
How Jews influenced China's economy for 100 years, behind two Opium Wars

author:Red stars in the sky

In 1840, the Opium War broke out, and China's door was forced to open, and the direction of history changed dramatically. But the real opponents of this war were not the British government and army as we knew them in the past. In fact, the real mastermind behind this is a mysterious organization called the East India Company.

How Jews influenced China's economy for 100 years, behind two Opium Wars

The East India Company, which sounds like the name of an ordinary commercial company, actually has more power than you can imagine. Not only was it a trading magnate chartered by the Queen of England, but it also had the power to rule the colonies on behalf of the British government, and even to wage war. In this Opium War, the East India Company played a key role.

Among the shareholders of the East India Company were a large number of Jewish financial families, the most prominent of which were the Rothschilds and Sassoons. The two families not only married, but were also the richest men in the world in the 19th century. Through the East India Company, they brought the opium trade to a climax and became the main force in drug trafficking and opium trafficking to China.

How Jews influenced China's economy for 100 years, behind two Opium Wars

In 1840, Lin Zexu sold cigarettes in Humen and destroyed nearly 20,000 pieces of opium. And nearly half of them belong to the Sassoon family. This feat not only shocked China and the rest of the world, but also inspired the strong will of the Chinese people to resist foreign aggression.

In the past, we have always believed that the British Parliament narrowly passed a bill in support of the British government's punitive war against China. However, new historical sources in recent years have revealed the astonishing truth: the British Parliament did not actually pass this bill, but rejected the East India Company's proposal for war against China with 271 votes against and 262 votes in favor!

How Jews influenced China's economy for 100 years, behind two Opium Wars

Although the British Parliament rejected the proposal for war, the British recruited fleet was already on its way to the Chinese expedition. This fleet was organized and dispatched by the British Prime Minister with the authorization of the East India Company to recruit mercenaries and warships. This also once again proved the key position of the East India Company in this war.

The Jews, who are now the de facto initiators of the Opium War, control the finances of the United States and control the media in order to convey values to the world. This has shaped them into a persecuted people, wise and resilient. Think of the Opium Wars and the Gaza Massacre today, how ridiculous!

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