
Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

author:Fuk Wan Road
Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

Ma Xiaomei is really a clever ghost.

Have you ever seen a new daughter-in-law give her mother-in-law a big hug as soon as she enters the door, and she still calls her "Mom" sweetly?

That's what Ma Xiaomei did!

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

This hug and shout made Zhang Lan very happy, and the beauty in her heart was like eating honey.

Let's think about it, if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like this, then how can there be so many family disputes in the world?

Zhang Lan was full of praise for Ma Xiaomei, and praised everyone she met: "Look at my good daughter-in-law, good daughter-in-law!" "The smile on his face is really brighter than a flower.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

We have to say that this Ma Xiaomei really has two brushes, not only is she beautiful, but she is also very good at coaxing her mother-in-law to be happy.

This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are simply a pair of living treasures, and they are enviable wherever they go.

Let's talk about Ma Xiaomei's generosity and thoughtfulness.

Zhang Lan once joked that Ma Xiaomei should give her a big red envelope as a change of mouth.

Ma Xiaomei didn't say a word, and directly said that the red envelope was ready, but she forgot to bring it at home in Beijing.

This wave of operations simply warmed Zhang Lan's heart.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

Let's say, this Ma Xiaomei is really good at being a person, and it's no wonder that Zhang Lan likes her so much.

Speaking of which, we have to mention Big S.

You see, compared with Ma Xiaomei, this big S is simply a world of difference.

As for Big S, he always has trouble with Zhang Lan, and family disputes are constant.

As for Ma Xiaomei, she can get along with Zhang Lan like a mother and daughter.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

This gap is simply a chasm

Let's think about it, if Da S can be as sensible and considerate as Ma Xiaomei, wouldn't the Zhang family be more harmonious and happy?

Zhang Lan is a person, we have to say that she really attaches importance to her family.

She often expresses her importance to her family in public, especially her concern and guilt for her son Wang Xiaofei.

She always said, "My greatest wish is that my son can be happy." ”

This makes our hearts sour.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

Let's say that Zhang Lan is a person with a true temperament, and her love and dedication to her family are real.

In addition to her family, Zhang Lan is also a good hand in business.

She is a strong woman with wisdom and principles.

Just like that time, Zhong S (the imitator of Big S) wanted to rub off on her brand popularity, Zhang Lan directly refused.

"I don't want to use that to hype up my brand," she said. ”

Zhang Lan's wisdom and principles in business are worth learning from.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

Speaking of which, we have to mention S's mother.

She always felt that Zhang Lan was consuming big S and wanted to fight for her daughter.

But let's take a look, how good the relationship between Ma Xiaomei and Zhang Lan is!

Looking at Zhang Lan's wisdom and principles in business, S's mother's opinion may indeed be a bit one-sided.

Wang Xiaofei is a young man, but recently he has been forced to be blinded and emotionally impermanent.

He is sandwiched between Da S and Zhang Lan, how much pressure he has to bear!

But fortunately, he has a sensible daughter-in-law like Ma Xiaomei by his side.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

This Ma Xiaomei is not only a good daughter-in-law, but also a good helper!

She can always help Wang Xiaofei share some of the pressure, so that he can find a trace of warmth and comfort in family disputes.

These things in Zhang Lan's family are as exciting as a big drama?

Let's say, this rich family grievance is really better than the TV series!

But we have to learn some lessons.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

For example, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must be good, the family must be harmonious, and the business must be wise and principled...... These are all things that we need to pay attention to in our lives.

On the eternal problem of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Zhang Lan and Ma Xiaomei showed superb wisdom.

When asked who would be saved if his sister and mother fell into the water at the same time, someone chose mother.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

This answer not only reflects the deep affection for the mother, but also cleverly avoids direct conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

And Zhang Lan's ridicule of Ma Xiaomei narrowed the distance between the two in a humorous way. She teased Ma Xiaomei that she should give her a big red envelope as a change of mouth, and Ma Xiaomei responded wittily, making the ridicule even more cordial and friendly.

Family changes, emotional entanglements

With the addition of Ma Xiaomei and the development of the family business, the relationship between the family has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, the relationship between Big S and Wang Xiaofei attracted much attention, and Zhang Lan supported Big S.

Now that Big S is "flash married" and is close to the bald head, public sympathy has begun to favor Wang Xiaofei.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

This change not only makes the relationship between family members more complicated, but also attracts widespread attention from all walks of life.

And Zhang Lan began to ridicule Big S and bald heads in the live broadcast, which pushed this kind of family dispute to a climax.

Public view, entertainment and conversation

These family disputes and gossip incidents have not only attracted wide attention from the media and the public, but have also become the talk of people after dinner.

Whether it is the wisdom and strategy of Zhang Lan and Ma Xiaomei, or the emotional entanglement between family members, it has become a topic of conversation.

These events not only illustrate the complexity and variability of family relationships, but also reflect society's continued concern for family, career, personal choices, and other topics.

In these family disputes, Zhang Lan and Ma Xiaomei showed superb wisdom and strategy.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

They are able to skillfully deal with complex situations, resolve conflicts and maintain family harmony and stability.

This wisdom comes not only from their life experiences, but also from their deep understanding of family, affection and relationships.

It is this wisdom that allows them to survive family disputes.

Emotional entanglement, people's hearts

The emotional entanglements in family disputes make it impossible to stay out of it.

Da S never expected that Ma Xiaomei's mother was sweet and changed to Zhang Lan for 20 years, and the child was not fragrant

The change in the relationship between Big S and Wang Xiaofei, the change in Zhang Lan's attitude towards family members, and the sweet interaction between Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei...... These emotional entanglements tug at people's heartstrings.

People pay attention to every movement of these family members, expecting them to find true happiness and peace.

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