
Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

author:Akaban soft-shelled turtle

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Corruption Exposed: A Dark Spot in Education Funding

In what should have been a new look, a stunned audit report quietly exposed one corruption drama after another. According to the State Council's Audit Report on the Implementation of the Central Budget and Other Financial Revenues and Expenditures in 2023, a total of 1.951 billion yuan of "student nutrition improvement projects" in 66 counties and districts across the country have been transferred to local governments to pay for local government liabilities and other expenditures unrelated to teaching. In addition, 1,533 primary and secondary schools in 41 counties and districts embezzled a total of 270 million yuan in education funds by reducing the level of food supply and forging purchase vouchers.
Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts


These funds, which were supposed to help poor children with their diets and ensure that they have enough energy and energy to study, have now been diverted to other places. It can be seen that behind this incident, it is no longer a purely financial operation, but a complex relationship composed of political and private interests. The illegal use of these public funds fully illustrates that there are major loopholes in the mainland's financial appropriations at all levels.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

The Ministry of Education and the suppliers are secretly colluding

Not only was the money siphoned off, but in some areas there were more hidden deals between the education bureaus and food suppliers. The report also revealed that the education bureaus of five counties colluded with the bidders to defraud 42.1602 million yuan of funds through dividends and donations from suppliers. This kind of "internal and external cooperation" not only undermines educational justice, but also betrays poor children. In addition, in this incident, 147 suppliers were suspected of cutting corners and shoddy, which directly threatened the food safety and quality of teachers and students.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

A regrettable compromise in the quality of supply

The cost of food quality far exceeds the total amount of food and is likely to affect food safety and the health of children. The nutritional status of primary school students' daily diets is closely related to their academic performance and growth status, and such indiscriminate collection is tantamount to depriving children of their future. However, 78 enterprises and individuals won the bid for 101 food projects in 35 provinces and cities due to illegal borrowing of qualifications, forgery of documents, bid-rigging and collusion, which is not only an illegal act, but also an ethical deficiency.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

Government oversight is inadequate

In addition, the relevant management departments and teachers and staff of 77 primary and secondary schools are suspected of abusing their powers and seeking personal interests in the supervision and management of canteens. In this case, it is not just the greed of some people, but the negligence of the system. Administrators, who are supposed to be the last resort to ensure that policies are implemented and vulnerable children who are helpless, are in fact part of a rigged game.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

The Black Hole of Education Funding: Exposing Corruption in the Education Sector

In this sacred place, once corruption is discovered, it causes a great shock. Recently, a new audit result showed that the education bureaus of five counties colluded with their suppliers to defraud a total of 42.1602 million yuan in bonuses and donations. The problem of corruption is not only about corruption, but also about the health and development of tens of thousands of young people, and about the fundamental issue of educational justice.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

The "Unspoken Rules" of the Supply Chain

Not only that, but outside the five counties, there has been more corruption in 147 vendors and many campus cafeterias. This phenomenon has made it impossible for teachers and students to eat normally, and has also deviated from the school's teaching objectives, as well as the school's purpose and public health philosophy. In addition, 78 enterprises and individuals obtained a total of 101 kinds of nutritious diets in 35 provinces and cities through forgery of materials, bid-rigging and collusion, etc., disrupting market fairness and bringing great hidden dangers to the nutrition and health of teachers and students.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

The root cause of the systemic problem

The root cause of the problem is institutional failure and ethical degradation. This kind of "collusion between officials and businessmen" is not an isolated case, and its root cause lies in the current system and the lack of a system. At present, the problem of corruption on the mainland has developed from a mere trade in money and grain to an intricate network of relations formed by the encroachment of interests and the abuse of power by various quarters.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

On the use and supervision of education funds

Everyone is very concerned about the use of education funds, after all, it is related to the health and quality of education of future generations. However, the diversion and misuse of funds to improve the nutritional level of students has caused serious social reactions. To ensure that everyone gets what they deserve, we must also have a more transparent system in place that allows all sectors of society to monitor where the money is going in real time.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

The long-term consequences of corruption

The consequences of corruption do not end with economic damage. In schools, if there is corruption, it affects the ethical norms and integrity system of the whole society. If children and parents know that even the most basic food supply is being corroded, their confidence in the public system is greatly reduced. The resulting crisis of "integrity" will directly threaten the legitimacy and effectiveness of national governance.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

Find out

In order to truly and effectively deal with corruption, in addition to having a firm will and deeds, it is also necessary to have the active participation and supervision of the broad masses. It is necessary to introduce a third-party evaluation and supervision organization to strengthen the intensity and frequency of internal audit work. At the same time, strict judicial measures must be taken against governments and suppliers suspected of corruption to ensure that they have sufficient deterrent effect.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

The strength and need for public regulation

"Tao Shun Finance" believes that on such a very sensitive and critical issue, how much impact transparency has on public opinion. If the specific actions of local authorities and the flow of funds are made transparent, parents and the public will not only be better informed about the use of funds, but also significantly improve the code of conduct of government departments. By establishing a transparent and open information system, it is possible to supervise the flow and direction of each payment, which can play a good role in curbing corruption.
Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

Build a good anti-corruption system

Under such circumstances, it is very important to establish a sound system for supervising and punishing corruption. It is necessary to strengthen the management of funds, establish a sound supervisory organ, strengthen the building of the legal system, and strengthen the management and supervision of funds. In line with this, it is necessary to establish a strict judicial punishment system to punish cadres and enterprises who embezzle public funds, so that they will have a certain deterrent effect. In addition, the inclusion of third-party regulatory forces such as civil society groups and news media in the regulatory mechanism can also make a more objective evaluation of the regulatory system.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

Community participation and obligation

To fundamentally solve the problem of education, it is inseparable from the extensive participation of the whole society. On this basis, parents, teachers, and ordinary people should also join the system. For example, parents can observe and discuss the use of funds through membership in the school management committee or through social media, so as to effectively supervise the administrative operation of the school. Teachers and principals should be more accountable to ensure that all decisions made on and off campus are reported in an open and transparent manner.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

Technical support and disclosure of information

The use of advanced information technology to improve the transparency of government actions and improve the effectiveness of government control. Through the establishment of an online platform, the State can publish the allocation, implementation and review of relevant funds in real time. The system not only enables parents and the public to access relevant information in real time, but also prevents or detects some possible abnormal behaviors through data analysis.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

Controversial ends: questions and prospects

Although the above methods seem to be perfect in principle, they face many problems in the implementation process, such as the impact of political factors, insufficient implementation or technical limitations. This requires us not only to think theoretically about the system, but also to implement it in concrete practice.

Sixty-six counties misappropriated subsidies for student nutritious meals to repay local debts

In addition, we should rationally look at the various voices of suspicion from all walks of life regarding this phenomenon of "corruption". Even so, you may ask, can we really solve the problem of the education system at its roots? This is as much a matter of tactics as it is of ethics. In the future, it will take a lot of hard work and wisdom to make the fair and rational use of education funds.

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