
Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

author:Orangutan vision


Pork prices are rising, the pig market is volatile, and the supply-demand relationship and factors are complex and intertwined; At the same time, the oil market is also experiencing volatility, affecting the cost of living for consumers and monitoring the health of the economy. How ordinary people stabilize their "money bags" in price fluctuations has become the focus of attention.

Pork prices climbed and the hog market fluctuated

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

The price of pork rushed to 15 yuan per catty

Recently, pork prices have become a hot topic in society. According to reports, in some rural markets, the price of pork has soared to 15 yuan per catty, which is unprecedented. In the pork wholesale market in some cities, pig prices are also rising, and they have entered the "9 yuan era". Such a price is indeed a lot of pressure for some families.

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

Reasons for the rise in pig prices

So why is there such a big increase in pork prices? This is mainly due to some volatility in the hog market. Last year, due to the outbreak of African swine fever, the pig inventory in the eastern countries has dropped significantly, and under the influence of the epidemic, some small pig farms have also been closed, which has led to a certain contraction in the supply of pork.

And this year, by the environmental protection policy, some small farms are also facing the risk of being banned, which also makes some farmers begin to choose to slaughter, and large breeding enterprises have monopolized the market, which also makes the number of sows decline to a certain extent, and this is also an important reason for the rise in pork prices.

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

Consumer acceptance of high-priced pork has declined

For such a price increase, consumer acceptance is very limited, so in this case, the sales of some white pork have also declined to a certain extent, and some farmers have also begun to worry about whether the pig market will appear a certain unsalable situation.

The price of oil market fluctuates, affecting the cost of living for consumers

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

International oil prices fluctuate

In addition to the price of pork, the price of the international oil market has also fluctuated recently, and such fluctuations have also directly affected the domestic oil price. In the near future, because of the rise in international oil prices, domestic oil prices have also risen several times in a row, and such a rise has indeed brought certain pressure to life for some consumers.

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

Domestic oil prices have been lowered

Recently, international oil prices have fallen to a certain extent, so domestic oil prices have also been lowered, and such a reduction has also eased the pressure on consumers' lives to a certain extent. We must also be clear that domestic oil prices are directly affected by international oil prices, so in the future, any fluctuations in international oil prices will also be reflected by domestic oil prices.

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

The impact of price fluctuations on consumers' lives

Whether it is the fluctuation of pork prices or the fluctuation of oil prices, in fact, for ordinary consumers, it will have a certain impact. On the one hand, such price fluctuations will directly affect the cost of living for consumers, and on the other hand, it will also monitor the health of the entire economy to a certain extent.

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

How to stabilize the "money bag"

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

Improve financial resilience

In such a situation, how should ordinary consumers stabilize their "money bags"? The most important thing is to improve your financial resilience. In the face of price fluctuations, what we need to do is to consume rationally, learn to plan our expenses reasonably, do not blindly pursue some high consumption, and consume according to our actual situation.

We must also learn to save, have a certain sense of saving, and save a part of our income, so that we can have a certain amount of economic security in an emergency.

Oil prices have "changed the sky"! June 15: After the adjustment of the price of No. 92 gasoline, the price of pigs "fell for 2 consecutive years"?

Formulators should take measures to maintain market stability

For some formulators, they should also be aware that such price fluctuations will have a certain impact on the entire economy, so some measures should be taken to maintain market stability and protect the interests of consumers.

Focus on food safety and sustainable development of the aquaculture industry

We should also pay enough attention to the changes in the supply and demand relationship behind the rise in pork prices, realize that food safety and the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry are very important, and should increase supervision and support for these aspects to promote the green and sustainable development of the aquaculture industry.

Strengthen risk management and response measures

For some companies and authorities, they should also strengthen risk management and response measures, and have a certain degree of adaptability in order to better cope with the various challenges brought by price fluctuations.

Diversified financial planning

For ordinary consumers, there are also some other ways to deal with price fluctuations, such as paying attention to market dynamics, making certain rational investments, and also carrying out diversified financial planning, so as to better adapt to various changes in life.


It can be seen that whether it is the fluctuation of pork prices or the fluctuation of oil prices, they are actually closely related to the lives of each of us, so in the face of such price fluctuations, we should all have a normal heart, and learn to find opportunities for adaptation and development, so as to better cope with various challenges in life.