
On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

author:Pineapple big pineapple

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There has always been no shortage of excitement in the entertainment industry, and recently it has set off a stormy wave! The actor's remarks on social platforms on Monday directly caused the high-profile production "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" to be swept into the storm of public opinion.

, a veteran actor who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, has problems with the connotation of the script several times. even did not shy away from shouting "don't expect" to netizens in the comment area, which is like a death sentence for this long-awaited drama!

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Zhou Zhou said bluntly in the comment area: "It's a pity that Lao Xu Yinyan's prehistory has been removed, and now it's a little inexplicable to watch the plot, it's really a pity." Meaningfully said that it was all chance, admit it! Listening to his tone, he was obviously extremely disappointed in starring in this film.

Regarding his role in the play being greatly reduced, Zhou Yiwei expressed his inner regret unabashedly. He made it clear that such deletions seriously affected the integrity of the character, and made his originally well-designed performance lose its due charm. His straightforward expression instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Some people praised him for his true temperament, his courage to act, and his courage to point out problems outspokenly. In their view, Zhou Zhouwei's honesty is a rare courage, a persistent pursuit of art and a responsible attitude towards the audience.

However, there are also those who have a very different view on this. They think that Zhou Yiwei is shirking responsibility, trying to find an excuse for his unsatisfactory acting skills, and find a step down.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

But in any case, as the main creator of this show, it is indeed bold and rare to publicly make such a negative evaluation of the works he participated in.

You must know that Zhou Yiwei has been in the entertainment industry for decades, and he has long been an experienced and well-versed "human spirit" in the industry. Even an old actor like him can suffer temporary changes and scenes being greatly deleted, resulting in an unrecognizable plot. It is conceivable that the role problems faced by young actors on the road of acting may be more severe. It's no wonder that some episodes are filmed with great anticipation, but the final broadcast is very different from what was expected.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Take the incident in Zhou Zhouwei as an example, for his attitude, some netizens think that he wants to get rid of the pot as soon as he sees that the drama may be on the street. Saying such things in front of the main creator of the crew and other actors is simply blatant. What's more, it was revealed that the platform spent as much as 820 million to obtain the copyright of this drama.

Originally, this was a classic IP, which not only carried out a lot of publicity in the early stage, regardless of the cost, but also warmly invited a number of famous big-name stars to join, and the investment was immeasurable. With such a huge amount of resources poured and carefully prepared, it stands to reason that it should reap the rewards of abundance.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

However, it backfired, and the final result was jaw-dropping, with no return, and a miserable and messy loss. Perhaps it is precisely because of this unimaginable loss, which is far from meeting everyone's initial expectations and expectations, that Zhou Yiwei "flipped the table" so recklessly and mercilessly.

In the complex world of the entertainment industry, which is like a labyrinth full of intricate entanglements of interests and the relentless pursuit of art, similar incidents are by no means rare and isolated cases. The sharp contradictions that often erupt between the actors and the crew, the repeated revisions and adjustments of the script during the creative process, and the huge gap between the audience's expectations and the actual presentation are intertwined and entangled, forming an absurd and bizarre picture.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

And the storm of remarks on Zhou Yiwei is undoubtedly a sharp sword, which has ruthlessly exposed these various problems that have been hidden behind the scenes and unknown to the public again. It is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves, triggering people's in-depth thinking and extensive discussion on the hidden rules and potential routines of the operating mechanism of the entertainment industry, as well as the dilemmas and challenges faced by the artistic creation environment.

People are gradually beginning to re-examine the intricate, subtle and fierce game of power and interests in the entertainment industry with a more cautious and in-depth attitude. They began to calm down and think seriously about how to find the right balance between the surging tide of commercial interests and the pure harbor of artistic pursuit.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

At the same time, people are also struggling to think about how to effectively protect the creative rights and interests of actors, so that they can give full play to their talents and creativity in a relatively free and fair environment, instead of being constrained and suppressed by various unreasonable factors.

In addition, people are racking their brains to find out how to significantly improve the quality of the script, so that it can keep up with the times and meet the growing and changing aesthetic needs of audiences. After all, the audience is becoming more and more discerning and has higher expectations for the quality of the work.

On Monday, Wai Minghan's "Shooting the Condor" yin and yang script, the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

This turmoil caused by Zhou Yiwei's remarks is not just a simple matter of success or failure, profit or loss of a drama. It is more like a heavy wake-up call, giving the entire entertainment industry ecology a profound and serious wake-up call; It is like a thorough reflection, prompting every link and every participant in the entertainment industry to re-examine their own behaviors and concepts.

It makes people realize that the entertainment industry should not just be satisfied with superficial prosperity and temporary interests, but should return to the essence of art, respect the laws of creation, and pay attention to the voice of the audience. Only in this way can we truly create excellent works that have both artistic value and can win market recognition, and promote the sustainable development of the entertainment industry in a healthy and benign direction, instead of losing its way in impetuousness and utilitarianism and falling into endless chaos and predicament.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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