
Chinese people spend millions to study abroad? Foreigners go to school in China but earn hundreds of thousands? Is it true?

author:Happy melon ftU

In today's globalization, studying abroad has become the preferred choice for many high-income families, more and more Chinese students choose to study abroad, and at the same time, foreign students have come to study in China. What are the complex reasons behind this phenomenon?

Chinese people spend millions to study abroad? Foreigners go to school in China but earn hundreds of thousands? Is it true?

High-quality educational resources in developed countries require high tuition fees

Some developed countries have invested heavily in the field of education, with the world's top teachers, advanced teaching facilities and rich academic resources, which makes their education quality have significant advantages in some aspects, which is also the most important reason to attract the majority of Chinese students to study abroad, and to study in developed countries means high tuition fees and related costs.

Some students whose family conditions are not very good can pay high fees through work-study, while some outstanding students with good academic performance can apply for scholarships to cover their own study expenses, but more international students are spending the money given by their families, and many of these students are just "gilding", these people are either not interested in learning, or their academic performance is not good, so it will give people the impression that Chinese people have to spend millions to study abroad.

Chinese people spend millions to study abroad? Foreigners go to school in China but earn hundreds of thousands? Is it true?

The cost of living is high in developed countries

When Chinese students go to some developed countries to study, in addition to tuition fees, living expenses are also a large expense, especially in cities with higher living costs, such as London, New York, Sydney, etc., and accommodation and living expenses often account for the majority of study expenses.

Housing prices in developed countries are generally much higher than in China, which means that rents will remain high, and at the same time, the strict quality and safety standards in developed countries have increased the cost of production and supply to a certain extent, thus affecting the price of goods and services.

Chinese people spend millions to study abroad? Foreigners go to school in China but earn hundreds of thousands? Is it true?

Limited scholarship opportunities

As mentioned above, many Chinese students are just going to "gild", they don't really attach so much importance to learning, they just hope to "learn something" and then have a greater competitiveness after returning to China. In this case, the scholarship opportunities in developed countries are very limited, and under the trade-off, there will be very few mainland students who can get scholarships abroad, which also reflects their high consumption.

However, foreigners who come to study in the mainland can often earn hundreds of thousands of dollars back, why is this? In fact, the current world ranking of universities is based on the number of international students, and if the first-class universities in China want to have a higher influence, they must meet the number of international students, and the government can only attract more foreigners to study in China by increasing subsidies and giving scholarships in order to achieve this indicator.

Chinese people spend millions to study abroad? Foreigners go to school in China but earn hundreds of thousands? Is it true?

Chinese Government Scholarship

In order to attract international students, the government provides the Chinese Government Scholarship, which mainly covers tuition, accommodation, living expenses and insurance fees. If foreign students do not spend this fee extravagantly, they can basically live in China for "free" during their study abroad.

Local Government & College Scholarships

In addition to the Chinese Government Scholarship, some local governments and institutions also provide scholarships, although they may not include living allowances, but they can reduce the overall cost of international students. With the joint blessing of many scholarships, it is difficult to make money without thinking, and foreign friends may sigh at this time: "Money is really easy to earn!" ”

Chinese people spend millions to study abroad? Foreigners go to school in China but earn hundreds of thousands? Is it true?

The cost of Chinese students studying abroad is much higher than that of foreign students studying in China, forming a certain "reverse study difference", which actually reflects the imbalance of educational exchanges. In order to close this gap, Chinese universities need to improve the quality of their education and international competitiveness, attract more outstanding international students, and at the same time, adjust their education policies to achieve a balanced development of exchanges, so that more Chinese students can enjoy similar scholarship opportunities for foreign students.

Write at the end

The fact that Chinese students often need to spend millions of dollars on tuition fees while foreign students in China can receive generous scholarships is the result of a combination of factors, reflecting both the uneven distribution of global educational resources and the differences in education policies between countries.

It is believed that with the continuous development of global education, this disparity will gradually decrease, and a more equitable and reasonable allocation of educational resources will be realized.

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