
Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

author:Popular science explorer
Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Text: Science Explorer

Editor|Popular Science Explorer

Imagine you're walking on the moon and suddenly notice that the ground under your feet is a little wet. Sounds like a science fiction plot? Don't rush to say no! A recent "redundant" shovel action by Chang'e-6 may have brought this sci-fi scene one step closer to reality.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Let's start at the beginning. Not long ago, the mainland's Chang'e-6 probe completed an unprecedented mission to collect samples on the far side of the moon and return them safely to Earth. It sounds remarkable, but what really excites the scientists is a small episode in the collection process.

It turned out that after completing the scheduled sampling task, the scientists temporarily decided to shovel more. It is this seemingly insignificant shovel that could completely change our perception of the Moon. Why? Because these additional lunar soil samples exhibit some unexpected properties that hint at the possible presence of water on the moon!

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

You may ask, "Is it important that there is water on the moon?"

The answer is: it's very important! Think about it, what does it mean if the moon really has water?

First of all, it will completely upend our traditional perception of the moon. For a long time, we thought of the moon as a big, dry rock, except for dust and dust. But if there is really water on the Moon, it means that it may be much more "active" than we think.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Secondly, the presence of water will greatly increase the likelihood of future lunar exploration and development. Imagine if we could extract and use water resources on the moon, the dream of a lunar base would no longer be out of reach. We can use lunar water to make oxygen for astronauts to breathe, and we can even use it to grow food or make rocket fuel. This is simply turning the moon into a "second home" for mankind!

But let's hold back the excitement for a moment and get back to reality. What exactly did Chang'e-6 discover that made scientists so excited?

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

The answer lies in that "superfluous" shovel of lunar soil. Scientists have found that the lunar soil on the far side of the moon is significantly different from the samples we have previously taken from the front side of the moon. These soils from the far side of the moon are more viscous and even appear in a state close to agglomeration. This property immediately caught the attention of scientists, as it could mean that the lunar soil contained more water.

You may ask, "Wait, isn't the Moon exposed to space all the time?" Shouldn't the water have evaporated a long time ago?"

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Indeed, the temperature on the surface of the moon varies greatly, from extremely hot to extremely cold. But scientists speculate that water may exist in the form of ice in the moon's permanently shadowed areas, especially in deep craters at the moon's poles. These places are sunless all year round and the temperatures are extremely low, providing an ideal "hiding place" for water ice.

There is also the possibility that water exists in a special form in lunar soil particles. They may combine with minerals in lunar soil to form a stable aqueous compound. This form of water does not evaporate easily and can persist for a long time even in the harsh environment of the lunar surface.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

The discovery of Chang'e-6 is actually based on a series of previous lunar exploration missions. Back in 2009, India's Chandrayaan-1 detected traces of water molecules on the surface of the moon. Later, the LCROSS mission of the United States found a large amount of water ice in a crater at the south pole of the moon.

The continent's lunar exploration program has also been contributing to unraveling the mysteries of the moon. From Chang'e-1 to Chang'e-5, each mission has brought us new discoveries and surprises. The discovery of Chang'e-6 is undoubtedly a perfect end to this series of achievements.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

However, scientific exploration never ends. The lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-6 are like a treasure chest full of treasures, waiting for scientists to open them. In addition to water, there may be other exciting discoveries in these lunar soils.

For example, lunar soil may contain rare or unknown minerals on Earth. These minerals may have unique physical or chemical properties that provide inspiration for the development of new materials. Imagine that one day, the screen of your mobile phone or the battery of your electric car may use new materials from the moon!

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Even more exciting is the possible presence of traces of organic molecules in the lunar soil. These organic molecules may be left behind when a comet or asteroid hits the moon, or they may be the product of the interaction of particles brought by the solar wind with lunar soil. In any case, they may provide important clues to our understanding of the origin of life.

The discovery of Chang'e-6 is not only a breakthrough in the scientific sense, but also a catalyst for imagination. It allows us to see the infinite possibilities of future lunar development.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Imagine that in the near future, the first permanent base of humanity may appear on the moon. Astronauts work and live there, using the moon's water resources for daily needs. They may grow vegetables in lunar greenhouses and study exotic minerals extracted from lunar soil in their labs.

This lunar base could become a springboard for humanity to explore the deeper reaches of the universe. Here, astronauts can acclimatize to the low-gravity environment in preparation for a trip to Mars. Scientists can use the "electromagnetic quiet zone" on the far side of the moon to build powerful radio telescopes to peek into the mysteries of the deep universe.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

The discovery of Chang'e-6 is like adding a strong touch to the long story of mankind's exploration of the universe. It not only demonstrates the strength of China's aerospace science and technology, but also opens up a new imagination space for all mankind.

From a simple decision to "dig one more shovel" to a major discovery that could change the future of humanity, the story of Chang'e-6 teaches us that we must always be curious and adventurous on the road of scientific exploration. Because you never know if the next shovel of lunar soil will hide a world-changing secret.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Humanity has left its footprints in every corner of the planet, and it's time to look further afield. The moon is just the beginning, and in the future, the entire solar system, and even more distant galaxies, will become a stage for human exploration. And all this may start with this shovel of lunar soil on Chang'e-6.

Perhaps in the near future, you and I will have the opportunity to set foot on the moon and experience the magic and beauty there. At that time, will we remember today's exciting discovery and marvel at the wonder of technology and human courage?

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel to discover the big secret, there may really be a water source on the moon?

Friends, what do you think of this discovery of Chang'e-6? If you had the chance, what would you most like to do on the moon? Let's imagine a better future for human beings to explore the universe!