
Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

author:Tsubasa Boxin

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Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?


Oops, the letter that OpenAI recently sent is a bomb! It started on July 9th and stopped some places from using their API. The news is sure to annoy the Chinese companies and programmers who use OpenAI.

Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

OpenAI's policy changes

This seems to be a decision to protect the safety of our Internet surfing, but in fact, there are other considerations behind it, such as international relations and economic interests. And, you know? The cow man named Nakasone also came to OpenAI, he is a leader in the field of cybersecurity, and maybe it will bring new changes to OpenAI. His strength and experience make him a key figure in driving OpenAI to exert greater influence in the global cybersecurity field.

Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

OpenAI's operation reminds me of the current Sino-US technology war! The U.S. Treasury Department has a new policy of not allowing us to play in the fields of semiconductors, quantum and artificial intelligence. As soon as this happened, global scientific and technological cooperation became more complex and changeable.

Direct impact on China's AI industry

This is a big blow to domestic companies that rely on OpenAI's technology. Many companies, especially small ones, are using this technology to develop their own goods and services. Now, these companies have to come up with new tricks or adjust their strategies to adapt to the new rules.

Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

This new policy has troubled lone rangers who want to use OpenAI technology to engage in scientific research and innovation. They were originally a new force in promoting the development of science and technology, but now they may be forced to slow down or even change direction due to a lack of sufficient technology and resources.

Coping strategies for the domestic AI industry

It seems that China's artificial intelligence (AI) industry has to accelerate its development! In the face of the threat of OpenAI, we must act as soon as possible to achieve independent technological innovation. In that case, the large model companies and research teams with the prefix of the national character will have to invest more money to develop domestic AI technology and use less foreign things.

Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

The government and relevant departments may also introduce some measures, such as giving money, tax exemption or R&D financial support, etc., to help us conduct scientific research and use AI technology. Of course, I just want to encourage everyone to innovate more and achieve industrial upgrading.

Long-term impact and opportunities

OpenAI's changes may make China's AI industry a little nervous, but in the long run, it may also prompt us to work harder to develop our own technological innovations and R&D. This change may allow our companies to place more emphasis on technological independence and thus invest more in basic research and new technologies.

Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

More importantly, China should not only participate in global AI regulation and cooperation, but also play a greater role in the process. We can exchange more technical experience and cooperate with other countries in order to truly participate in the development and rule-making of global AI technology. At the same time, we must also contribute the wisdom and solutions of our Chinese to global AI governance!


OpenAI's new rules are a game-changer, making the Chinese AI industry more problematic, but it also opens up new possibilities. Look, at the critical moment, the pressure resistance and innovative spirit of our AI industry will become an important driving force for the development of the industry. So how can we in China's AI community deal with this challenge and strive to win the global AI race earlier?

Can Chinese AI find an opportunity in the OpenAI ban?

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