
July 1st Party Day: July 1st and July 23rd, which one is the real Party Day?

July 1st Party Day: July 1st and July 23rd, which one is the real Party Day?

Yuehan Study

2024-07-01 09:57Creators in the cultural field

The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was obviously held on July 23, why did the founding day of the party become July 1? Which one is the real party founding day? This is where the difference between a "birth anniversary" and a "birth day" lies.

July 1st Party Day: July 1st and July 23rd, which one is the real Party Day?

Regarding the date of the founding of the party, there has always been a time gap. The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held on July 23, 1921, and the most important achievement of the First National Congress was the proclamation of the founding of the Communist Party of China. It stands to reason that the founding day of the party was supposed to be the day on July 23 to announce the founding of the Communist Party, but in the end it became July 1.

The main reason was the social environment at the time.

The convening of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China was not so smooth, and the original decision of the Comintern to convene the First Congress was set for June 20, which was recorded in the detailed report of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. However, the delegates who were going to attend the meeting were distributed in various places, and by the time they all arrived in Shanghai, it was already July 23.

Therefore, the time when the delegates arrived in Shanghai was different, and everyone's memory was different.

On July 23, when all the early members of the Communist Party arrived in Shanghai to prepare for a meeting, other unexpected events arose. Halfway through the meeting, someone suddenly broke into the meeting room.

At that time, there were also representatives of the Comintern, and he was very alert to the sudden intruder, and hurriedly told the participants to retreat, and after a few minutes, a patrol from the French Concession came to the door, so the meeting was forced to be suspended.

When the limelight had passed and the meeting was held again, it was on a boat in the South Lake of Jiaxing, and the last day of the meeting was held, announcing the founding of the Communist Party.

Therefore, when compiling the "History of the Communist Party of China", many of the delegates who attended the meeting could not remember the date of the meeting, some said it was the 1st, some said it was the 10th, and some said it was the 23rd.

Faced with this situation, Chairman Mao proposed in "On Protracted War" that "July 1 is the anniversary of the founding of the party" and is the "anniversary of the establishment", not the day of establishment.

Dong Biwu also said that it was impossible to tell which day the meeting would be, so he has been using Chairman Mao's July 1 day since then.

So we can understand that the day of the founding of the party is July 23, but the anniversary of the founding of the party is July 1, and everyone celebrates the party's birthday on July 1.

July 1st Party Day: July 1st and July 23rd, which one is the real Party Day?

Do you have any thoughts on this? Inherit traditional culture, share the wisdom of Chinese culture, and we'll see you in the next issue.

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  • July 1st Party Day: July 1st and July 23rd, which one is the real Party Day?
  • July 1st Party Day: July 1st and July 23rd, which one is the real Party Day?

Personal opinion, for reference only

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