
The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

author:Enlighten Wisdom Pavilion
The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

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The North Drifter Youth Who Gave Up Their American Identity: A Journey of Choices and Dreams

In 2012, a piece of news like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples in China and the United States, Luo Xue, a young man from Beijing, made an unexpected decision after winning the title of "Best Seafarer" in the United States: what kind of untold story is hidden behind the renunciation of American citizenship and return to China? What prompted this young man, who had served on a U.S. aircraft carrier, to make such a choice?

The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

Time rewinds back to Luo Xue's youth, born in an ordinary family in Beijing, the love of his parents and the simple family style planted the seeds of responsibility and responsibility in his heart, Luo Xue, who loved learning since childhood, is eager to change his fate through knowledge, the haze of failing the college entrance examination once shrouded his life, in the face of the future, he was confused, but also hesitated, at that time, the rise of study abroad, Luo Xue saw hope, he decided to go to the ocean, to pursue his own dream

Chasing dreams in foreign countries: From language barriers to culture shock, he watered hope with sweat

Stepping on American soil alone, it was not smooth sailing to meet Luo Xue, language barriers, cultural differences, economic pressures, and the ensuing challenges tested his will, in order to pay for high tuition and living expenses, he had to study diligently while running around in various part-time jobs, in the restaurant, he served plates; In the library, he sorted out the books...... The hardships of life did not crush this strong Chinese guy, but sharpened his will and made him cherish the hard-won opportunity even more

The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

In a foreign country, Luo Xue overcame unimaginable difficulties, and finally relied on his own efforts to gain a firm foothold in the United States, just when he thought that life was about to get on the right track, fate played a joke with him, by chance, he came into contact with the United States Navy recruitment information, generous treatment and broad development prospects deeply attracted him, after careful consideration, Luo Xue decided to join the United States Navy, start a new life journey

Overcoming obstacles: From discrimination to recognition of his writing on the US aircraft carrier

As a foreign soldier, he not only had to overcome the language barrier, but also had to face the doubts and prejudices from his comrades, but he was not intimidated by the difficulties, but demanded himself with stricter standards, and proved his strength with practical actions

The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

Standing on the podium, Luo Xue had mixed feelings in his heart, looking back on the past, he was full of emotion, the aura of honor did not let him lose his way, in the depths of his heart, his thoughts about the motherland are increasing day by day, he is eager to put the knowledge and skills he has learned into the construction of the motherland, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Caring for the motherland: he embarked on the journey home with a dream and a mission

After careful consideration, Luo Xue made a decision that shocked everyone: give up everything in the United States and return to China, this decision means that he will bid farewell to the familiar environment and give up the privileged life, but he has no hesitation, because in his heart, there is always a voice calling: the motherland is his ultimate destination

The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

After returning to the motherland, Luo Xue did not choose a comfortable life, but actively devoted himself to the construction of the motherland, and he shared the valuable experience accumulated in the US aircraft carrier with the construction of the motherland without reservation, and contributed his own strength to the development of the Chinese Navy

From the Navy to the director: he uses the lens to record life and interpret patriotic feelings with actions

Taking off his uniform, Luo Xue chose to become a director, recording the changes of the times with the lens and conveying the feelings of his family and country with his works

The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

Luo Xue's story is the epitome of thousands of overseas travelers, who have dreams, go to the ocean, struggle in a foreign land, and finally choose to return to the embrace of the motherland, dedicating their youth and blood to this land that gave birth to themselves

The call of the times: every overseas child is a seed of hope

Luo Xue's story tells us that patriotism is never an empty slogan, but when the motherland needs it, stand up and contribute its own strength, in today's world, China's development is changing with each passing day, and more and more overseas talents choose to return to the embrace of the motherland, they take their dreams, with hope, shine in all walks of life, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

The guy served in the US aircraft carrier for a green card, and returned home after 4 years, bringing back a large number of "secrets"

Luo Xue's story continues, and there are many overseas children like him who care about the motherland, their choices, their contributions, have converged into a powerful force to promote China's continuous development, let us pay tribute to these overseas travelers who cherish the motherland!

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