
Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

author:Health Tips
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Many female friends, especially those over 35 years old, always have an inexplicable resistance to eating meat. They are worried that eating meat will make them fat, which is not conducive to maintaining a slim figure. There are also those who believe that eating meat is bad for their health and always regard a vegetarian diet as the only option for a healthy diet.

But in fact, eating meat in moderation has an irreplaceable and important role in women's health. Let's talk in detail today about why female friends really should eat more meat.

Replenish the key nutrients your body needs

1. The importance of iron intake for women

Female friends will have a few days of menstruation every month, and the body will lose a lot of blood during this time. And there is a lot of iron in the blood, which means that women need more iron than men to replace the lost parts.

If there is a lack of iron in the diet, it can easily lead to iron deficiency anemia. Anemia not only makes people feel tired and pale, but also affects the quality of work and life.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

According to the 2023 edition of the Dietary Reference Intakes for Chinese Residents, the recommended daily intake of iron for adult women is 18 mg, while men only need 12 mg. Iron requirements are higher in pregnant and lactating women.

At this time, it is a good choice to eat more meat, because meat, especially red meat, is rich in heme iron, which has a high absorption rate, which can effectively help women supplement iron and reduce the risk of anemia.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

2. The unique effects of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin that the body cannot synthesize on its own and must be consumed through the diet. Its main source in the diet is animal foods, such as meat and offal. Vitamin B12 is almost not found in plants. If a female friend doesn't eat meat, it's easy to be deficient in this important nutrient.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

Vitamin B12 is essential for the body's nervous system health. Lack of it may lead to memory loss, depression, fatigue, and even neurological problems.

Long-term vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to megaloblastic anemia and hyperhomocysteinemia, the latter of which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, in order to maintain the health of the brain and nervous system, female friends must eat meat in moderation.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

3. Protein & Muscle Health

Meat is not only a good source of iron and vitamin B12, but it is also rich in high-quality protein. Protein is an important component for building and repairing body tissues, especially for muscle synthesis.

Especially for those women who are losing weight, not eating meat is likely to lead to muscle loss. It is important to know that muscle is an important part of our body's metabolism, and muscle loss can reduce the body's basal metabolic rate, making weight loss counterproductive.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

Protein also plays an important role in the immune system. If protein intake is insufficient, immunity will decrease and the body will easily get sick. Therefore, eating meat in moderation can help female friends maintain muscle health and improve the body's metabolic rate and immunity.

Promotes bone health and reduces the risk of fractures

When a woman enters menopause, the level of estrogen in the body drops dramatically, leading to an increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures. The nutrients in meat, such as protein, magnesium, phosphorus, etc., play an irreplaceable role in maintaining bone health.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

Beef and chicken are rich in protein that helps with bone repair and regeneration, while magnesium and phosphorus are important components of bones that help maintain bone density.

A study from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom revealed a significant increase in the risk of total fractures in people who did not eat meat, especially in vegans, who had a 131% increased risk of hip fractures.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

This condition is especially prominent in menopausal women. Therefore, in order to prevent osteoporosis and fractures, eating meat in moderation is a scientific and effective strategy.

What's more, vitamin D in meat plays a key role in calcium absorption. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to calcium malabsorption, which accelerates bone loss.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

Therefore, a reasonable intake of foods containing vitamin D, such as some meat and fish, can help women maintain bone health and reduce the risk of fractures.

Boosts immune function and stamina

Meat not only provides the body with essential nutrients, but also significantly boosts immune function and stamina. The zinc, iron, and high-quality protein in meat are fundamental to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Zinc is an essential trace element that is involved in the synthesis of a variety of enzymes and the function of immune cells. Zinc deficiency can lead to weakened immunity and susceptibility to diseases.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

At the same time, the abundance of iron in meat can help improve the function of red blood cells and increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, thereby improving physical strength and endurance.

Especially for women who need to exercise regularly or do physical work, moderate intake of meat can effectively prevent fatigue and improve exercise performance.

Women really should eat more meat, the benefits are more than a little bit

The protein in meat can also speed up the body's recovery, especially after illness or injury. High-quality protein promotes cell repair and speeds up the healing process. This is especially important for women who often have to deal with work pressures and family matters.

In daily life, moderate intake of meat can help women maintain sufficient physical strength and a strong immune system, resist the invasion of various diseases, and ensure good health. Through scientific and reasonable eating habits, women can better enjoy life and stay active.