
After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts

author:A layman

Text: Yijie Story source: Chen Wenbin

Over the past few decades, I have given countless gifts, but I have never done a decent banquet, so I am very unbalanced in my heart, and I always feel that the gifts I gave in the past should be taken back. So I pinned all this on my son's marriage, because only when the family is happy, can I collect money for the banquet.

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


It was a sunny day, and the sky was blue as if it had been cleaned. Our family left early to go to my sister's house, and as soon as we entered, we were shocked by the busy scene.

My sister was directing Ruoding in the kitchen, my brother-in-law was arranging outside, and relatives were coming in and out, everyone with anticipation and nervousness on their faces.

My nephew was a tall and handsome young man, and today he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he was as handsome as if he had stepped out of the cover of a magazine.

"Uncle, you're here!"

When my nephew saw me, he greeted me with a smile on his face. I patted him on the shoulder and complimented him on how energetic he was today.

He scratched his head and smiled shyly,

"It's not for today's big day!"

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


The wedding scene was magnificently decorated, with flowers, streamers, and red carpets, like scenes from TV dramas.

The guests were gorgeously dressed and laughing, and the whole scene was lively. However, behind this excitement, there is a huge price to pay.

My sister sat on the side, a forced smile on her face. I leaned over and whispered to her, "What's wrong?" Look you're a little tired. ”

She sighed, "Brother, you don't know, for this wedding, your brother-in-law and I have really been tormented in the past few months. ”

She began to ramble on and on about all the bitterness of wedding preparations, from finding a hotel and choosing a menu, to renting a wedding car and customizing a wedding dress, each of which was a huge cost.

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts

She calculated an account, and spent nearly 400,000 yuan on the entire wedding. However, the guests' share of the money was far from enough to cover these expenses, and in the end, only 160,000 yuan was recovered.

"Such a big gap?" My eyes widened, I didn't expect the wedding to be so expensive.

My sister smiled wryly, "Who said it wasn't?" Money is secondary, the key is the fatigue and anxiety of these months, which really outweighs the losses. ”

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


The excitement of the wedding did not dilute the doubts in my heart. The guests laughed and mingled, and the newlyweds accepted everyone's blessings, and everything looked good.

However, my heart began to waver, and the idea of having a big wedding for my son became blurred.

When I got home, I told my wife what my sister had to say. She pondered for a moment and said, "Let's save some money, it's the right way to spend it in useful places." ”

So, we decided to plan a simple and heartwarming wedding for our son, which would not only be decent but also save money.

This decision has given us a sigh of relief and is no longer bothered by the complicated preparation of our wedding.

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


A few months later, his son's wedding came as scheduled. We chose a cosy little dining room with friends and family, and the setting was simple but welcoming.

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining, family and friends gathered together, and the sound of laughter and blessings continued.

The son and the bride were holding hands, with happy smiles on their faces. Their simple but sincere oath won everyone's applause and blessings.

I stood aside, my heart full of relief and satisfaction. Although there is no luxurious pomp, every detail is full of love and warmth.

After the wedding, we had clear bills, didn't go over budget and didn't regret spending excessively.

When my sister came to see us, she saw the photos of her son's wedding and said, "You are still wise, simple is more warm." ”

I smiled, "Instead of spending money on the buzz, you should spend your money on practical things." My sister nodded in appreciation.

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


Life returned to calm after the wedding, and the son and bride began their new lives. And we are also beginning to plan for the days ahead.

Whenever I think back to my nephew's wedding, I feel glad that I made a wise decision and was not deceived by the vanity of the world.

Through this experience, I learned that true happiness does not need to be luxuriously packaged, but comes from inner peace and contentment.

Every choice in life should follow one's own heart, rather than being swayed by the vanity of the outside world.

This experience has taught me how to cherish everyone around me and every true feeling.

Wedding is just a node in life, and what is really important is how to manage life with heart and experience every beauty in life after this node.

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


Life after retirement is more prosaic, but also more real. My wife and I walk and cook together every day, and we are full of satisfaction when we watch our son and daughter-in-law live happily.

The relationship between neighbors has also become more harmonious, and everyone no longer compares, but helps each other and shares the bits and pieces of life together.

Once, the old king next door came to talk about his grandson's wedding.

He sighed and said, "Brother, like your sister, I spent a lot of money for my grandson's wedding, but in the end I found that the excitement is someone else's, and anxiety and exhaustion are my own." ”

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Wang, we are all old, why bother tossing those empty things again."

Instead of spending money on the buzz, you should spend your money on practical things. The happiness of children does not lie in how luxurious the wedding is, but in how real their lives are. ”

The old king nodded, with a relieved smile on his face.

After attending my nephew's wedding, I decided that when my son got married, everything should be simple, and there would be no banquets and no gifts


Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. The son and daughter-in-law have children of their own, and life has become busier and more fulfilling. Whenever I see the smiling faces of their family of three, I feel extremely happy.

Write to the end

What I want to say is:

Every choice in life should follow your heart.

A luxurious wedding may bring a short period of glamour, but true happiness comes from inner satisfaction and peace of life.

I hope that every family can find their own happiness and live a peaceful and satisfying life.

You say, right?

(Original article, first published on the whole network, the story comes from life, but it is higher than life, polished and edited, please read rationally.) )