
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

author:Popular science explorer
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Text: Science Explorer

Editor|Popular Science Explorer

Hello everyone, today let's talk about a hot topic in the entertainment industry recently - Yang Ying, which is the familiar Angelababy.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Speaking of her, it's really emotional. From the top flower of the year to the current day in the live broadcast room, this has changed too much, right? Let's take a look at the ups and downs of her journey.

Let's talk about Yang Ying's previous glory days first. Remember her a few years ago? That's a beautiful sight! When Huang Xiaoming was with her, it felt like she was her follower, and it was an honor to even help her lift her skirt.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

At that time, Yang Ying's commercial value was frighteningly high. What luxury brand Tiffany, high-end dairy An Mouxi, and big brands like Audi are all vying to find her endorsement. At that time, who would dare to compare her with a brand that sells 100-yuan women's shoes? It's a gap between heaven and earth.

But the world is unpredictable. Last year, Yang Ying went to watch a Crazy Horse show, and this time it was good, and she directly "made" herself. Since then, she seems to have been labeled as an invisible label, although she can still show her face, but she can't be on the stage. This feeling is really uncomfortable to say.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Did you know? Now Yang Ying has been reduced to helping bring goods in the live broadcast room. A few days ago, she suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of a certain Internet celebrity under Simba.

Looking like that, Yang Ying came prepared, and the big screen behind her also showed the brand she endorsed. However, this scene is very different from before.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

In the live broadcast room, Yang Ying's performance can be said to be like two people. The high-minded goddess of the past is gone, replaced by a little daughter-in-law who keeps pleasing Simba. shouted "Mr. Xin" one by one, so enthusiastic that everyone was a little embarrassed.

The most incredible thing is that Yang Ying actually took the initiative to propose that everyone shout "Mr. Xin" in the live broadcast room. Think about it, a former top star does this in front of nearly a million viewers, how open-minded is this?

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

As a result, instead of being modest, Simba came to the sentence "Get out". This is good, Yang Ying was so embarrassed that she could only pretend to be coquettish and say that Simba was shy, so she barely got over.

To be honest, seeing this scene, I really felt a little uncomfortable. What do you think, Yang Ying was also a former first-line actress, but now she wants to curry favor with others in the live broadcast room so quietly, this gap is too big.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

What's even more embarrassing is that Simba also broke the news in the live broadcast that Yang Ying is very good at serving, unlike other celebrities who play big names, and do not have high requirements for reception standards. Hearing this, Yang Ying still looked shy, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xin, for your compliment."

Since that Crazy Horse show, her work has largely stopped. It turned out that the position of the resident guest in "Running Man" was gone, and many of the scripts that were supposed to be good were also lost. You may not know that Yang Ying actually debuted from a young model, and to put it bluntly, she has no professional skills.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Acting is said to only stare and sing, not to mention, the five tones are incomplete. During this time, all she can do is to run around to participate in various red carpet activities and show her face, as for when she will really make a comeback, no one can say.

In this case, live streaming may be Yang Ying's best way to make money at present. To be honest, with her fan base and appeal, if she concentrates on live broadcasting, she may really be able to become a head anchor in the beauty field.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Therefore, what Yang Ying can do now is to cooperate with the brand as much as possible and strive to show her commercial value. This situation, to be honest, is really a bit similar to when she was working hard as a young model in Hong Kong. It's just that now she is no longer the young little girl, but an adult who has experienced ups and downs.

Looking back at Yang Ying's experience over the years, it is really emotional. From an unknown young model, he climbed to the top of the entertainment industry step by step and became a household name. However, once he stumbled, he fell off the altar. This kind of ups and downs, I'm afraid even she didn't expect it.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

In the final analysis, Yang Ying's current situation is largely self-inflicted. If she hadn't gone to see the Crazy Horse show, she probably wouldn't be where she is today. As a public figure, she should be more cautious about restraining her behavior, knowing that her every move may have an impact on her fans.

As for whether Yang Ying can make a comeback and when she will be able to make a comeback, the answers to these questions are probably only time to tell.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring the goods live, humbly flattering Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Well, that's all for today's topic about Yang Ying. What do you think of Yang Ying's current situation? What does her future hold? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss together.