
Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

author:What have you eaten lately

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious.

Beef roasted vegetables

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

Whoever invented this way of eating, this beef roast vegetable was amazed! It's really delicious. Corn and broccoli are crispy, sweet and refreshing!! The beef is charred and delicious.

Ingredients: beef, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, carrots, corn

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

Cut the beef into cubes, add 1 tablespoon of oil, salt to taste, and chopped black pepper and marinate for 20 minutes.

Blanch the broccoli and carrots. Pour together broccoli, carrots, corn and cherry tomatoes, add 1 tablespoon of oil, salt and chopped black pepper and mix well.

Put the beef, corn and carrots in the air fryer at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, turn over and bake for 10 minutes, pour the broccoli and cherry tomatoes and bake for another 8 minutes.

Baked potato sausage pie

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

This baked potato sausage cake really made me smell so good!! That is to say, it is really fragrant, and it is charred and fragrant outside, and you can sprinkle some chili powder or salt and pepper powder out of the pot. The recipe is simple and delicious.

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, sausage, starch

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

Roasted cauliflower

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

This roasted cauliflower is really amazing, it is really fragrant and crispy, especially delicious, it is also very good as a snack during the fat loss period, and the sisters who like to eat cauliflower must do it, it is particularly delicious.

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

Roasted pumpkin with garlic

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

The garlic roasted pumpkin directly confused me, it is really fragrant and delicious, the pumpkin is rusty and glutinous, the garlic is very strong, and the method is simple.

Ingredients: Baby pumpkin, garlic

Underestimate the power of the air fryer, it's so delicious

What I have eaten recently, I will share with you detailed home-cooked food, local delicacies, home-cooked snacks ......and so on, and welcome you to give more advice to you who love to eat! Conduct in-depth research, thus cultivating a deep understanding of food, and if you like it, you may wish to pay attention to it. #万能生活指南##记录我的2024##头条创作挑战赛#