
OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"


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AI Singularity reported on July 1, 2024丨AI Information Morning Post


OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

On June 27, local time, OpenAI published a blog post on its official website, saying that the company announced that it had trained a model called CriticGPT based on the GPT-4 large model to find errors in the output of the ChatGPT chatbot. It can write a comment on the code that highlights whether there is anything unreasonable about the code generated by ChatGPT.

OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

According to reports, CriticGPT is designed to assist human AI trainers in doing their jobs - using a technique called "reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF)" to train and improve GPT-4's responses. Provide explicit AI assistance to AI trainers.

It is reported that according to OpenAI's research, when large model trainers use CriticGPT to review the code output by ChatGPT, their performance is 60% higher than that of those who are not helped, and their ability to correct errors is more accurate and perfect.

Honor announced that it has cooperated with ByteDance Doubao Model to build a mobile smart office

On June 27, Volcano Engine officially announced that Honor Mobile has reached a cooperation with ByteDance's Doubao model, which will help Honor build the basic capabilities of vertical model landing applications in the mobile office field with the help of voice recognition, role-playing and other models in the Doubao model family.

OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

According to reports, the bean bag model will provide Honor mobile phone users with interactive Q&A based on document understanding, one-click generation of meeting minutes in accordance with the specified format, and multi-type, multi-genre, multi-style intelligent auxiliary creation including work summary, speech, meeting agenda, advertising copy, modern poetry, etc.

Specifically, for example, in the scenario of writing an "invitation letter for all employees of an enterprise", the large model of Doubao can provide activity information and writing requirements, and quickly generate the framework and specific content of the invitation letter for the HR department, and the executive can make subsequent revisions to the text through natural language dialogue.

Zhihu launched AI search product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

At the 10th Zhihu Salt Club New Knowledge Youth Conference, Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, introduced and released Zhihu's latest AI product "Zhihu Direct Answer". According to reports, the product is the official productization of the AI search function, and at the same time has an independent domain name and service entrance, which can bring users a better experience of questioning, searching, result generation and induction.

At present, the product has been launched on the web side:, you can access it.

OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

Zhihu also officially announced that in the future, "Zhihu Direct Answer" will gradually promote the introduction of app development and multimodal capabilities, and actively explore foreign cooperation while more deeply integrating with the Zhihu community.

iFLYTEK released the Xinghuo Smart Reader to help teachers correct their homework

On June 27, iFLYTEK held the iFLYTEK Xinghuo Cognitive Model V4.0 New Product Launch Conference, released the iFLYTEK Xinghuo Model V4.0, and upgraded the Xinghuo Education Model. iFLYTEK said that this upgrade has improved the base capability of large models and multi-modal capabilities, and the image and text recognition effect for complex educational scenarios has been further improved.

Based on the Spark education model developed by Xinghuo V4.0, iFLYTEK has created a Spark intelligent review machine, which automatically analyzes the learning situation of the whole class through correction, gives a plan for each child's learning path, and realizes the integration of software and hardware.

OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

Through the automatic recognition of the AI large model, the accuracy of the analysis of the test questions of the Xinghuo intelligent marking machine is greater than 99%, and students can smear it at will, and the free typesetting is not limited to the format.

OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

The 90 minutes it took for teachers to mark homework can now be turned into 5 minutes, and the 60-minute statistics time has been reduced to 1 minute.

The launch of the Xinghuo intelligent review machine can greatly save the teacher's time for grading homework, spend more effective time on lesson preparation and student tutoring, and can correct errors and give solutions to homework errors based on large models, and at the same time grasp students' homework mastery through big data.

OpenAI and Time Magazine have reached a content copyright cooperation

On Thursday, June 27, local time, Time magazine, a well-known financial weekly, and OpenAI announced that the two companies have reached a multi-year content licensing agreement and strategic partnership. OpenAI can bring TIME content to products including ChatGPT.

OpenAI Develops Large Model Content Error Correction Tool丨Zhihu Launches AI Search Product "Zhihu Direct Answer"

Through this copyrighted content partnership, OpenAI will be able to access historical data from Time magazine's 101-year-old archives to enhance the responsiveness of its content-generating products and the quality of user inquiries, as well as provide users with links to citations and original sources available on Time magazine's official website

As part of the agreement, Time Magazine will be able to use OpenAI's technology to develop new reading products for its audience, such as full-text content summaries.

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