's fertility rate did not change as much as the continent's fertility rate at the same time, India's fertility rate was 6.10 in 1950, which was already in the second tier, but India's fertility rate began to decline in the 60s.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

However, it was not until 2010 that India's fertility rate fell to 2.40, which is not as high as that of the mainland 35 years ago, but the decline in fertility rate is not as large as that of the mainland.

It is also difficult to understand why India's fertility rate has not changed much, but it has been declining until 2015, when it fell from 2.48 to 2.40.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

And in 2015, India's fertility rate even dropped to 2.33, which made India's fertility rate lower than that of the mainland again, but it only lasted for 5 years, and India's fertility rate began to rise again, and by 2020, India's fertility rate rose back to 2.4.

At this time, India has entered a period of population burden, and with the continuous increase in fertility rate, India has no good development opportunities.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

What exactly did the Indians go through.

In India, the fertility rate has always been at a high level, especially in the 60s, and as the fertility rate continued to decline, the fertility rate in all countries reached a peak in 1970, and was once above 7.

India, which was the most populous country at the time, could not escape this catastrophe, and India's fertility rate once reached 7.6, which had the same problem as the mainland's fertility rate, that is, it was facing the economic development problem caused by excessive population growth.

In response to this problem, countries around the world unanimously decided to halve the fertility rate by 1985 and 1970, and by 2000, the fertility rate of both mainland China and India had reached the target of halving, leaving only 2.0.

The mainland has also reached a fertility rate of 2.7 and is gradually becoming an aging country, while India only achieved this goal in 2010, so India has begun to enter a period of population burden.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

However, at this time, the total population and population base of India are the same as those of the mainland, so the number of elderly people in India is also very large.

In the years that followed, fertility rates on the mainland were declining, but India's fertility rates were getting higher.

So refusing to have children is also a strange thing in India, so what exactly did Indians go through that made them start cutting the birth rate.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

The first is the improvement of the government's economic policy, especially in the 70s of the 20th century, when the whole of India was catching up with the developed countries, which not only promoted the improvement of the government's economic policy, but also allowed the education level of India to continue to increase, and these factors were all factors that increased the fertility rate.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

At that time, India was in a period of rapid population growth, and it was very common for a group of women to have six or seven children during this period, but once a woman died at the time of childbirth, then there would be one less chance of buying a child, but this did not reduce the fertility rate, on the contrary, people saw that some children were not as good as dead children, which would only make the fertility rate shock.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?

But if we look at India's demographic report, we only find that more and more children are like their parents, which makes one wonder why women in India are able to have so many children and how their children live.

Even India refuses to have children? From a fertility rate of 6.0 to 2.0, what exactly have Indians experienced?


Later, people found the reason not only from the woman's hygiene habits and health status, but also from the family health record, which is not wrong at all, but not necessarily, there is only one reason, that is, India refuses to have children.

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