
Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

author:Pineapple big pineapple

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Recently, there has been a remarkable incident in the entertainment industry. In an interview with "China Film Report", 73-year-old well-known actor Liu Xiaoqing generously talked about her views on the first part of "Fengshen", bluntly saying that she likes this work very much, and also said that she wants to play the fox who charms the lord "Daji". As soon as this remark came out, it instantly set off an uproar on the Internet.

Liu Xiaoqing did not hesitate to target the classic role of Daji, and the confident momentum was almost overflowing. She swore that it was absolutely more than enough to interpret this role with her years of acting strength! But netizens didn't see it that way, and they started the "begging to let go" mode. Everyone sincerely begged Aunt Liu Xiaoqing in their hearts to let go of themselves and everyone.

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

Speaking of Liu Xiaoqing, most of everyone's impressions of her are still stuck in her young appearance. Back then, Liu Xiaoqing's beauty was a top-notch existence in the domestic film and television industry, and it was precisely with this outstanding appearance that she was very popular in the film and television industry. But the years are not forgiving, now at the age of 73, she wants to play the graceful and charming "Daji", many netizens think this is a bit too far-fetched?

As soon as this matter came out, the comment area was called lively, and it was like exploding. Many netizens left messages one after another: "Oh my God, Auntie, spare our eyes!" Give young actors more chances! Although Liu Xiaoqing is really well maintained and looks young, if you really want her to play a peerless enchantress like Daji, no matter how you think about it, it feels too dramatic. Everyone even joked that with her appearance, what did the king of Xuan think, and could destroy the country for such a "Daji"?

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

But having said that, Liu Xiaoqing's words also reflect her confidence in her acting skills and her enthusiasm for her acting career. Both are 73 years old, and they have such ambition to dare to challenge young characters, this spirit is indeed worthy of our admiration. It's just that reality is reality after all, and sometimes it's quite cruel. The audience doesn't care what you think, they just look at what they see in front of them. If Liu Xiaoqing is really allowed to play Daji at that time, I am afraid that she will be sprayed with saliva from netizens.

You must know that the character of "Daji" has a very fixed and distinct image in the hearts of the audience. She should be young, beautiful, amorous, and the kind that can hook away a man's soul. And although Aunt Liu Xiaoqing is well-maintained, her age is there, no matter how hard she tries, it is difficult to restore the youthful and beautiful and charming image of Daji in the audience's heart.

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

Moreover, there are many newcomers in today's film and television industry, and young actors are all with dreams and talents, waiting for the opportunity to show themselves. If the older generation of actors is always allowed to occupy these young roles, the development space of young actors will be squeezed. So from this point of view, it is reasonable for netizens to want to give young actors more opportunities.

Of course, we can't completely deny Liu Xiaoqing's acting ability. In her past acting career, she has indeed created many classic roles that have left a deep impression on the audience. But every actor has his own suitable role type and age group, and sometimes it is also a kind of wisdom to know how to back down and choose at the right time.

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

Maybe Liu Xiaoqing can try some roles that are more suitable for her current age and unique temperament. In this way, not only can she give full play to the advantages of her superb acting skills accumulated over the years, but also make it easier for the audience to accept and appreciate sincerely. After all, the fit of the actor and the character largely determines the final presentation of the work and the audience's acceptance.

And for those young, youthful and charming roles, it is really more appropriate for the younger generation of actors to show their unique style. The young actors have a youthful vigor and vigor that matches the role, and can interpret the characteristics of this type of role more naturally and vividly.

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

In this boiling and lively heated discussion about Liu Xiaoqing's desire to play "Daji", on the one hand, we really saw the actors' persistent dreams and unremitting persistence in their acting careers, and on the other hand, we also clearly saw the audience's ardent expectations and hidden worries in their hearts. This not only reflects the public's attention and attention to the quality of film and television works, but also reflects the audience's expectations for the rationality of actors' role selection.

I sincerely hope that in the future wonderful film and television works, in the crucial link of actor selection, it can be more scientific, reasonable, and more accurate. We look forward to the film and television producers being able to select actors who fit the roles perfectly with a more professional vision and more comprehensive consideration, so as to lay a solid foundation for the success of the work.

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

We look forward to continuously presenting more wonderful and amazing visual feasts to our audience. Let the carefully crafted works be like bright stars, illuminating our vision and shocking our hearts. In that dreamlike world of light and shadow, we can enjoy the infinite charm of art without reservation, immerse ourselves in the moving stories, and feel the emotional stirring and soul touching.

At the same time, I sincerely hope that we can build a broad stage for actors of different ages to develop from the bottom of my heart. Whether it's a fledgling young rookie or a seasoned veteran actor, they all have the opportunity to show themselves. They have plenty of room to display their talents and skills, and unleash their inner passion and creativity without any constraints. Let every actor be able to shine their own unique and shining light on their own stage.

Spare Daji! You're 73, okay?

It is hoped that all actors can work together and contribute a steady stream of strength to the prosperity and development of the film and television industry with their enthusiasm and efforts. Promote the entire industry to move forward, create more popular classics, bring more unforgettable memories to the audience, and make the sky of film and television art more dazzling and colorful.

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