
Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

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Shrimp, this delicious seafood, is a regular at our table. Whether steamed, braised or fried, the variety of shrimp and its unique flavor make people want to stop. However, various rumors about eating shrimp have also made many people suspicious.

Some people say that the black line on the back of the shrimp cannot be eaten, some people are worried that the shrimp head contains heavy metals, and some people think that the shrimp will be poisoned if eaten with vitamin C. Are these claims true or false? Today, we will unravel these mysteries and let you eat shrimp with confidence.

What is the black line on the back of the shrimp?

The black line on the back of the shrimp is actually the intestine of the shrimp, also known as the shrimp line. There may be some residue in the digestive tract, which is, to put it bluntly, the "excrement" of shrimp. From a hygiene point of view, the shrimp line is indeed not clean, so many people will pick the shrimp line when handling the shrimp.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

However, even if you are too lazy to deal with the shrimp line, don't worry too much. High-heat cooking is effective in killing bacteria in the shrimp line. In other words, as long as the shrimp is cooked, eating it will not have much impact on health.

However, thinking about eating shrimp "excrement" can make people feel a little awkward. Therefore, for the sake of taste and psychological comfort, most people still choose to remove the shrimp line.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

The shrimp head is black, is it a heavy metal exceedance?

The shrimp head is black, which always makes people feel uneasy, and there are even rumors that this is because of excessive heavy metals. In fact, shrimp heads do contain more heavy metals than shrimp meat, mainly because heavy metals enter the shrimp body through water and feed, and are concentrated in the internal organs, especially the shrimp head.

However, this does not mean that all shrimp heads are "poisonous". The heavy metal content of formally farmed shrimp is within a safe range, so you can eat it with confidence.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

As for the black hair of shrimp, in most cases, it has nothing to do with heavy metals, and is more likely to be caused by feed problems or the oxidation of tyrosinase in shrimp heads to form melanin. If you are really not at ease, you can completely skip the shrimp head, and there is not much meat in the shrimp head anyway.

Is everyone more comfortable now? Remember, choosing a regular source to buy shrimp is the first step to ensuring that it is safe to eat.

The nutritional value of shrimp and the consumption during lactation

Shrimp is not only delicious, but also rich in high-quality nutrients, which is great for health. First of all, shrimp is rich in high-quality protein, which is a treasure for lactating women who need a lot of nutrients.

In addition, shrimp also contains a lot of calcium, iodine and potassium, which play an important role in the brain development and bone development of infants.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

Not only that, but the niacin in shrimp helps regulate the digestive system of lactating women, promotes blood circulation, and in turn promotes the baby's nervous system and brain development. Shrimp is also particularly rich in magnesium, which can protect cardiovascular health and prevent diseases such as myocardial infarction and high blood pressure.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

However, breastfeeding women must pay attention to eating fresh and thoroughly cooked shrimp when consuming shrimp to avoid food poisoning. If you have allergies, it is recommended to be cautious to avoid allergic reactions affecting your own health and that of your baby.

Misunderstandings of calcium supplementation in Shopee

Many people have heard of the saying "shrimp skin supplements calcium", and believe that eating more shrimp skin can effectively supplement calcium. However, this view is not entirely accurate.

The shrimp skin is indeed rich in calcium, especially the hairy shrimp in the seafood shrimp, the calcium content of the shrimp skin can reach 991 mg per 100 grams, and it seems that the calcium supplement effect is very good. But the problem is that the sodium content of shrimp skin is also very high, containing 5057 mg of sodium per 100 grams of shrimp skin.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

A high-sodium diet increases the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease, so it is not healthy to consume a large amount of shrimp skin at one time. In addition, shrimp skin is hard, difficult to chew and digest, and even with high calcium content, it is not easily absorbed by the body. Instead of supplementing calcium by eating shrimp skin, it is better to choose calcium sources that are easier to absorb, such as milk, tofu, baby greens, etc.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

Milk is recognized as a good calcium supplement, and drinking a glass of milk every day can not only provide rich calcium, but also supplement other nutrients.

Tofu is rich in vegetable calcium, making it an ideal choice for vegetarians. Small greens are also a good helper for calcium supplementation, and the calcium in green vegetables is easy to absorb, which is better with a balanced diet.

Vitamin C and shrimp, can't be eaten at the same time?

The saying that vitamin C and shrimp cannot be eaten at the same time can be said to be widely spread. Rumor has it that shrimp contain arsenic, and if eaten with vitamin C, it can form a toxic "arsenic" that can cause poisoning. This statement sounds very scary, but it is actually not true.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

First of all, the arsenic contained in shrimp is mainly inorganic arsenic, which is extremely low in content and usually does not cause harm to humans. Second, even under extreme conditions, the possibility of inorganic arsenic being converted to organic arsenic (i.e., "arsenic") is minimal.

Scientific studies have shown that to reach the dose of poisoning, it is theoretically necessary to consume a large amount of shrimp and vitamin C at one time, which is almost impossible.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

More importantly, vitamin C is ubiquitous in the daily diet, and fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C. If vitamin C and shrimp are toxic when eaten together, then the combination of diet in daily life should have caused a wide range of health problems long ago.

Vitamin C can't be eaten with shrimp? This truth advises you to take a look before eating

To date, there have been no cases of such poisoning. Therefore, you can eat shrimp with peace of mind and consume foods rich in vitamin C at the same time. In short, scientific diet can make us enjoy food better. I hope that everyone will pay attention to food safety and health while enjoying delicious shrimp, and truly achieve both delicious and healthy.

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